

ICT students – internships opportunities


LTUC, part of Luminus Education, received fund from Partners For Good (PFG) organization to offer paid internships for our graduates.

We are looking for companies and organizations who need support in the technology field to offer them free services.

  • What you will pay: Nothing! We will pay a monthly salary for each intern.
  • How long is the internship? 3 months.
  • Does the company have to hire them? You don’t have to, but if you find them a good support for you, feel free to offer them jobs at your company. This is just an option!
  • What our interns can do: Software Development (web, frontend, backend, etc.), Cyber Security, Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, and Cloud Computing.
  • What is the level of these interns: All of them hold at least British Diploma (Pearson) in the subject of your need.
  • Do the interns have experience? They don’t have any previous experience, but our programs are completely practical, and we are confident that they will be a big help for your organization.

** Interested companies can contact directly @Ahmad Abdullah Alawad @Lara Fayes Al-Khazaleh from LMNS.