اي سي اس فايننشال سيستمز تحصد لقب أفضل مزود نظم مصرفية في الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا لعام 2017


أعلنت مجلةGlobal Banking and Finance Review  ، والتي تعد من أبرز المجلاّت في العالم المتخصصة في قطاع الأعمال المصرفية،  عن منح شركة اي سي اس فايننشال سيستمز ICS Financial Systems Ltd. – (ICSFS) المزود العالمي للنظم المصرفية المتكاملة لقطاع البنوك والمؤسسات المالية، جائزة “أفضل مزود نظم مصرفية في الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا”

ويأتي تكريم المجلة العالمية لشركة ICSFS تقديرا لالتزامها المستمر بمواكبة معايير الجودة والابتكار في تطوير وتحديث أنظمتها المصرفية. حيث يوفر نظام ICS BANKS   مجموعة متكاملة من نظم الأعمال المصرفية التي تتميز بخصائصها  الشاملة والمتطورة  والتي تقدّم بأعلى مستويات الكفاءة والجودة، بما يتماشى مع الاحتياجات المالية ومجال أتمتة العمليات المصرفية، التي من شأنها تطوير أداء البنوك والمؤسسات المالية.

 بهذه المناسبة صرحَت واندا ريتش محررة Global Banking & Finance Review:

“لقد تم منح هذه الجائزة الى شركة اي سي اس فايننشال سيستمز تقديرا لالتزامها في توفير برامج مصرفية شاملة ومتطورة للقطاع المصرفي. إن شركة  اي سي اس فايننشال سيستمز  تقدم الحلول المصرفية المبتكرة والتي تلبي احتياجات البنوك من جميع الأحجام،إن مهنية الشركة المميزة والتزامها بارضاء عملائها يعكس محافظة الشركة على تقديم أعلى مستويات الكفاءه والجودة”. واضافت واندا ريتش ” نحن سعداء لمنح شركة اي سي اس فايننشال سيستمز هذه الجائزة ونتطلع الى رؤية المزيد من النمو والحلول الرائدة خلال السنوات القادمة.”

وفي هذا الصدد، صرّح المدير العام لشركة ICSFS السيد روبير حزبون:

” نحن سعداء لمنحنا هذه الجائزة ونتطلع إلى مواصلة تقديم حلول مصرفية  عالمية ذات مستوى عالي الجودة والكفاءة. حيث تخدم أنظمة ICS BANKS جميع  متطلبات القطاعات المصرفية والمالية، وتوفر مجموعة متكاملة من نظم الأعمال البنكية والمصرفية لمناطق مختلفة حول العالم”. وأضاف السيد حزبون “ان هذه الجائزة تؤكد التزامنا بتقديم افضل الخدمات المصرفية واكثرها تطورا ونحن نتطلع لأستمرارية تقديم الحلول المصرفية المتميزة بشكل دائم.”

وقد نظّمت هذه الجوائز لتكريم الشركات التي تبرز خبرتها في قطاعات الصناعة المصرفية والمالية، وٳظهار أهم المؤسسات المتميزة في المجتمع المالي بشكل عام. وقد تم منح شركة اي سي اس فايننشال سيستمز جائزة أفضل مزود  نظم مصرفية في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا لعام 2017  ، بسبب انجازاتها المتميزة في العديد من مجالات تكنولوجيا  المعلومات وأدائها المتقدم في التصنيفات التالية طبقاً لمعايير لجنة التحكيم:

– تقديم حلول مصممة خصيصا لتلبي جميع المتطلبات المصرفية

– تقديم خدمات الدعم الفني والاستشارات

– تقديم حلول مناسبة للبنوك والمؤسسات المالية من جميع الاحجام (الصغيرة، المتوسطة وكبيرة الحجم)

– تنفيذ العمليات المصرفية مباشرة وبشكل فوري

– تخطي التحديات التي تواجه صناعة الخدمات المالية وتلبية متطلبات الجهات الرقابية وإدارة الائتمان

– توفر المستشارين ذوي الخبرة


Optimiza achieves CISCO Gold Certification in MENAL


Optimiza announced today it has achieved Cisco® Gold Certification. Optimiza, the leading publicly-listed regional ICT systems integrator (ASE:CEBC), has met all requirements for achieving Gold Certification, including personnel, support, specialization and Hybrid IT. Optimiza has demonstrated that it is qualified to sell, install, and support Cisco solutions in MENAL

“Optimiza was granted this title following an audit of knowledge and processes, and it is verified annually through an extensive onsite audit” said Majed Sifri, CEO of Optimiza.“it reflects our ongoing commitment to continuously provide our clients with the highest levels of service with an intense focus on quality and value”.

