Housing Bank was established in 1973 as a public shareholding limited company with a capital amounting to half a million JD, with a primary focus on housing finance.The Bank embarked on a new era, when it diversified its scope and became a comprehensive bank, providing full commercial banking services. The Bank's capital was increased to JD 315 million (USD 444M), the Bank's management has continuously focused on strengthening its capital base year by year, and the total equity amounted to JD 1,080 billion (USD 1.5 billion) at the end of 2018. Since 2020 The Housing Bank is playing a major role in the Digital Transformation journey for the financial system in Jordan.
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General Info
Housing Bank for Trade & Finance
بنك الإسكان للتجارة والتمويل
Bank / Financial institution
ISIC Activities
Vertical Specialty
Financial and E-Payment
Staff details are for int@j records only and won't be visible to public
Contact Details

Al-Shumaysani, Prince Shaker bin Zaid street.
P.O.Box 7693 Amman, 11118 Jordan
