The House of Representatives launches its new website in collaboration with Echo Technology following the latest international standards and best practices in terms of design and development


Through the website , citizens can interact with the parliament, reach out to representatives and participate in the decision-making process, as the site includes all draft laws, sessions’ agendas and their summaries, and the work of the committees, with the possibility of viewing the detailed records since 1921, and the CV of each representative.


The website is managed using EB V4.0 content management system by Echo Technology that proved its efficiency and effectiveness in providing high capabilities in terms of editing and publishing content through an easy and user-friendly experience.

The EB V4.0 CMS provides a strong foundation for comprehensive digital management through its:

  • Content scheduling
  • Content Versioning
  • Advanced workflows for content review.
  • Unlimited number of informative and list pages.
  • Form Builder Module
  • Design Templates
  • Notifications and user collaboration features

And many out-of-the-box modules