Mansour: Orange Jordan Operates with Local Spirit & Global Standards in Line with Group’s Vision


Orange Group wrapped up its participation in the Mobile World Congress (MWC 2024), the biggest mega event for ICT companies in the world, which took place in Barcelona, Spain, from February 26th to 29th, and called from there to adopt innovation in order to prioritize the digital transformation vision and translate it into a reality which requires concerted efforts at the global level.
Orange Group’s subsidiaries were part of the pavilion where the Group showcased its revolutionary set of digital solutions and investments in 5G infrastructure with the aim of anticipating the customers’ needs in all countries where the Group possesses a geographical presence. The advanced solutions will contribute to the improvement of various sectors as well as the enhancement of the quality of life. The Group also introduced a number of advanced technological applications such as robotics that will play a more significant role in the business sector in the upcoming years, virtual stadiums’ applications and other technologies, while highlighting its ongoing efforts to promote sustainability.
Through its pavilion named “Innovation Approach”, the Group shed light on the latest technological environmental-related solutions, and the best way to utilize technology in general and artificial intelligence in specific to upgrade sports activities. The Group underscored the importance of Cybersecurity solutions and their role in countering cyberattacks.
Orange Jordan, represented by the CEO Philippe Mansour, participated in the Congress, and exchanged experiences with attendees from telecom operators, network services providers, and investors in the digital sector. On the sideline of the MWC, Mansour stressed that “innovation” and “joint forces” are the pillars of materializing the digital transformation vision not only on the local level but also on the global one. He proudly referred to Orange Jordan’s experience in the Jordanian market where Orange was the first telecom operator to launch the actual experience of the 5G services.
During the Congress, the “Max it” application’s features were showcased, and it is active in the companies in several African countries. In this context, Orange Jordan, which operates with a local spirit and global standards inspired by the Group’s vision, announced that the application will be launched before the end of year. It will serve as an umbrella for all the electronic services provided by Orange Jordan for telecommunications, financial services, e-commerce and others, which in total enhances the customer experience in an unprecedented way, noting that the application is available to subscribers of other networks.
Within its endeavors to enhance the solutions provided to businesses in all countries it operates, the Group has unveiled “Mobile Private Network (MPN)” which is a new private cloud technology that works via the 5G and it is expected to revolutionize the world of communications.
The new technology combines cloud features with 5G-software-based to help businesses turn their digitization vision into a reality. The new service will not only benefit the business sector, but will also enter the world of entertainment by providing viewers who look forward to the world’s biggest sporting event this year, which is the Olympic Games 2024 in Paris, to catch up on the competition through 5GMPN technology which promises to deliver an exceptional speed.
It is worth mentioning that the Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA) organized Mobile World Congress, which is an exceptional platform for exchanging ideas and discussing the latest developments in the ICT sector, attracting more than 100,000 visitors from around the world every year.

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منصّة زين تتيح الفرصة لـ 4 شركات ناشئة للمشاركة في مؤتمر Leap 2024 التقني في الرياض

  لتواصل دعمها للشركات الناشئة الأردنية للوصول إلى الأسواق العالمية، وتمكينها من النمو والتوسّع وزيادة فرصها للحصول على الاستثمار؛ أتاحت منصّة زين للإبداع (ZINC)  الفرصة لـ 4 شركات ناشئة أردنية عاملة في المجال التقني، للمشاركة وحضور أعمال الدورة الثالثة من مؤتمر “Leap 2024” التقني، الذي تستضيفه العاصمة السعودية الرياض خلال الفترة من 4 إلى 7 آذار، تحت شعار “آفاق جديدة”.

