Umniah has appointed Alaa Ibrahim as a Technical consultant. Ibrahim has a distinguished professional with a record in the field of communications engineering and over 25 years of telecommunications experience.
Ibrahim has held numerous positions in international companies throughout his 25 years of experience, the most recent of which was Chief Digital Officer (CDO) at Beltone Financial in Cairo, and Technology Group Director at VEON, a global telecommunications provider based in Amsterdam. Prior to that, Ibrahim held the position of Chief Technology Officer at Djezzy in Algeria as well as several positions at Orascom Telecom, Alcatel, and Telecom Egypt. Ibrahim’s experience in the field of communications was garnered by working in several countries across Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Throughout his career Ibrahim was able to add significant value to each of the operations he worked with, utilizing his unique skillset which include leadership, the ability to build, manage, and motivate diverse multinational teams, the development and implementation of technical communication strategies, project management, vendor management, and the leadership of transformational projects and major cost optimization projects.
The team at Umniah looks forward to Ibrahim’s contributions in his new role and the tremendous impact he will make in the technical division especially with the global technological changes we are witnessing, particularly as Jordan embarks on the launch of the fifth-generation services in the coming months.