We invite you to become a Certified IoT Specialist (CIoTS)
Register in the First Official Certification in IoT (CIoTS) in Jordan and the Arab World from the Global ICT Training and Certification, Singapore.

Course Information
The Certification is awarded by Global ICT Training & Certification (GICT), Singapore
This Program is in Partnership with The Information and Communications Technology (Int@j),
And is conducted by Eng. Feras Diab, our only regional and local Certified Trainer in CIoTS and other IoT certification programs with experience in 22 years in Digital Transformation
Course Outcome
- Gain knowledge on the overview concepts and main components of IoT
- Obtain skills to set up Raspberry Pi, run Node-Red interface and send a message using Raspberry Pi through MQTT
- Acquire knowledge on how to interpret product datasheet and identify key specifications of the product
- Be intensively familiar with the role of data mining, business analytics, and big data technologies in IoT
- Acquire programming skills (Python/Arduino) for IoT
- Get skilled in writing a program to interact with the sensors to accomplish set tasks
Software used: Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Blynk, Mosquitto MQTT, Ubuntu, RapidMiner.
Course Duration
Course Fee
Original List Price: 1100 JD (before the Scholarship)
For registration and get more information about the program, please visit our website:
Note: to get the Scholarship, please fill the form in the link below, answer some questions about your knowledge in IoT and how you are going to use this course and certificate,
and we will contact you if you deserve the Scholarship
If you have any question, please send an Email to info@connectionofthings.com Or call us: 00962786183494