واختارت منصّة زين للإبداع الشركات الناشئة الأردنية للمشاركة في هذا المؤتمر الهام بناءً على المجالات التي تعمل بها هذه الشركات، وأدائها في السوق المحلّي، وملائمتها للسوق السعودي وإمكانية جذبها للاستثمارات هناك، ومواكبتها لأحدث التكنولوجيا لتطوير أعمالها بشكل متسارع، حيث تم منح هذه الفرصة لثلاث شركات ناشئة من الشركات التي تم اختيارها مؤخراً ضمن النسخة السادسة من برنامج زين المبادرة -أحد أهم برامج ومبادرات المنصة لدعم الرياديين الأردنيين- وهي كل من شركة (تمرّس-Tamarras) ، وشركة (Semesteer) العاملتين في مجال التعليم التقني، وشركة (Qaleb) التي تقدّم نماذج جرافيك ومنتجات رقمية تحمل الطابع العربي والإسلامي، lبالإضافة إلى شركة (Gamerg)  العاملة في مجال صناعة الألعاب والرياضات الإلكترونية، وهي واحدة من الشركات الناشئة التي انضمت مؤخراً لبرنامج الاحتضان الذي تقدّمه منصّة زين للإبداع.

ويعد مؤتمر Leap 2024 منصّة تجمع بين المبتكرين والمستثمرين في مجال التقنية، حيث يشارك فيه ما يزيد عن 1000 شركة عالمية ومحلية عاملة في المجال التقني ومجال الذكاء الاصطناعي حول العالم، أبرزها غوغل، ومايكروسوفت، وديل، وسيسكو، وعلي بابا، وهواوي وغيرها، وأكثر من 1000 خبير ومتحدّث من 180 دولة حول العالم ومن أبرز الشخصيات من الوسط التقني، منهم أرفيند كريشنا الرئيس والمدير التنفيذي لشركة “آي بي إم”، وأنطونيو نيري الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة “هويت باكارد إنتربرايز”، وإريك يوان الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة زوم، وبورجي إيكهولم الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة إريكسون، بالإضافة إلى مجموعة من الشركات الناشئة والمبتكرين والرياديين، لمناقشة مستقبل التقنية والذكاء الاصطناعي واستعراض أحدث الابتكارات.

كما يضم المؤتمر العديد من الفعاليات وورش العمل والجلسات الحوارية والمسابقات، ويسلّط الضوء على الشركات الناشئة والأعمال الريادية والابتكار، واستعراض الفرص الاستثمارية، مما يتيح المجال للشركات الناشئة الأردنية لاستعراض أعمالها أمام نخبة من المستثمرين وأصحاب كبريات الشركات، والاطلاع على أعمال الشركات العاملة في ذات المجال، وتبادل الخبرات مع أصحاب الأعمال المتواجدين هناك.

SkyTech awarded the Gender Diversity Management Certificate



SkyTech is delighted to be awarded the Gender Diversity Management Certificate!

This achievement highlights our ongoing efforts to cultivate an environment where diverse perspectives are valued and promoted.

We remain committed to fostering inclusivity and equality in all aspects of our organization.


بنك الإسكان “Top Employer Jordan 2024 ” للعام الثاني على التوالي

حصل بنك الإسكان على شهادة “Top Employer Jordan2024” في الأردن، والمقدمة من منظمة Top Employers Institute، التي تكرّم المؤسسات التي تنجح في توفير أعلى معايير الجودة والتميز في بيئة العمل الداعمة والتمكينية والمهنية لجميع موظفيها.

وتسلّم البنك شهادته للمرة الثانية على التوالي، ممثلاً بنائب رئيس- مدير الموارد البشرية، سوزان الشنطي، ضمن حفل الجائزة الذي أقيم مؤخراً في دبي/ الإمارات العربية المتحدة.

وبهذا التصنيف يحتفظ البنك بريادته في طليعة مؤسسات القطاع المصرفي والمالي؛ حيث لا يدخر جهداً للحفاظ على تميز بيئة عمله الداخلية، ومواصلة استقطاب الكفاءات والمواهب ليضيف لفريقه المتميز والمؤهل والذي يزيد عن 3 آلاف موظفة وموظف، وتطبيق أفضل المعايير في تطوير موظفيه من خلال التدريب والتحفيز، وبما يتناسب مع استراتيجيته التشغيلية وأهدافه الداعمة للابتكار والتكامل والتنوع والشمول.

