Members News

Gulf Bank selects SEDCO solutions to upgrade to virtual queuing for a safer customer journey

In line with its digital transformation strategy, Gulf Bank has evolved its queue management system with SEDCO virtual queuing solutions to ensure a better and safer customer journey amid the COVID-19 pandemic

Integrated Technology Group completes the second phase of e-services automation project at JIC

A New Strategic Alliance between Ibn Al Haytham Hospital and ESKADENIA Software

This strategic cooperation agreement includes providing Ibn Al Haytham Hospital with ESKA® Carenet, ESKADENIA’s state-of-the-art Hospital Management System that streamlines hospital operations, from patient admission to patient discharge

إطلاق الحملة الوطنية صنعتي بصمتي لتشجيع المهن الحرفية

تسلّط الحملة التوعوية الضوء على الفرص العديدة المتاحة في مجال المهن الحرفية مثل الحدادة، والحلاقة، والتجميل، وميكانيك السيارات، والتمديدات الصحية، وصيانة الأجهزة الخلوية، عبر زيادة الوعي حول المهن الحرفية المختلفة

Orange Jordan Offers Its Support for “I Learn” Initiative

Orange Jordan supported  “I Learn” initiative’s campaign “Darsi Be Edak”, which was launched in partnership with Jordan Ice & Aerated Water Company – Pepsi Jordan and the Ministry of Youth

AlDaman for Investment Company launches its new website in collaboration with Echo Technology

AlDaman for Investment Company launches its new website in collaboration with Echo Technology

EU and Orange Jordan to create the Innovation Space project in Jordan

the European Union and Orange Jordan signed a €7.3 million agreement to create a new Innovation Space that promotes private sector-led innovation and digital economy in Jordan.

SAP Provides Immediate Disaster Relief to Beirut

To support Lebanon’s immediate disaster relief operations

Jordan Telecom Company Distributes JD 15 Million in Cash Dividends on Shareholders

during its 25th annual Ordinary General Assembly meeting which was held on Thursday via audiovisual technology (AGMPro), the Board of Director’s recommendations to distribute cash dividends of JD 15 million (80 Fils/share).

Sands National Academy Collaborates with ESKADENIA Software to Boost EduTech

ESKADENIA Software, a leading provider of best-in-class business systems that accelerate digital transformation, is pleased to announce that Sands National Academy (SNA), a private school located in Amman, Jordan, has selected ESKADENIA Software to enhance their digitalization process

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