INJAZ was founded in 1999 as a project under (Save the Children Organization) programs. In 2001, INJAZ became an independent, nonprofit Jordanian organization (INJAZ is a private shareholding company that does not aim to achieve profit with a capital of 50,000 Jordanian dinars, registered under the Private Shareholding Companies Register under No. (101)). Building on its mission to inspire and prepare youth to become productive members in their society and accelerate the development of the national economy through contributing to the advancement of the education and entrepreneurship ecosystems, INJAZ has established itself over the past 22 years as a leading solution provider linking the public, private, and civil society sectors to bridge the skills gap between the educational system and the changing needs of the labor market
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General Info
شركة إنجاز لتهيئة الفرص للشباب الاردني
ISIC Activities
Vertical Specialty
Education and Research, Other
Staff details are for int@j records only and won't be visible to public
Contact Details

(20) Mecca Street, Salam Neighborhood P.O. Box 910542, Amman 11191, Jordan

+962 (6) 5657410
+962 (6) 5657406