وفي تعليق لها بهذه المناسبة، أعربت الشنطي عن فخرها بحصول بنك الإسكان على شهادة Top Employer للعام الثاني على التوالي، مبينة أن ذلك يأتي انعكاس للمبادرات والبرامج الاستراتيجية التي ينفذها لمنح موارده البشرية أفضل تجربة معه، بما يخدم أهدافه بخلق المزيد من القيادات الكفؤة والقادرة على رفع سوية الأداء والإنجاز، وبالتالي رفع مستوى التفوق والاستدامة، والبقاء نموذجاً يحتذى به على كل الأصعدة.

وقد حاز البنك على الشهادة بعد اجتيازه كافة متطلباتها، وبناء على نتائج التقييم الشاملة التي تضمنتها، والتي خضعت لبحث شامل في كل الجوانب الملموسة والعوامل الخاصة ببيئة العمل بالتركيز على تلك المتعلقة بالموارد البشرية. ويشار إلى أن مؤسسة Top Employers Institute من المؤسسات المعتمدة عالمياً في مجال عملها، والتي تتخذ من هولندا مقراً رئيساً له؛ وكانت قد بدأت عملها في العام 1991.

Mega Overhaul Accomplished in Record Time with the Second Largest Bank in Palestine

The National Bank (TNB), the second largest bank in Palestine in terms of capital and one of its most trusted providers for individual and corporate financial services; has successfully gone-live – In record time of only 8 months – on the award-winning ICS BANKS® future-proof banking solution from ICS Financial Systems Ltd. (ICSFS), the global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions.

Further to their thorough due diligence, TNB decided to undergo a major transformation overhaul to their existing Core Banking Software, and replacing it with ICSFS’s comprehensive ICS BANKS® Universal Banking and ICS BANKS® Digital Banking Solutions at their Head office and 36 branches and offices across the country.

The implementation process of ICS BANKS®, which was selected by TNB on March of 2023, has resulted in a successful go-live of ICS BANKS® Universal and Digital Banking Solutions on a “Big-Bang” approach in early February 2024.

This major systems renovation is driven by TNB’s relentless pursuit to deliver stability and global best practices, maintaining their position as Palestine’s most pioneering, innovative, and robust bank for corporates and individuals seeking reliable and world-class financial services.

Mr. Salameh Khalil, CEO; The National Bank stated:

“Our first and foremost goal at TNB is to be the leaders in providing innovative solutions and financial products, thus meeting our client’s needs and expectations to the best of what modern technology can offer.

Our decision to switch to the ICS BANKS® Digital and Universal Banking Suites from ICSFS, is entirely based on our mission and strategic objectives of being the go-to provider of modern and superior financial services; all of which can be attained when making full-use of the solution’s long list of features, including its flexible and integratable infrastructure, and of course, the premium support offered by ICSFS. We are enthusiastic about this system overhaul and the smooth go-live on ICS BANKS® Suite, and we are certain that this is only the first step in a long and prosperous journey ahead.”

From his side, Mr. Robert Hazboun; Managing Director of ICSFS said:

“It is our pleasure to welcome The National Bank as a valued customer and a part of the ICS BANKS® Banking Solutions community. By deploying our award-winning ICS BANKS® Universal and Digital Banking Solutions, TNB will primarily benefit from the full capabilities it can offer, including seamless user experience, advanced functionalities, and the complete array of digital touchpoints built-into the ICS BANKS® Digital Banking Suite; offering TNB’s customers extended access and control over their financial instruments at anytime and anywhere.

Being a crucial market with tremendous potential for quick expansion, and the shift in demand it has demonstrated in recent years, the Palestinian Banking and Financial Services industry has long been amongst our priorities; stemming from our adamant belief that Banking and Financial institutions must choose their Banking Solutions holistically in order to promote innovation, develop new possibilities, and gain a market edge over their competitors.”

  • Robert Hazboun, Managing Director, ICS Financial Systems Ltd.

With collaborative efforts, TNB has successfully implemented the system with a record time of eight months, through the Bank’s unwavering support and provision of essential resources, timely information, and dedicated expertise. This accomplishment stands as a testament to TNB’s dedication to innovation and their shared vision of delivering exceptional services to their customers.

