

SAWI Project “Support and Accelerate Women’s Inclusion”


SAWI Project ”Support and Accelerate Women’s Inclusion”, is our new project that is funded by the US State Department and the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), implemented by the American University of Beirut and BPWA is the local partner.

SAWI Project was built based on the regional findings on KIP Index project and aims to work directly with a network of selected local employers to develop, improve, and implement inclusive human resource (HR) policies and practices for the better recruitment, retention, and promotion of women, with a focus on higher education, STEM, healthcare, and banking across eight countries –  Tunisia, Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Iraq, and Libya.


SAWI Project objectives:

Ø  Map the current Recruitment, Retention, and Promotion Policies in the Arab MENA countries.

Ø  Partner with employers to craft concrete action plans for the responsible inclusion of women in the workplace.

Ø  Create a network of MENA employers championing inclusion policies that will work to improve women’s economic participation in the region.


Based on that we will work with companies in four sectors to draft policies focusing on improving Recruitment, Retention and Promotion, alleviating barriers, and supporting women’s formal employment. We appreciate it if you can nominate 3 companies in the STEM sector based on the following criteria:

  • Local company
  • The company should have a minimum of 50 employees.
  • The company should nominate a local employee.
  • The employee should be a decision-maker from the HR department or the department that is responsible for amending and developing company policies and laws.