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March 2021

25 Feb 2021 – 2 Mar 2021

int@j News

انتاج تناقش التحديات والفرص لتنمية الصادرات الأردنية لتكنولوجيا المعلومات

الأحد، 28 فبراير، 2021

Members News

ProgressSoft Unveils New Digital Banking Platform

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

ICSFS Celebrates her SheTech Role model

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Green Circle Partnership with GRC360

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

The official Jordan’s centennial website

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

المؤسسة العامة للضمان الاجتماعي تطلق خدمات الكترونية تطورها شركة البرمجيات المتقدمة متعلقة بأمر الدفاع رقم 24

الثلاثاء، 2 مارس، 2021

  شراكة استراتيجية بين الشركة العامة للحاسبات والإلكترونيات وانفوبيب لإثراء قنوات الاتصال للقطاع العام وتجربة المواطنين في الأردن

الثلاثاء، 2 مارس، 2021

اتفاقيـــة تجديـــد رخصـــــة اتصــــالات فرديــــة عامــــة للشركـــــة البحرينيــــــة الأردنيــــــة للتقنيـــــة والاتصـــالات

الأحد، 28 فبراير، 2021

OPTIMIZA won project of the year cybersecurity excellence award from Attivo networks.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

اطلاق مشروع منح التمويلات الإسلامية

الأربعاء، 24 فبراير، 2021

Software Consultancy achieved the 5th Expertise certification in Oracle HCM Payroll Cloud

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Opportunities & Offers to our Members

Business Transformation using Data Science Big Data Analytics and AI Applications Workshop Offered By GCE

From 08-10 March 2021


Penetration Tester Certificate Offered By Green Circle company

Students will be informed about challenges in network technology


The Power Of Branding Training Course Offered By GCE

From 16-18 March, 2021


“Service level Agreement”Training Offered By GCE

From 22-24 March, 2021

Visit the latest local and regional RFPs (Members only)
int@j News

1 Million Jordanian coders By int@j

Deadline is 1st of April, 2021

int@j News

جلسة حوارية بعنوان احتفال اليوم العالمي للمرأة من قبل بتربزنس

يوم 8 مارس

int@j News

Implement Digitalization of Government Payment – Back End Solution By Ministry of Digital Economy & Entrepreneurship

Expressions of interest before 12:00 hours on 14, March 2021

int@j News

أمر الدفاع رقم ( 26 ) لسنة 2021 من قبل غرفة تجارة عمان

المتعلق بالتأكيد على الاجراءات الوقائية والتباعد وارتداء الكمامات

int@j News

استبيان للتحضير لإعداد السياسة الوطنية لريادة الأعمال من قبل وزارة الاقتصاد الرقمي والريادة

تعبئة الاستبيان ستكون متاحة لغاية تاريخ 9 مارس

int@j News

ICT-related event taking place in AUSTRIA soon: ABA’S OPEN DAY 2021 By ABA – Invest in Austria

11 of March, 09.00am (CET)

int@j News

Participate in Who’s Who in Jordan’s ICT 2021 By MediaScope

Deadline to confirm your participation is 11 March 2021

Welcoming int@j New Members
intaj Member

Castles Technology

Castles Technology is a fast-growing Taiwanese payment technology company with the vision to help its partners in their mission to create a seamless customer journey regardless of complexity. For more than 25 years, Castles Technology (“Castles”) has been manufacturing highly innovative POS solutions. It was the first vendor to introduce contactless technology in the market and the first to introduce an unattended all-in-one solution. Castles is a pioneer global provider of POS solutions on both Linux and Android POS platforms. In 2012 Castles Technology invested significantly in international markets by setting-up the necessary resources to grow its operation. This investment was expanded in 2018 by hiring a more international top management teams and by opening subsidiaries in new markets. Today, Castles can proudly claim that it is the 4th largest POS manufacturer outside Asia Pacific, having shipped more than 3 million devices worldwide.

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Tel: +962 6 581 2013 | Fax: +962 6 581 2016 | P.O.Box 2383 Amman – 11953 Jordan
Email: info@intaj.net | www.intaj.net
Information & Communications Technology Association of Jordan – Int@j is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving and growing the ICT and ICT Enabled Service Sector in Jordan.
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