ICSFS invests in its software suites by utilising modern technology in launching new products, constructing a secured and agile integration, and keeping pace with new standards and regulations worldwide. ICS BANKS® software suites future-proof banking activities by providing a broad range of features and capabilities with more agility and flexibility, to enrich customers journey experience, hence improving the trust and confidentiality between the customer and the bank. ICS BANKS has always been a pioneer in utilising the latest technology to serve financial institutions. In addition to its embedded Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA), the system can be deployed on-premises, hybrid, or cloud.

Estarta Success Stories at SheTechs Forum


int@j organized and hosted the SheTechs forum, which Estarta had the pleasure to attend under the esteemed patronage of HRH Princess Sumaya. Our CEO, Mutaz H. Nabulsi, utilized the forum platform to highlight the many women at Estarta who have achieved success and to highlight the critical roles that women play in information and communication technology (ICT) and leadership.

In addition to underscoring the accomplishments of female employees at Estarta, our CEO’s speech highlighted their important contributions to the information and communication technologies industry as a whole. As it were, the occasion provided a forum for honoring and celebrating the gifted women who have contributed significantly to the development of Estarta’s success story!
Lastly, the SheTechs discussions, which were fully backed by HRH Princess Sumaya, offered an encouraging platform to highlight Estarta’s dedication to promoting inclusivity and diversity, especially in the traditionally male-dominated technology industry. Estarta is committed to building an atmosphere that supports women’s success in the robust field of information technology, even as we continue to advocate for women’s empowerment in the workplace.

 SpeedChecker Awards Orange Jordan for Delivering Best Internet Speed in the Kingdom



Orange Jordan has received the Fastest Fixed Internet – Fiber speed award in Jordan for 2023 from SpeedChecker, the globally renowned website. The studies and speed tests related to this certificate covered the Internet subscribers in Jordan and indicated that Orange Jordan is offering the fastest Internet for 2023, for the second consecutive year.

The award was presented to the Chief Consumer Marketing Officer, Naila Al Dawoud and the Chief ITN & Wholesale Officer, Eng. Walid Al-Doulat on behalf of Orange Jordan with the presence of a number of the Company’s employees.

Since 2008, SpeedChecker has been operating in the Middle East providing smart websites and applications that enable clients to check the quality of their internet connection, which has contributed to improving the infrastructure of many Internet and mobile service providers, noting that the Company’s headquarters is in Ireland and its offices are in the United Arab Emirates.

In an era where speed plays a pivotal role in enriching the user experience, especially with regard to digital services, Orange Jordan considers that obtaining this certificate for the second consecutive year, which comes after a detailed speed tests involving tens of thousands of all internet subscribers during 2023, is the culmination of its role as a Responsible Digital Leader.


Orange Jordan strives to provide a distinguished digital experience for all its subscribers being individuals or businesses to enable them to enjoy an unlimited variety of features and services with the highest quality including online learning, entertainment, gaming, and watching online videos. All this comes in line with the Company’s advanced solutions and continuous development of its networks and infrastructure to meet the customers’ needs and aspirations. In this context, Orange Jordan expressed its pride of its customers’ trust which fuels its efforts to always exceed their expectations.


This significant milestone is perfectly aligned with Orange Jordan’s tireless efforts to invest in the digital infrastructure and the Fiber services in addition to providing its customers with the latest and most innovated technologies such as the cutting-edge Fiber Box devices with the Wi-Fi 6 technology. The new revolutionary technology enables subscribers to enjoy faster speeds and increase the number of devices connected to Wi-Fi with a lower latency. All this coincides with the launching of a new super speed of 10,000 Mbps for the first time in Jordan and the region.


It is worth mentioning that Orange Jordan currently acquires the largest Fiber market share in Jordan according to the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) which is a result of prioritizing the customers and providing them with the highest quality services and solutions.



National Bank of Yemen Implements Pio-Tech’s RBA Solution

Under the leadership of Chairman Dr. Mohammed Hussein Halboob, the National Bank of Yemen marked a significant milestone in compliance with the implementation of the Risk-Based Approach (RBA) solution. The ceremony, attended by key figures such as Dr. Ahmed Omer bin Sankr, General Manager of NBY, and Dr. Muhammad Omar Banaja, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Yemen, along with Dr. Saleh Al-Jariri, General Manager of the Oil Company in Aden, the Industry and Trade Office General Manager Wassim Al-Omari, and Planning and International Cooperation Office Manager Intisar Murshid, was a historic day for the bank.