Cisco Gold Certified Partner is the highest title Cisco awards its business partners for the level of expertise and services achieved. Gold Certified Partners are recognized for having some of the industry’s best-trained network engineers and demonstrating the highest level of expertise in planning, designing, implementing and supporting complex networking solutions.

Arab Advisors Group’s new service offerings address the digitization trends and rising competitive pressures in MENA ICT markets

Arab Advisors Group, the leading research and consulting company in MENA, launched a new set of services designed to meet the rapid changes in telecom, technology and media markets. Arab Advisors Group also adopted its new branding, which reflects the dynamic nature of the company.

We are delighted to announce major expansion of our portfolio of services. The goal is to make each subscription more valuable and even more aligned with our client’s needs and challenges.

Arab Advisors Group expanded further the coverage of its reliable Strategic Research Services to include new areas of focus which are in line with the changing demands and trends in the telecom, technology and media markets. The Expanded Strategic Research Service features analytical reports that provide deep insights into the latest industry trends, utilizing precise and reliable quantitative and qualitative research methods.  Furthermore, we have added expert contributions, to analyze these insights in both a regional and a global context. This special feature is unique and exclusive to Arab Advisors Group.

This expansion of the Strategic Research Service is complemented by the launch of the new Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) service. The service avails to its subscribers full access to the Expanded Strategic Research Service, in addition to having a dedicated research analyst that is fully outsourced to the client, and supported by Arab Advisors Group’s team of leading experts.

Additionally, clients with regular ad-hoc market research requirements can also benefit from Arab Advisors Group’s new KPO-on-Demand service. This newly launched service offers flexible subscription models to analyst hours that can be used throughout the period of the subscription.

Our new mobile application, available for free download now for Android, and within a few days on iOS, encompasses all our enhancement and represents a convenient and reliable tool which enables clients to have access to our full database of cutting edge reports on their mobile devices.

These exciting enhancements are all reflected in our new branding, which reflects the dynamic and technological identity of our company, and highlights the innovative spirit of our skilled team of experts.

Mr. Mohammed Al-Shawwa, General Manager of Arab Advisors Group noted: “The expansion in our services comes as part of our commitment to exceeding our clients’ expectations. We see ourselves as reliable advisors to our clients, and we look forward to contributing to their success in this new era of technology and digitization. I am confident that our team of experts will add tremendous value to our clients’ endeavors in facing the new digitization challenges”

Ms. Muna Atallah, Director of Business Development and Conferences stated: “Our clients’ satisfaction comes first. Therefore, we at Arab Advisors Group make sure that we always attend to our clients’ future opportunities and challenges. In this regard, we structured our new services portfolio in a way that can meet all kinds of client needs. We look forward to offering more innovative services in the future; building on the success we had in serving over 900 clients since our establishment”


Arab Advisors Group assigned a team of experts to offer details on the newly launched services:


  • Expanded Strategic Research Service with highly analytical and precise reports and expert contributions.
  • Knowledge Process Outsourcing service which avails a dedicated research analyst and full access to the Expanded Strategic Research Service.
  • KPO-on-Demand service, tailored for clients with ad-hoc market research requirements.
  • State of the art mobile application offering access to our full database of reports.


Echo Technology Launched The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) New Website.


In cooperation with Echo Technology-Jordan, the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) launched its new Website under the domain www.business–jordan-een.jo.

The EEN Website design and development aims at providing easy interactive platform to assist ambitious entrepreneurs in attractive and efficient manner, where the website interface supports Arabic and English languages, In addition the website developed, using the latest technology in website design and development.

Moreover, through EEN website visitors and ambitious entrepreneurs can search, view and submit applications to join the network and benefit from its services like (partnership services, advisory services and innovation support services).

The European Network of Projects (EEN) is the largest network in the world to support small and medium-sized enterprises with international ambitions. It has 4,500 experts across 600 member organizations in more than 60 countries. Member organizations include chambers of commerce and industry, technology centers, and research institutes. The Network helps ambitious SMEs innovate and grow internationally. It provides international business expertise with local knowledge across a range of targeted services such as (partnership services, advisory services and innovation support services).

For more additional information or comments please contact us on  info@echo-jo.com

إطلاق الموقع الالكتروني لشبكة المشاريع الأوروبية.


تم إطلاق الموقع الالكتروني الخاص بشبكة المشاريع الأوروبية بالتعاون مع شركة ايكو تكنولوجي- الأردن على الرابط www.business-jordan-een.jo .

