Event Details

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The workshop will be co-hosted by int@j and GreenfieldCities.

Objectives of the workshop are threefold :-

  • Introduction of GreenfieldCities project to the ICT private sector
  • Introduction to TechSquad program of Int@j
  • Find required conditions for ICT companies and experts to do business at the Mafraq business campus that GreenfieldCities develops


09:30 -10:00 Arrival and coffee
10:00-10:15 Presentation: Mafraq business campus by GreenfieldCities
10:15-10:30 Presentation: TechSquad program by int@j
10:30-12:00 Plenary questions and answers  including open discussion with outcome: required conditions for ICT companies and experts to do business at the Mafraq business campus


GreenfieldCities works in Mafraq to create a clean-tech business campus, a truly enabling environment for ICT companies and ICT experts. The business campus aims to offer attractive services and incentives for ICT companies, their talented employees and ICT start-ups. The basis provision consists of high-quality data- and communication infrastructure and energy-efficient real estate with lucrative rental agreements, including incubation space.

GreenfieldCities complements this with sustainable management, tax-breaks, a clear regulatory framework, and the facilitation of import and export to ensure that ICT businesses on the campus can focus on their core business. ICT businesses will find trained and high-skilled human resources who live on the campus and require reasonable salaries. The sustainable housing and services on the campus offer a quality of living that cannot be found yet in Mafraq, and will make ICT employees and trainers more productive. Next to such services, ICT businesses can use the innovative and sustainable character of the campus and the ICT incubator to promote their businesses with clients, while contributing to solving major challenges of Mafraq.

So if your company

  • has affinity with CSR, especially with job creation, education, youth, environment and/or clean-tech innovation in food, water and energy
  • has interest to grow its footprint without dependency on Amman
  • has interest in training programs

And if you are interested to explore these new projects and their potential for your business, please confirm your participation by sending an e-mail including the number and names of attendees to suzan.yaish@intaj.net by the end of September 19th, 2018.