Aspire proud for obtaining 3 remarkable awards at the Annual Award Extravaganza 2023

Our pride is beyond words for obtaining 3 remarkable awards at the Annual Award Extravaganza event organized by Toastmasters International!

🏆”Recognition of Service” Award presented to Mr. Kaushal P Shah
🏆”Appreciation Award” presented to Aspire IT Service
🏆”Proactive Club Award” presented to Aspire Toastmasters Club

We couldn’t be prouder of our outstanding Aspirers throughout their journey for public speaking and leadership.

JoPACC participated in the “International Conference on New Trends in Business Environment 2023” (ICNTBE)

JoPACC ‘  CEO, Ms. Maha Bahou spoke at the “International Conference on New Trends in Business Environment 2023” (ICNTBE) held by the Faculty of Business at Yarmouk University.

During a rich panel discussion, Ms. Bahou, presented JoPACC’s history, strategy, and core functions and addressed the rise of entrepreneurship and JoPACC’s role in enabling fintech entrepreneurs through JOIN Fincubator.

“إنجاز” تنظم فعالية لربط الشركات الناشئة بفرص استثمارية

 نظمت حاضنة أعمال مؤسسة إنجاز، فعالية لتشبيك الشركات الناشئة مع مجموعة من الجهات والمؤسسات الداعمة لمنظومة ريادة الأعمال في الأردن، ضمن الشراكة التي تجمع الحاضنة مع الصندوق الأردني للريادة، ولجنة الإنقاذ الدولية.
وقالت المؤسسة في بيان اليوم الأربعاء، إن هذه الفعالية أتاحت الفرصة للشركات الناشئة على التواصل البناء من خلال عرض مفهوم عمل شركاتهم الناشئة على المستثمرين، ومقدمين الخدمات، وذلك بهدف بناء علاقات مستقبلية مع القطاع الخاص، والاطلاع على منظومة الخدمات المتوفرة لدعم ريادة الأعمال، شركاتهم الناشئة في مراحل النمو المختلفة.
وشارك في الفعالية أكثر من 55 شركة ناشئة، تمثل مختلف القطاعات منها تكنولوجيا التعليم والبيئة وتكنولوجيا المعلومات والزراعة المائية وغيرها من القطاعات، كما شارك في الفعالية أكثر من 15 جهة من مقدمي الخدمات من القطاع المصرفي، وقطاع الخدمات التسويق، وقطاع التعليم، وقطاع التمويل.
وقدمت حاضنة أعمال إنجاز برنامجا متخصصا لتطوير الشركات الناشئة لتحسين جاهزيتهم للنمو والتحقق من قدرة شركاتهم على المنافسة وبيع منتجاتهم وخدماتهم في الأسواق لتحقيق مردود مالي، وقد تم تقديم هذه الخدمات من قبل مرشدين ومدربين من ذوي الكفاءات العالية.

جامعة الحسين التقنيّة و HELP Logistics توقّعان مذكّرة للاستفادة من مركز التعلّم عبر الإنترنت

جامعة الحسين التقنيّة و HELP Logistics توقّعان مذكّرة للاستفادة من مركز التعلّم عبر الإنترنت في الجامعة (OLC @ HTU) لتقديم خدمات تكنولوجيا تعليميّة متخصّصة (edtech) في التصميم التعليمي وإنتاج الوسائط للأغراض التعليميّة ورقمنة المحتوى لإنشاء دورة تدريبيّة عبر الإنترنت في إدارة الخدمات اللوجستية الإنسانية.

Orange Jordan sponsors AIDTSEC 2023

Orange Jordan and the Special Operations Forces Exhibition and Conference (SOFEX Jordan) signed an agreement under which the company will sponsor the Artificial Intelligence in Defense Technologies and Cybersecurity (AIDTSEC) conference for the second consecutive time.

The AIDTSEC 2023 conference will take place on September 4-5 at the King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center in the Dead Sea.

The agreement was signed by Deputy CEO/ Chief Enterprise Officer at Orange Jordan, Engineer Sami Smeirat, and Vice Chairman of SOFEX, Brigadier General Engineer Ayman Al Batran, and attended by CEO of SOFEX, Ahmad Al Taweel.

The AIDTSEC conference, the leading artificial intelligence conference in the region, is held by SOFEX every two years to provide a platform for experts, innovators, and startups in artificial intelligence defense technology and cybersecurity.

Engineer Sami Smeirat said: “We are proud of the distinguished partnership between Orange and SOFEX. The conferences held by SOFEX are attended by representatives from all over the world and focus on key global topics that are essential for continuous development, such as cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. These topics are also at the core of Orange Jordan’s strategy and services”.

Smeirat added: “As we continue to offer the latest technologies, Orange Jordan remains committed to providing a world-class experience with added value and high quality”.

For his part, Ahmad Al Taweel expressed pride in the successful partnership that has lasted for years between Orange Jordan and SOFEX, stating: “We are grateful for Orange Jordan’s trust in SOFEX Jordan, and we look forward to more cooperation and joint success in the future”.

