Record Breaking & Unmatched Results of ICS BANKS Application from ICSFS Performance and High-watermark Benchmarking on Oracle Exadata Database Machine

ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS), a global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions and a Gold level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN), today announced successful and unmatched results of high-watermark benchmark performance of its ICS BANKS® Universal Banking Application on Oracle Exadata environment.

Performed in August 2018, at Oracle’s UK Labs, ICSFS benchmarked its ICS BANKS® software suite on Oracle Exadata Database environment. The benchmark covers both Oracle Database Enterprise Edition 12c and 18c. The results have demonstrated ICSFS’ ability to derive remarkable and competitive performance of ICS BANKS® running on Exadata servers.

ICSFS generated ICS BANKS® data representing tier 1 and tier 2 universal banking activity volumes of 63 million customers, 630 million accounts, 5,000 branches and 60,000 concurrent users.

High-Watermark results were achieved on 18c & 12c Database with simulating 60,000 concurrent users, a throughput of 35.5k (35,577) financial transactions per second (TPS) on 18c Database and 32k (31,972) TPS on 12c Database are sustained during the test period of 35 minutes. The ATM & E-Channels benchmark revealed an overall throughput of 128k (128,448) TPS on 18c Database and 114k (113,858) TPS on 12c Database were achieved during the 20 minutes test. While ICS BANKS Digital Banking platform achieved results that exceeded expectations and success criteria; simulating 63 million online IBS registered users; whilst 200k concurrent users were working at the same time making a throughput of 143K TPS on 18c Database and 128K TPS on 12c Database; resulting in 257.5 million transactions on 18c Database and 231.5 million transactions on 12c Database within 30 minutes. During this test the system supported 1.25 million users log on within a 30-minute window.

The enormous and tremendous tests of End of Month Capitalization Batch processing 630 million Interest Accounts in 4 minutes window resulting in an unmatched batch throughput of 262k (262,354) accounts per second.

Managing Director of ICSFS; Mr. Robert Hazboun commented on this milestone;

“ICSFS is the first Oracle ISV partner worldwide to perform this kind of testing on Oracle 18c database, and achieve best benchmarking results to-date. This performance benchmark reflects ICS BANKS and Oracle Exadata Database Machine’ high scalability and agility of providing high levels of operational efficiency, and delivering powerful solutions designed for the banking industry.”

Oracle EMEA Vice President, ISV/OEM; Mr. Kamil Guclu stated;

“Success is more than leading with innovation and pioneering of technology, we have to be able to measure performance accurately too. ICSFS software with their application ICS BANKS®️ could achieve their phenomenal benchmark results, both Cloud and On-Premise by using Oracle Exadata.”

Executive Director of ICSFS; Mr. Wael Malkawi stated;

“This high-watermark benchmark is a testament to ICS BANKS application’s capabilities, where no other banking software solution has produced such outstanding results. We are proud of these significant results and are honoured to share this success with a strategic partner such as Oracle.”

Chief Technology & Innovation Officer of ICSFS; Mr. Ghassan I. Sarsak added:

“The vital performance and significant results of this benchmark reflect ICSFS’ strategic vision of utilising the latest technologies to lower transaction’s cost, while still increasing revenue streams for financial services, enhancing customer experience and ensuring efficient service delivery.” Sarsak added “ICS BANKS’ speed of transaction is aligned with the speed of innovation.”

ICS BANKS provides a complete suite of banking business modules with a rich sweep of functionalities and features, addressing business needs and automating accounting processes, as needed, to improve a bank’s business performance. ICS BANKS has always been a pioneer in utilising the latest technology to serve financial institutions. In addition to its embedded Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA), the system is deployed in a multi-tiered setup that runs on a web thin client.

Chain Reaction was awarded from MENA Search Awards 2018 & Stevie Award

Chain Reaction has nabbed seven awards at the MENA SEARCH AWARDS 2018 as well as 2 GOLD awards at the Stevie Awards.

Chain Reaction were the most awarded agency at the MENA Search Awards this year with the following awards

  • Best Use of Search – MENA SEARCH AWARDS 2018
  • Best Local Campaign – MENA SEARCH AWARDS 2018
  • Best Low Budget Campaign – MENA SEARCH AWARDS 2018
  • Best Arabic Campaign – MENA SEARCH AWARDS 2018
  • Best Arabic SEO Campaign – MENA SEARCH AWARDS 2018
  • Best Integrated Agency – MENA SEARCH AWARDS 2018
  • MENA Search Personality of the year which was received by Chain Reaction’s CEO and founder; Saif Jarad.

