

Gender Diversity Management GDM intervention for ICT SMEs


We are excited to invite you to join us in the Gender Diversity Management GDM intervention funded by the GIZ and implemented by Sarh International for Consulting and Training under int@j WEE Unit – SHETECHS.

We believe that by participating in this program, you will be able to help us achieve our goal of increasing the number of women in the field. It is our hope that by developing a clear plan for improving diversity, we can help bring about change and make a difference in the world.

We think that your participation in this program would be a great benefit to both your business and the community at large. The GDM intervention will give you access to resources such as training sessions, workshops, coaching sessions, and networking events.

It will also provide you with access to valuable data about your own company’s progress towards achieving gender equality within its ranks.

This data can then be used by you as evidence when applying for grants or seeking funding from investors who want to see proof of commitment towards improving diversity within companies before contributing financially towards initiatives like these.

If you agree with our vision for this project and would like to participate as an active member of our team working towards achieving gender equality within businesses across Jordan then please register through the following form

Best Regards,