The first edition of AIDSTEC was held in 2021 under the patronage of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II and with the support of the Jordanian Armed Forces – the Arab Army.

To learn more, you can visit our website:

The Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities launch’s its new website

The Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has launched its new website, in collaboration with the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship and implemented by Echo Technology. The website was developed in accordance with the Jordan Government Websites Guidelines 2022, which were created by Echo Technology and approved by the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship.

To Visit Website Click Here

ICSFS Named Winner of Best Digital Banking & Finance Software Solutions Provider Award

ICS Financial Systems Ltd, a leading provider of cutting-edge banking and financial software solutions, is thrilled to announce being named the recipient of the “Best Digital Banking & Finance Software Solutions Award” for the year 2023 by World Finance.

 This recognition highlights ICSFS’ unyielding efforts to delivering innovative and transformative software solutions that drive growth and efficiency for Banks and Financial Institutions around the globe.

 With a sharp focus on security, scalability, and open API backend; ICSFS’ award-winning software solution, ICS BANKS® Digital Banking, empowers banks and financial institutions to streamline their operations, enhance customer experiences, adapt to the fast-paced digital ecosystem, and meet the demands of an increasingly tech-savvy customer base.

ABS Customer Summit: Celebrating Growth!

Last week, ABS hosted its annual Customer Summit, where the event Kicked off with a series of engaging sessions starting from featuring speaker Mr. Srinaath Muruaganandam, the SAP Regional Lead for Middle East South. This session provided a glimpse into the future of SAP and SAP Business One ERP.

The highlight of the summit was sharing ABS latest Apps. The apps represent technological advancement, demonstrating ABS’ commitment to enriching its customer’s experience and advancing their digital transformation journey.

While the event was a platform for showcasing technological software applications, it also stood as a heartfelt tribute to the valued customers and partnerships that define ABS.

Estarta 2023: Celebrating Innovation and Partnerships at the Amman Citadel

Estarta Annual

Estarta held its annual event in an exceptional and unforgettable way on Friday, August 18. Prominent guests, including the Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, and valued partners were there to honor the occasion. This year’s event took place at the historic Amman Citadel, which gave the celebrations a touch of grandeur.

As for the event site, the Amman Citadel added a unique dimension to the celebration. Nestled on a hill in the heart of Amman, the Citadel is a historic site that dates back to ancient times. Its stunning views and rustic ruins provided a captivating backdrop for the event, blending the old with the new in a way that symbolizes Estarta’s approach to technology: building on a strong foundation while embracing the future.

Overall, the night was filled with enthusiasm and profound enjoyment, and the team was able to blow off some steam after months of hard work. The celebration included both a look back at what had been accomplished as well as a forward-looking, positive outlook. The company’s aim to keep pushing boundaries, to keep innovating, and to have a positive impact was collectively reaffirmed by the palpable energy in the air.

After over three decades on the scene, the company proudly celebrated its 1500+ professionals under its umbrella, with a noteworthy percentage of them being females, during this event. This number is particularly impressive considering the ICT sector has traditionally been male-dominated.

The annual event served as a reminder of the company’s lasting spirit of advancement, its commitment to its partners and clients, and its role in influencing Jordan’s digital landscape as Estarta enters its 33rd year. Cheers to another year of disruptive innovation and greatness!

طقس العرب و TOKEN MASTERS توقعان اتفاقية تعاون لتبادل الخدمات بين الشركتين

وقَّعت طقس العرب، الشركة الرائدة في مجال استشارات الأرصاد الجوية والتي تملك الموقع الإلكتروني (  وتطبيق طقس العرب للهواتف الذكية، اتفاقية تعاون مشترك مع شركة TOKEN MASTERS  الشركة المتخصصة في الحلول الرقمية وتطبيقات الهواتف الذكية والتصميم الإبداعي والمالكة لمنصة طابو العقاري ( والتي تعتبر من المنصات العقارية الرائدة في الأردن والوطن العربي.

تهدف هذه الشراكة إلى تبادل الخدمات بين الفريقين لتحقيق أهداف مشتركة تلبي احتياجات مستخدمي و زوار منصة طقس العرب ، حيث سيتم من خلالها تصميم وتطوير لعبة الكترونية لإختبار الذكاء ودمجها داخل تطبيق طقس العرب بحيث يتم تقديم تجربة مميزة وإبداعية للمستخدمين، وأيضا تعزيز التنوع والتفرد في تقديم الخدمات والمحتوى، وتعكس هذه الاتفاقية رغبة الجانبين في مواصلة النمو والابتكار في مجالاتهما المختلفة.

أبدى كلٌ من فريقي العمل تفاؤلهما بالفرصة الفريدة التي تمثلها هذه الشراكة. وقال السيد فارس شعبان، مدير عام شركة طقس العرب :”هذه الشراكة تجمع بين الخبرة الجوية والابتكار الرقمي لتقديم تجربة مميزة للمستخدمين “. بينما صرَّح السيد مراد أبو جاموس المدير العام لشركة “ :TOKEN MASTERS نحن متحمسون لهذه الفرصة لتقديم منتجات رقمية تجمع بين التصميم والإبداع والتكنولوجيا”.