5G Summit

Arab Advisors Group is pleased to offer Int@j’s members a very special offer to Join us at our upcoming regional 5G summit on 6th June 2023, in The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Amman.
int@j members can exclusively register for US$ 375 per delegate, The offer is valid until the day of the event.
The summit is the right place to address an exclusive audience of telecom, technology, and media decision-makers. Meet a special line-up of influential speakers addressing the latest advancements in 5G technology and its impact on businesses.
to benefit from this offer, register by sending an email to Ms. Rula Jabr <rula.jabr@arabadvisors.com> mentioning in the subject line “int@j member” noting that the basic registration fee is US $750 plus 16% sales tax, this includes lunch refreshments and full conference documentation.
For more details please visit our website: www.5gsummit.me