جاء تصميم وتطوير الموقع الالكتروني لشبكة المشاريع الأوروبية، بهدف تقديم المساعدة لأصحاب المشاريع الطموحة بطريقة سهلة وبأسلوب مميز وأكثر فاعلية وكفاءة، حيث ان تصميم الموقع يدعم اللغتين (العربية-الانجليزية) بالإضافة لمواكبته لأحدث التكنولوجيا المستخدمة في مجال تصميم وتطوير المواقع الالكترونية عالميا.

كما يتيح الموقع لزواره وأصحاب المشاريع الطموحة البحث، والاطلاع بالإضافة الى شروط وإجراءات تقديم الطلبات لتأهيل المشاريع على مدار الساعة وبطريقة عملية.

كما ويجدر بنا الذكر بأن شبكة المشاريع الأوروبية هي أكبر شبكة في العالم لدعم المشاريع الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم ذات الطموحات الدولية. وتقدم الشبكة المساعدة للمشاريع في مجال الابتكار والنمو على المستوى الدولي كما توفر لها الخبرات التجارية الدولية مع المعرفة المحلية عبر مجموعة من الخدمات المستهدفة مثل:(خدمات الشراكة، الخدمات الاستشارية وخدمات دعم الابتكار).


في حال وجود أي استفسارات أو ملاحظات نرجو التواصل عبر البريد الالكتروني   info@echo-jo.com

ESKADENIA Software Hosts all its Employees for the yearly Ramadan Banquet


In recognition of the Holy Month Ramadan, ESKADENIA Software hosted Ramadan Iftar Banquet for all its employees as part of the company’s effort to enhance teams’ spirit. The Iftar was held on June the 8th ,2017 at Kempinski Hotel Amman, the group enjoyed the entertaining oriental melodies played by “Salateen Al – Tarab” band that represents the oriental and rhythmic melodies. Managing partners & founders of ESKADENIA Software Mr. Nael Salah & Ms. Doha Abdelkhaleq wished ESKADENIA team & family all peace and prosperity years ahead.


About ESKADENIA Software

ESKADENIA® Software is a two time MENA IR Winner & a CMMI® level (3) certified company that is active in the design, development and deployment of a range of software products in the Telecommunications, Insurance, Enterprise, Education, Healthcare  and Internet application areas. The company is based in Jordan and has sales activities in Europe, the Middle East and Africa; more than 85% of its sales are exported to the global market. ESKADENIA Software is a product and market-oriented organization that assists enterprises and promotes businesses by use of highly effective IT strategies, solutions and tools. ESKADENIA Software strongly believes that a company’s achievement is based on the success of its Human Resources and the commitment to quality and excellence that each one holds strong to. ESKADENIA endeavors as a team to maintain quality and customer respect, build up perseverance, and foster innovation. For more information, please contact us at PR_communications@eskadenia.com, or visit our site, www.eskadenia.com

Orange Jordan launches the first and only e-Care service in Jordan

Orange Jordan recently launched its first and only E-care service in Jordan for Orange customers, as they can control all of their Mobile, Internet and Fixed lines in one place, through the E-care Orange service, which is accessible from anywhere and customers can use it with complete ease.

The user-friendly Orange E-care service is designed for individuals and business sectors to cater to their telecom needs. Customers can use the Orange E-care service to inquire about their balance, manage and pay their bills, add or remove services, chat online with professional call center agents who will serve them on the spot and many other e-services. All these services can be reached by visiting Orange website www.orange.jo, going to “My Account”, creating your personal account, adding your lines and enjoying Orange E-care world.

On this occasion, Orange Jordan reaffirmed its commitment to opening digital horizons for its customers, through providing them with an unmatched digital experience and advanced services to be integrated into their daily lives in the aim of growing their knowledge of ecommerce.

Launching services such as Orange E-care, goes in line with the objectives of Orange Jordan’s five-year corporate strategy Essentials 2020, which aims to provide customers with an unmatched digital experience and to achieve substantial progress in how offers and services are presented in its stores and online, Orange Jordan will continue to launch up-to-date and technological services to further enhance its touch points and transform the customer’s digital journey.

Echo Technology Launched the Jordan Cooperative Corporation New Website


Echo Technology-Jordan pleased to announce the launch of the new website of Jordan Cooperative Corporation under the domain www.jcc.gov.jo. Where the new website comes to enhance its web presence and to highlight JCC objectives and services in easy and user-friendly design.

The new website developed using the latest technology in websites design and development to give the website visitors more flexibility to find JCC information and services.

