Invitation May MMM: “Innovation in Cyber Security”
int@j is pleased to invite you to participate in May Members Monthly Meetings (MMM) titled “Innovation in Cyber Security”, on Monday 31st of May, 4 to 5:30 PM
The meeting aims to share & exchange knowledge and experience related to
- What are the local and regional opportunities in the Cyber Security domain?
- Is COVID-19 pandemic including remote work and more enterprises adopting digital transformation affecting the cyber security requirements and/or creating more opportunities?
- Is there a need to have localized solutions in the domain of Cyber Security?
- Is it important to have local innovative IPs by Jordanian ICT Companies in the domain of Cyber Security? Or being just a distributor and/or integrator is good enough?
- What is needed to create an innovative product or solution in the domain of Cyber Security?

Your good self and your concerned team are more than welcome to join and interact in this meeting
If you are interested to attend this meeting, you are kindly requested to register by filling up the registration form: http://intaj.net/mmm/ , and accordingly, you will receive the link to the meeting.