Order Number In order to ensure serving company members of int@j to the maximum, it is highly appreciated to receive your honest feedback through filling the below 2-minutes survey (int@j Members Satisfaction Survey) Full Name * Email Address * Mobile Company Name Position The company is a member of int@j * Yes No 1- Please provide your feedback on int@j Services : 1.1 Advocacy with Policy Makers * Excellent Good Average Poor Comments (Optional) 1.2 Assisting in Accessing Markets * Excellent Good Average Poor Comment (Optional) 1.3 Online Events * Excellent Good Average Poor Comment (Optional) 1.4 Providing Business Opportunities * Excellent Good Average Poor Comment (Optional) 2- Did you benefit from int@j regarding the below? 2.1 Tax and legal Advisory sessions during full/partial lockdown and afterwards: * Yes No I was not aware of any 2.2 Permits * Yes No I did not know about it 2.3 Vaccination * Yes No I did not know about it 3- Access To Talents My Company was able to find talents among: 3.1 SHETECHS Graduates * Yes No Did Not know about this opportunity 3.2 Luminus Bootcamp Graduates * Yes No Did Not know about this opportunity 3.3 Orange Academy Graduates * Yes No Did Not know about this opportunity 3.4 Al Hussein Technical University (HTU) Bootcamp Graduates * Yes No Did Not know about this opportunity 3.5 Education for Employment (EFE) * Yes No Did Not know about this opportunity 3.6 SAGO Training Bootcamp Graduates * Yes No Didn’t Know about this opportunity 3.7 Kalamntina (https://kalamntina.com/) and KalaTechs (https://kalatechs.com/) * Yes No Did Not know about this opportunity 3.8 Others (Please specify) 4- Challenges/Communication 4.1 How do you evaluate int@j ability to address sector challenges? * Excellent Good Average Poor 4.2 How do you evaluate int@j communication with its members? * Excellent Good Average Poor 5- The following questions are related to your participation in events organized by int@j 5.1 Have you participated in any of the online events of int@j this year? * Yes No Never heard about them 5.2 How often do you attend int@j Monthly Members Meetings (MMM)? * Never Occasionally Always Never heard about them 5.3 How often do you share your company’s news/promotions to int@j to be published and announced through its channels? * Never Occasionally Always Never heard about them 5.4 Have you benefitted of any of YTJ / MODEE Programs such as GrowJo? * Yes No I never heard about such programs 5.5 Is your company listing its IPs/Brands on http://ipreach.jo/? * Yes No I never heard about it Not relevant to our company 6- How do you rate the following communication channels of int@j 6.1 Website * Excellent Good Average Poor 6.2 Emails * Excellent Good Average Poor 6.3 Weekly Newsletter * Excellent Good Average Poor 6.4 Social Media * Excellent Good Average Poor 6.5 Personal Contact/meetings * Excellent Good Average Poor 7- Are there any comments/feedback/suggestions you would like to share? 7.1 comments/feedback/suggestions Thank you for your high cooperation and support!