ICS BANKS® Treasury System from ICSFS recognized as Sustainable Treasury Management Solutions Leader- MENA

ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS), the global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions, announced that its ICS BANKS® Treasury System has been recognized as Sustainable Treasury Management Solutions Leader -MENA by CEO Insight.

The CEO Insight provides comprehensive coverage of the strategic management decisions facing the modern business leader. It provides practical assistance to CEOs and decision-makers, offering a treasury of articles highlighting business strategy, expert opinion, analysis, corporate case studies, emerging trends, leadership, growth opportunities and challenges. Where the Global awards acknowledge best practice and innovation across the European business community.

The publisher Mr. Jamie Harrison of CEO Insight, commented;

ICS BANKS Investment & Treasury System leads in both customer experience and risk intelligence, automating treasury functions through front-mid-back offices; scaling to meet the needs of banks and financial services companies of all sizes. Combined with an intelligent modular suite of products, the ICS BANKS platform enables organisations to meet demanding liquidity and regulatory requirements while supporting robust risk management practices and changing compliance needs.”

Executive Director of Business Development at ICSFS; Mr. Wael Malkawi, commented;

“We are very proud of our double award achievement at the CEO Insight Global Awards 2016/17, where our ICS BANKS Treasury System has been awarded for Sustainable Treasury Management Solutions Leader-MENA and our Managing Director; Mr. Robert Hazboun who was recognised as one of the “Top 20 CEOs”. This kind of recognition says it all when it comes to our long-term commitment for excellence and providing integrated solutions and services to our customers”.

ICS BANKS provides a complete suite of banking modules with a rich sweep of functionalities and features, addressing business needs and automating accounting processes, as needed, to improve a bank’s business performance. ICS BANKS has always been a pioneer in utilising the latest technology to serve financial institutions. In addition to its embedded Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA), the system is deployed in a multi-tiered setup that runs on a web thin client.

National Bank of Yemen Selects ICS BANKS® from ICS Financial Systems

ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS), the global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions, announced that National Bank of Yemen, which was established in 1969, It is reckoned to be one of the largest Commercial Banks and a prominent contributor in the economic and social development in Yemen, has selected the multi-awards winning systems ICS BANKS®

The signing ceremony took place in Amman, Jordan attending the signing ceremony were the Chairman of Board of Directors of National bank of Yemen; Dr. Mohammed Hussein Halaboub and the Managing director of National Bank of Yemen; Dr. Ahmed Ali Ben Sanker and the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and

the Managing Director of ICSFS; Mr. Robert Hazboun and the Executive Director for Business Development of ICSFS; Mr. Wael Malkawi.

Following the signing ceremony, The Chairman of Board of Directors of National bank of Yemen; DR. Mohammed Hussein Halaboub commented;

“We are pleasant to be here now, and we are keen to this partnership, where national bank of Yemen is looking forward to be working side-by-side with ICSFS to transform its core processing at the bank and to deliver best spoke services to our customers.” Halaboub added” We are proud of both teams where it’s their duty to transform our vision into reality by implanting ICS BANKS Developed solution

to assist improve the bank’s performance soon, and we would like to thank ICSFS for the kind efforts”

The Managing director of National Bank of Yemen; Dr. Ahmed Ali Ben Sanker stated;

“We have been looking forward to this Partnership, despite all of the challenges that we have faced, and the long journey that we have crossed, we are present here today and we are confident that by choosing ICSFS we will be heading towards the top, and that our vision will be fulfilled, we have set high hopes on ICSFS in supporting us achieve our mission, and to deliver a superior customer experience using ICS BANKS innovative technology.”

And on this occasion, the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director of ICSFS; Mr. Robert Hazboun commented;

“We welcome National Bank of Yemen to ICSFS community where it will enjoy ICS BANKS latest technologies and our unlimited offerings and privileges, the bank will witness the utmost advanced and developed financial services.” Hazboun added” the bank will enjoy ultimate benefits from our system’s unlimited offerings and advantages, besides to our continuous support where we treat our clients as our partners and we make sure to provide them with the most advanced solution around the universe.”

The Executive Director for Business Development of ICSFS; Mr. Wael Malkawi;

“We are looking forward to this partnership, where we would like to welcome National Bank of Yemen in our flourishing journey, and we are proud to see the bank become part of our esteemed customers from all around the world.” Malkawi added;” we appreciate the trust and confident in our financial solution and services and we are looking forward to deliver superior performance in National Bank of Yemen.”

ICS BANKS provides a complete suite of banking business modules with a rich sweep of functionalities and features, addressing business needs and automating accounting processes, as needed, to improve a bank’s business performance. ICS BANKS has always been a pioneer in utilizing the latest technology to serve financial institutions.