During the event, Dr. Ahmed Omar bin Sankr emphasized the importance of the achievement represented by the RBA solution launch, adding to the bank’s impressive track record under Dr. Halboob’s leadership. He expressed gratitude to Pio-Tech for their collaboration and training of the bank’s staff on the new system.

The National Bank of Yemen, with a history spanning over 55 years, connects its modernization systems to the Central Bank of Yemen, ensuring alignment with regulations and procedures. The compliance officer, Faisal Mohsen Al-Soudi, highlighted the bank’s commitment to combating money laundering and terrorist financing by implementing systems like RBA and AML.

Fahd Al-Subaihi, Executive Director of the National Committee, commended the bank’s efforts in launching the Risk-Based Approach (RBA) solution, extending congratulations to the leadership, management, and employees of the National Bank of Yemen.

The ceremony was attended by various notable figures, including Mohsen Al-Shabhi, Deputy Director General of Banking Departments, Legal Advisor Arwa Saif, Director of the Office of the Chairman of the Board of Directors Muwafaq Hashem bin Hashem, Head of the Compliance Audit Unit Moaz Al-Kaaki, Public Relations Officer in the Office of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, department heads, specialists, employees of the National Bank of Yemen, and others. The ceremony showcased the National Bank’s dedication to staying at the forefront of modern banking practices and ensuring the protection of its customers from financial crimes.

كابيتال بنك يفوز بجائزة “أفضل تنفيذ للخدمات المصرفية الأساسية” من شركة IBS العالمية

توّج كابيتال بنك إنجازاته في العام 2023 بحصوله على جائزة “أفضل تنفيذ للخدمات المصرفية الأساسية عن فئة “أفضل تنفيذ لمشروع” من شركة IBS Intelligence للابتكار ومقرها الرئيسي في المملكة المتحدة مرسخاً بذلك تميزه وابتكاره في السوق المصرفي.

ويسلط هذا التكريم الضوء على النجاحات المميزة التي حققها كابيتال بنك بفضل اعتماده على حلول Temenos المصرفية الأساسية، لإطلاق مشروعه التحولي الخاص بترقية نظامه المصرفي الأساسي، وذلك إدراكاً من البنك للحاجة إلى التوسع بالتزامن مع تنفيذ خطط نموه الطموحة.

ونجح فريق كابيتال بنك على مدار السنوات الماضية في تنفيذ ثلاثة من أهم المشاريع المصرفية الأساسية والأكثر تأثيراً على أداء البنك في وقت قياسي وهي إطلاق عمليات فرع المصرف الأهلي العراقي في المملكة العربية السعودية خلال 45 يوماً بسلاسة، مما مكن من تقديم خدمات محسنة وتجربة مصرفية متفوقة للعملاء.

وتمثل المشروع الثاني في تبسيط العمليات من خلال الاستحواذ على بنك عودة الأردن، حيث أدى دمج النظام المصرفي الأساسي لبنك عودة الأردن إلى تعزيز وجود كابيتال بنك في السوق الأردني وتعزيز الكفاءة التشغيلية.

وفي مشروعه الثالث، تمكن كابيتال بنك من التغلب على تحديات عملية الاندماج مع بنك سوسيته جنرال- الأردن، مما ضمن انتقالاً سلساً وتجربة مصرفية متسقة للعملاء.

وساهمت الحلول المصرفية الأساسية في رفع الكفاءة التشغيلية في كابيتال بنك، حيث تُرجم ذلك إلى تحقيق وفر كبير في التكاليف وتعزيز المرونة التشغيلية وكفاءة العمليات، مما انعكس إيجاباً وبشكل مباشر على العملاء من خلال معالجة المعاملات وطلبات الخدمة الفورية بشكل أسرع وأكثر دقة، وبالتالي تعزيز معدلات الاحتفاظ بالعملاء.

