Invitation to June MMM “Is IT Outsourcing an Opportunity for Jordanian IT Companies”
int@j is pleased to invite you to participate in June Members Monthly Meetings (MMM) titled ” Is IT Outsourcing an Opportunity for Jordanian IT Companies”, on Wednesday 30 of June, 4 to 5:30 PM
The purpose of this meeting aims is to share & exchange knowledge and experience related to the following:
- What is IT Outsourcing?
- What are the best practices in IT Outsourcing?
- Can Jordan compete in providing IT Outsourcing services?
- Are there global opportunities for Jordanian IT Companies in the domain of IT Outsourcing?
- Who are the competitors of the providers of IT Outsourcing outside Jordan? And why?
- What is needed to make Jordan an IT Outsourcing hub in the Region?
Your good self and your concerned team are more than welcome to join and interact in this meeting.
If you are interested to attend this meeting, you are kindly requested to register by filling up the registration form, and accordingly, you will receive the link to the meeting.
