Support for a pilot project in Jordan
Thaki and Anera are implementing a project funded by the Catalyst Foundation for Universal Education in vulnerable communities as an after-school, non-formal educational program. This initiative will equip teachers and children with valuable skills needed to fill the gaps in their education and provide skills for future employability.
The donated laptops will be preloaded with a rich array of educational materials and resources and will be introduced in vulnerable communities with training to support teachers and students in e-learning strategies in an effort to improve digital literacy.
In addition to providing access to remote learning opportunities for students 10-12 years of age, you and your company will be part of a green solution that aims to keep harmful toxic waste out of landfills.
To donate, e-mail Carina Aoun, Anera’s Field Manager in Jordan at anerajordan@anera.org
You can learn more about this project here
