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September, 2021

14 Sep 2021 – 21 Sep 2021

int@j News

جمعية انتاج تنعى وفاة السيد ناجح عامر

الثلاثاء، 21 سبتمبر، 2021

عيد امجد الصويص رئيسا لهيئة المديرين لجمعية انتاج

الأحد، 19 سبتمبر، 2021

Members News

Nisir MFI; first ICS BANKS Microfinance reference in Ethiopia

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

IRIS Technology conducted”Extended Cyber Security Solutions”Kaspersky Event

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

انتخابات مجلس ادارة جمعية شركات تقنية المعلومات والاتصالات الاردنية- انتاج

الأحد، 19 سبتمبر، 2021

سكايتك توقع إتفاقية شراكة استراتيجية لتدريب و تأهيل برامجها

الأحد، 19 سبتمبر، 2021

Unifonic has closed a $125M Series B round

Thursday, September 16, 2021

int@j News

اتفاقية مبادرة حافز فرص العمل المؤقتة في القطاع الرقمي والريادي من قبل وزارة الاقتصاد الرقمي والريادة

البرنامج متاح في العام الحالي والعام المقبل

int@j News

فتح باب التقديم لبرنامج مسرعة الأعمال من قبل لومينوس شمال ستارت

لدعم رواد الأعمال من أصحاب الأفكار الإبداعية من الجنسيتين الأردنية والسورية

int@j News

“Media informatics” New Program Survey By German Jordanian University

programme is created to build a bridge between design methods and IT when developing media applications

int@j News

Ipsos’ Jordanian Consumer Sentiment Index Q2 2021 By Ipsos Jordan

Unemployment remains the top concern for Jordanians

int@j News

Women in Tech – Networking for Growth in Jordan By The U.S. Commercial Service

Today 21st of September

int@j News

بدء استقبال الطلبات التفصيلية ضمن دورة المشاريع الابتكارية والريادية للعام 2021 من قبل صندوق دعم البحث العلمي والابتكار ووزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي

الموعد النهائي للتقديم يوم الخميس 30/9/2021

int@j News

“Grow.jo” Support Opportunity By MoDEE

that will cover up to 50% of new employees for up to 6 months

int@j News

استبيان لمعرفة احتياجات التوظيف بعد جائحة كورونا من قبل مؤسسة التعليم لأجل التوظيف

لتصميم دورات تدريبية تسعى وراء توظيف الشباب الباحثين عن عمل

int@j News

Opportunity to participate in Jordan3x3 ICT Edition 2021 By Sportsology

The deadline to show interest is Thursday 30/9

int@j News

مؤتمر الريادة والإبداع والتمكين الشبابي في ظل المستجدات المعاصرة من قبل جمعية عطاء للريادة والتمكين الدولي

يومي 2 و 3 اكتوبر المقبل

int@j News

Participate in AIDTSEC 2021 By SOFEX

27-28 October 2021 at King Hussein bin Talal Convention Centre – Dead Sea

int@j News

int@j Members Satisfaction Report By int@j

based on the feedback of 91 companies of int@j members

Welcoming int@j New Members
intaj Member

4matex Information Technology

4matex was established to innovate and improve the overall digital transformation process through committed excellence. The purpose had been to the digitalization of different businesses and help them in being more productive resulting in higher growth and success. The focus on this goal and the passion of the team helped the company in building a relationship of trust and long-term partnerships with prominent multinational companies, vendors, and customers from around the world. 4matex offers a wide range of cutting-edge innovative solutions enabling enterprises in transforming their business and leverage technology to help them in improving their productivity and growth. The solutions provided by 4matex are mainly focused on the assessment of the current business against unique customer needs and help the businesses in finding the most valuable tools and technologies to fulfill those requirements through the digital transformation of their business.

intaj Member

Migrate Business Services

Migrate is a Business Services and Solution provider that assists enterprises in setting up, operating, and expanding into and out of markets. Migrate works with its clients to originate and structure Business to Business (B2B) opportunities that address core business challenges, facilitate their business strategy and support their growth at reduced cost and risk. A Global Business Operating Platform: a scalable and tailored Business to Business operating model to provide business optimization by assisting with administrative, operational and strategy needs. A Place for Business: a business ecosystem for clients to get access to a mall of corporate services and a range of local and global opportunities.

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Tel: +962 6 581 2013 | Fax: +962 6 581 2016 | P.O.Box 2383 Amman – 11953 Jordan
Email: info@intaj.net | www.intaj.net
Information & Communications Technology Association of Jordan – Int@j is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving and growing the ICT and ICT Enabled Service Sector in Jordan.
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