
أمر الدفاع رقم ( 26 ) لسنة 2021غرفة تجارة عمان

المتعلق بالتأكيد على الاجراءات الوقائية والتباعد وارتداء الكمامات


استبيان للتحضير لإعداد السياسة الوطنية لريادة الأعمال – تمديد الموعد النهائيوزارة الاقتصاد الرقمي والريادة

تمديد الموعد النهائي لتعبئة الاستبيان لغاية يوم الخميس القادم الموافق 11/03/2021


Invitation to HQ’s MENA Bridge for Startups Virtual EventHatch Quarter

a global bridge program—is designed to give exceptional Australian companies the tools and connections


Invitation to attend February MMM titled: Jordanian ICT Export Development: Why? What? How? Who??int@j

Thursday 25th of February 2021 at 4:00PM


Support for a pilot project in JordanThaki and Anera

donate gently used laptops and desktops so we can put them in the hands of students who have the right to access equal digital learning opportunities


MENA Strategies for Inclusive Workplaces | New free course by AUB OSB Exec Ed-CIBLThe American University of Beirut

the program will inform, engage and connect executives, HR managers and key decision makers using solution-driven and tailor-made content for the region


Upskill your People with Better Business 2021 Arabic Online Training ProgramBetter Business

Arabic online training programs


ICT-related event taking place in AUSTRIA soon: ABA’S OPEN DAY 2021ABA – Invest in Austria

11 of March, 09.00am (CET)


Participate in Who’s Who in Jordan’s ICT 2021MediaScope

Deadline to confirm your participation is 11 March 2021


SAP Business One Overview WebinarAdvanced Business Solutions

February 25th ,12 PM - 1 PM GMT+2 (JO)

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