وقال الرئيس التنفيذي للعمليات في كابيتال بنك، عز الدين أبو سلامة: “نفخر بحصولنا على هذه الجائزة المرموقة من IBS Intelligence وهي دليل على التزامنا بالابتكار المستمر والتميز التشغيلي، لقد مكنت شراكتنا مع Temenos ليس فقط من تزويدنا بمنصة تكنولوجية متطورة، بل سهلت أيضاً ثقافة المرونة والقدرة على التكيف وتنفيذ خطط النمو الطموحة لدينا، مما سمح لنا بدمج عمليات الاستحواذ بسلاسة، والتوسع في أسواق جديدة، وتحسين عروض خدماتنا باستمرار، ونحن الآن في وضع مثالي للاستفادة من الفرص المستقبلية وتقديم قيمة أكبر لعملائنا ومساهمينا.”

وأعرب أبو سلامة، عن تقدير كابيتال بنك العميق لكامل الفريق المشارك في هذه المشاريع، والذي كان لجهوده الدؤوبة والتزامه الذي لا يتزعزع دور فعال في تحقيق هذه الجائزة، مشدداً في ذات الوقت على التزام البنك بالتحسين المستمر وقيادة التغيير الإيجابي في المشهد المصرفي.

من جانبه، قدّم مدير عام شركة Temenos في الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا، لي آل كورن، تهنئته لكابيتال بنك على حصوله على هذه الجائزة التي يستحقها بجدارة، والتي تسلط الضوء على نجاح عملية تحديثه المصرفي الأساسي مع Temenos. وقال: “كابيتال بنك هو نموذج لما يمكن تحقيقه من خلال منصة حديثة ومرنة وتمتاز بأحدث القدرات المصرفية. ومع Temenos، فإن فريق كابيتال بنك جاهز للمستقبل ونحن فخورون بدعمه ليتمكن من مواصلة الابتكار والاستفادة من منصتنا لتحقيق النمو المستدام وتحسين تجربة العملاء المصرفية.”

بدوره، هنأ نِخيل غوخالي، مدير البحوث والملكية الرقمية في آي بي إس إنتليجنس فريقَي كابيتال بنك و Temenos على فوزهم المستحق بجائزة “أفضل تنفيذ لمشروع مصرفي أساسي” في حفل توزيع جوائز الابتكار التكنولوجي المالي العالمي لعام 2023.

وأشار غوخالي إلى أن هذا التعاون أظهر موثوقية ومتانة منصة Temenos، وقال: “حيث لعبت الشراكة ما بين الطرفين دوراً رئيسياً في دمج التكنولوجيا بسلاسة خلال عمليات الاستحواذ الكبرى التي قام بها البنك. وقد لفت أنظار لجنة التحكيم بفضل التنفيذ السلس لترقية التقنيات المستخدمة، والتي تم إنجازها خلال أشهر قليلة فقط، ما مكّن كابيتال بنك من الاستحواذ على بنك عودة الأردن وسوسيته جنرال الأردن بسلاسة، مع تقليل الأعطال واغتنام مزايا البصمة التشغيلية بشكل أكبر.”

Bank of Palestine launches two initiatives to support the sustainability and resilience of the innovation and startup ecosystem impacted by the War on Gaza

Bank of Palestine launched two initiatives to support the Palestinian technology innovators and entrepreneurs. The first initiative, RISE Palestine, aims to raise $3,000,000 donations to support the Resilience for the Innovation and Startup Ecosystem in Palestine Program, in collaboration with Intersect Innovation Hub. The second initiative is SAFE Palestine, in reference to the Simple Agreement for Future Equity as a financial investment instrument, raising $5,000,000 in Bridge Finance to enhance the sustainability and continuity of startups in partnership with Intersect Advisory and Entrepreneurship Co. and collaboration with Intersect Innovation Hub. These initiatives aim to revive the tech and startup ecosystem that has suffered immensely from the devastating war on Gaza. Full details can be accessed through the following website:

