

Participate in Who’s Who in Jordan’s ICT 2022 (Digital & Print Editions)


MediaScope is pleased to announce the 2022 edition of “Who’s Who in Jordan’s Information & Communication Technology (ICT)” print and digital editions to be published in April, 2022.

Three thousand and five hundred copies of the print edition of  “Who’s Who in Jordan’s ICT 2022” will be distributed FREE to ICT clients and companies in Jordan and the region, in cooperation with int@j, in addition to distribution at ICT exhibitions and events.

The content is also digitally available , in addition to utilization of our email and social media channels throughout the year:

  • The website at, which includes comprehensive search functionality for company and staff names, client names, products and services offered, brands and intellectual property, dealerships, countries served and more.
  • We distribute a full PDF of the 2022 edition, free to thousands of readers Jordan, who will be able to download it from a link sent via email, SMS and WhatsApp or to download it from our website.
  • We will send mailshots to promote this publication, which will include your company logo as a participant.
  • Your profile will be posted and promoted on our social media channels. Also, your news and announcements will be posted throughout the year:

As an int@j Member, you have the opportunity to participate at a considerable discount, arranged by int@j and MediaScope. Participants get a Company Profile with complete information, logos, key staff names and photos and much more in the print and digital editions.

This publication offers One Page or Two Page Profiles to participating companies:

* Normal Rate for One Page Profile = JD 295 + Sales Tax

int@j Member Rate for One Page Profile = JD 245 + Sales Tax

* Normal Rate for Two Page Profile = JD 395 + Sales Tax

int@j Member Rate for Two Page Profile = JD 345 + Sales Tax

(Rates include publishing the profile in print and online editions)

Advertising Pages are also available to int@j members (including inside pages and premium pages) at a special rate. Advertisers also receive Banner Advertising in the online edition.

Check the official Media Kit for this publication, including further information regarding content, sections, opportunities and rates,  noting that the deadline to confirm your participation is 28 February, 2022.

Kindly contact MediaScope or int@j before that date to participate in the next edition of “Who’s Who in Jordan’s ICT”.

MediaScope contact: Mohammed Aqel, Tel 06-5538369, Mobile 079-0263393, Email:


Thank you in advance for your cooperation and consideration,

ICT Association of Jordan – int@j