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August 2022

9 Aug 2022 – 16 Aug 2022

int@j News

int@j CEO participates in the World Cyber Security Summit

Monday, August 15, 2022

Himayatech CyberSecurity Incubator provides training sessions for its Startups

Saturday, August 13, 2022

انتاج: خدمات الجيل الخامس ترفع تنافسيّة المملكة وتفتح باب الاستثمار وتدعم التطوّر التقنيّ

الخميس، 11 أغسطس، 2022

Members News

Al-Ataa Islamic Bank Signs for ICS BANKS Islamic Platform from ICSFS

Monday, August 15, 2022

IRIS Technology is awarded the “Top Performer Award 2021”- Top Growth from Adobe

Sunday, August 14, 2022

خبراء: ادخال تقنية الجيل الخامس يعزز تنافسية القطاع ويدعم الرياديين

الخميس، 11 أغسطس، 2022

الرئيس التنفيذي والإقليمي لشركة نيتورك يتحدث عن أهمية التحول الرقمي المالي

الثلاثاء، 9 أغسطس، 2022

Opportunities & Offers to our Members

Planning, budgeting & forecasting workshop Offered By KPMG Academy

26th & 27th September 2022


Introducing ExCard Offered By Gate to Pay

a multi-purpose, borderless Pre-paid Corporate Card


خلاصة الكتب التي غيّرت العالم لكبار المؤلفين من روُّاد الأعمال والمفكرين من قبل وجيز

ملخصات كتب وروايات و برودكاست

  Visit the latest local and regional RFPs (Members only)
int@j News

برنامج المصادر الرقمية المفتوحة من قبل جوردن ستارت بالتعاون مع اليونيسف

غدا الاربعاء في منصة زينك

int@j News

“Executing Strategies in a VUCA World” Webinar By FranklinCovey

August 25, 2022 11:00 am-12:00 pm UAE Time

int@j News

Apply to SURGE – Cohort 3 By Endeavor Jordan

Deadline: August 27th, 2022

int@j News

Join Changelabs’ 2022 Jordan/Palestine Fintech Accelerator By Changelabs

The application deadline is September 30th 2022

int@j News

START YOUR JOURNEY TO HIGH PERFORMANCE By Partners for Good in collaboration with int@j

APPLY FOR THE CERTIFICATION before the end of October

int@j News

Establish a footprint in the market by creating your profile on StartupsJo.com By int@j, ISSFJo & StartupJo

a comprehensive electronic platform that will guide start-ups; promoting them locally and regionally, and globally

Welcoming int@j New Members
intaj Member

Magnetar Solutions

Magnetar solutions is a digital-first company that has the core components needed to bring innovative projects and startups into life, through its future of business solutions that is focused towards digitalization and digital transformation. We provide digital solutions and digital marketing services through a support infrastructure and an enabling group of sister companies that supports access to markets through their international presence and different solutions. Our ecosystem capabilities and capital investments allows startups to scale and grow to become the next unicorn startup in the region. We started our operations in MENA AND GCC region. Our next step would be the USA, Canada, and China.

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Tel: +962 6 581 2013 | Fax: +962 6 581 2016 | P.O.Box 2383 Amman – 11953 Jordan
Email: info@intaj.net | www.intaj.net
Information & Communications Technology Association of Jordan – Int@j is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving and growing the ICT and ICT Enabled Service Sector in Jordan.
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