Prior to the war on Gaza, efforts to build the Palestinian innovation and startup ecosystem were underway to shape a better future. The Gaza tech economy was thriving despite years of siege, isolation, deprivation, and unimaginable adversity. Young Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank have showcased remarkable resilience and entrepreneurial spirit. Over the past 16-years of blockade, Gazans embraced technology and innovation. Despite all obstacles, they managed to work with international companies and launch startups with global ambitions. However, the recent war on Gaza and the increased violence in the West Bank continue to have a devastating impact on the Palestinian people, infrastructure, and the economy.
The mission of RISE Palestine and SAFE Palestine is to identify and address the critical needs of tech talent and startups in Palestine with a focus on Gaza. Bank of Palestine has been a longtime supporter of the Palestinian entrepreneurial and innovative ecosystem. In continuation of its long term support the bank is working with leading local partners in order to provide crucial support for immediate recovery and economic resilience for tech talent and startups across Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem.
In this context, Hashim Shawa, Chairman of Bank of Palestine Group stated that “While we are witnessing an unprecedented devastating war against every aspect of life in Gaza, we have decided not to sit idly and not act. As such, we have
launched RISE Palestine and SAFE Palestine which puts to action our commitment to safeguard and revive the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship that once thrived in Gaza. These initiatives will quickly enable a recovery of this sector in support of youth by providing funding for entrepreneurs and startups to withstand the loss of income.” He added “These entrepreneurs, if livelihoods are sustained now, will be quick to rise from the ashes of war, all they need is a laptop, wifi and a safe place to restart their activities.”
The RISE Palestine will begin soliciting grants applications upon raising a minimum threshold of $500,000. Bank of Palestine has committed $150,000 to support the RISE Palestine initiative. The initiative will extend support for a period of six months to a year, depending on identified needs and availability. The initiative consists of two types of grants, “TEAMs Grants” and the “Startup Grant.” The TEAM Grant targets established technology businesses, and freelancers by providing emergency relief stipends for tech talent in Gaza and emergency hire stipends for their tech counterparts in the West Bank and East Jerusalem who will honor their peers’ contracts with international outsourcing companies to ensure the continuation of service. Meanwhile, the Startup Grant focuses on early-stage tech startups across Palestine, offering support for their day-to-day operations to ensure survival and foster growth.
The TEAM Grant will offer up to $10,000 in grants for established businesses and up to $1,500 per month for freelancers; targeting a total of 50 companies. The Startup Grant will provide a maximum of $50,000 per startup, supporting up to 50 startups. The RISE Palestine initiative will be overseen by three committees: the Advisory Board, the Selection Committee, and the Financial Committee, to ensure transparent and effective implementation. These committees are composed of industry leaders and experts and will provide strategic oversight, grantee selection, and financial management, respectively.
As for SAFE Palestine initiative, it is raising $5,000,000 for investments and grants through its Bridge Finance, with a target of up to $200,000 funding per startup to be provided through a special purpose vehicle, which will invest in up to 50 high-growth startups with clear traction using Simple Agreements for Future Equity (SAFE notes), to extend their runway an additional nine months. The fund provides support through founder-friendly investment agreements that are inexpensive, quick to
execute, and universally well understood. Bank of Palestine has committed $500,000 to the SAFE Palestine initiative.
As a lead partner, Rateb Rabi, CEO of Intersect Innovation Hub highlighted the role of entrepreneurship support organizations: “In these challenging times, the role of enablers like Intersect and others is not just crucial, it is transformative and impactful. Through RISE Palestine, we are channeling our resources and expertise to reignite the entrepreneurial spirit in Palestine. Our focus is on nurturing and empowering tech startups, providing them with the support they need to innovate, grow, and contribute significantly to rebuilding our economy through the Startup Grant and Simple Agreement for Future Equity.”
We extend an earnest invitation to believers in the Palestinian innovative ecosystem to engage and contribute to the RISE Palestine initiative and SAFE Palestine initiative in aiding the recovery, resilience, and growth potential of the innovative and startup ecosystem in Gaza and Palestine.
For additional information about the RISE Palestine initiative and SAFE Palestine initiative, please visit our website at Contact Rateb H. Rabi, CEO of Intersect Innovation Hub email: or on WhatsApp at +972566885522.