The CEO of Orange Group Christel Heydemann concluded a remarkable three-day visit to Jordan that entailed a walk-through journey of the major contributions of Orange Jordan on digital, social, and internal communications levels.

Heydemann was accompanied by the CEO of Orange Middle East and Africa Jerome Henique. The visit exemplified the notable achievements that Orange Jordan attained on the digital front.

Heydemann’s tour in Jordan included visiting Orange Digital Village, Orange Forest, Network Operations Center (NOC), Orange Solar Farms, and the Elite Shop, in addition to meeting with the team of Orange Jordan and announcing the launch of a new anti-cyberbullying Initiative.

During the visit, the Group CEO inaugurated the 3rd forest named Independence Forest by Orange in Mahis, which contributes to the Orange Group’s goal of achieving zero-net carbon emissions in 2040 with more than 500 trees that are spanned over 10000 square meters.

Solar farms are significant components of these green endeavors. Heydemann and Henique visited one of the 3 solar farms that cover more than half of Orange Jordan yearly electricity consumption.

Heydemann and Henique also paid a visit to the state-of-the-art Network Operations Center (NOC) of Orange Jordan which oversees the network’s health serving as the organization’s watchtower.

Heydemann and Henique visited the Wi-Fi Campus that was founded to provide training to the Fiber service concerned teams, to enhance their knowledge and create a solid awareness about the best practices regarding the factors that affect the Internet at Home experience as part of Orange Jordan positioning as the broadband leader of the Kingdom.

On the sidelines of the visit, a new Anti-cyberbullying initiative named the “The Positive Gang” was kicked off. It is aligned with Orange’s commitment to be the true responsible leader of the Kingdom.

CEO of Orange Jordan Philippe Mansour expressed his delight in having Heydemann and Henique to showcase Orange Jordan’s significant contribution to the Group’s vision and he extended his thanks to them for the endless support to expand in terms of services and impact.

Heydemann and Henique, expressed their pride in the distinguished achievements that took place on the digital front, their gratitude for the warm welcome of the team that are playing a pivotal role in translating the company’s vision into a reality, and their appreciation for the major contribution of Orange Jordan in the digital, social, and internal communication arenas.

It is worth mentioning that this visit came amidst the national celebrations of the Silver Jubilee for His Majesty’s accession to the throne and Jordan’s Independence Day. It also coincided with the 30th birthday of Orange’s brand which came to birth in 1994 and the launch of the new brand signature “Orange is Here”.