int@j is pleased to invite you to participate in February Members Monthly Meetings (MMM) titled ”Jordanian ICT Export Development: Why? What? How? Who?? ” , On Thursday 25th of February 2021 at 4:00PM
the meeting will be Addressing the following:
- Why there is a need to increase the Export Value of Jordanian ICT Product, Solutions and Services?
- What Products, Solutions and Services should Jordanian ICT Sector Companies Focus on When Planning to Export?
- How can Jordanian ICT Companies increase the Export Value of their products, solutions and/or services?
- Who shall the Jordanian ICT Sector Companies Export to?
Your good self and your concerned team are more than welcome to join and interact in this meeting.
If you are interested to attend this meeting, you are kindly requested to register by sending an email to suzan.yaish@intaj.net including name, company, position, email, and mobile number; accordingly, you will receive the link to the meeting.