Chain Reaction were also awarded in the Gold STEVIE Awards as the following:

  • GOLD STEVIE Winner: Company of the Year – Advertising, Marketing, & Public Relations – Small
  • GOLD STEVIE Winner: Fastest-Growing Company of the Year – in the Middle East and Africa


Orange Jordan and the Ministry of Youth sign a cooperation agreement to rehabilitate youth centers


The Ministry of Youth and Orange Jordan signed a joint cooperation agreement on Thursday, under which the company will equip three halls in youth centers affiliated to the ministry in the northern, central and southern regions, which include: Kafranja Center for Women in Ajloun, Young Arda Women Center in Balqa and Aqaba Youth Center. The agreement was signed by the Minister of Youth, His Excellency Makram Al-Qaisi and Orange Jordan’s CEO, Thierry Marigny.

Al-Qaisi said that the ministry has included in its action plan a study about the present situation of youth centers and its rehabilitation, whereby signing the agreement will result in the rehabilitation of three youth centers distributed across three regions, through equipping its halls digitally, to suit the aspirations of young people, in addition to offering training to the youth trainees, whom are considered a main link with them, as he valued the partnership with Orange Jordan and the role it plays in supporting Jordanian youth.

From his side, Marigny affirmed that this agreement is in line with the objectives of the company’s five-year corporate strategy “Essentials 2020”, which focuses on increasing awareness on technology usage and benefiting from the availability of a strong internet, through the company’s network, which is considered to be the best. Additionally, it serves the company’s commitment in contributing to reducing the digital gap in the local community through providing modern learning methods based on digital education.

Regarding the role of Orange Jordan in this agreement, Marigny explained that under this agreement, which falls under Orange Jordan’s digital centers umbrella, the company will train the trainers who are responsible for helping young people gain new skills in three main topics: communication, digital, leadership and entrepreneurship skills. The company will also provide integrated telecommunications solutions to support training and the rehabilitation of the halls, in order to create a suitable training environment.

He added that supporting these youth centers, that support young people throughout the Kingdom, will develop their knowledge and increase their competencies, which will enable them to deal with the latest developments and challenges efficiently and effectively.

Diva Care Clinics successfully launched ESKA® Carenet® powered by ESKADENIA Software


ESKADENIA Software, the leading Jordanian-based software products and technology provider, is delighted to announce that Diva Skin & Dental Care Clinics has selected ESKA® Carenet® clinics management system, ESKA® Clinics, to bring its medical practices to a new level of efficiency.

ESKADENIA provided Diva Skin & Dental Care Clinics with an automated clinic management system that empowers healthcare providers with a secure method of effectively addressing their practices of medical, financial, administrative and regulatory needs.

ESKA Clinics has been designed to enable healthcare providers to manage patient registrations, appointments, cases, referrals and automated alerts. Furthermore, the system supports healthcare providers with case management, recommends treatment plans and provides medical practices with comprehensive financial solutions to process invoices and e-claims. The system also allows doctors to track their daily work in all of their medical cases and follow-up visits.

ESKA Clinics, which is part of ESKA® Carenet® healthcare management suite, can also be delivered on-demand via the Cloud as a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solution.

“We are really glad to have the opportunity to work with ESKADENIA Software because of their professionalism and excellent customer service. We look forward to working with them on future projects,” GM of Diva Skin & Dental Care Clinics Amer Shehadeh stated.

Globitel announces developing a new voice authentication solution: SpeechLog Voice Authentication


Globitel, a leading telecom and customer care solutions provider, announces that they have developed a new voice authentication solution using groundbreaking technology. The new solution will be a part of Globitel’s SpeechLog Suite and it will be called SpeechLog Voice Authentication.

SpeechLog Voice Authentication is the sixth solution to be added to the SpeechLog Suite. This solution allows contact center agents to identify callers by their voice only using cutting-edge biometric voice verification technology.

Like fingerprints and patterns of people’s irises, vocal characteristics (voice print) are unique for each individual. With its simple integration, your contact center is readily equipped with this top-of-the-line technology.

Several features characterize the vast utility and impressive function of SpeechLog Voice Authentication. For example, with its analysis of correct or rejected identification, it helps in measuring the accuracy of the system and effectiveness in matching individuals to their voice prints.

Another great feature is that the solution intelligently adapts to enhance existing voice prints whenever a legitimate caller was labelled fraudulent by the system.

Security is a major factor for contact centers, which the solution caters to. Multi-level authentication, encryption, fraudster control, etc. are some security features your contact center benefits from through SpeechLog Voice Authentication.

According to analyst firm Contact Babel, most contact centers currently take up to 60 seconds to verify the identity of a customer. Voice authentication technologies reduce caller identification to 10-15 seconds. A 50-45 second reduction in call handle time could save millions annually for contact centers.

Mr. Fadi Qutaishat, Vice President of Globitel

“With our mission as a company focused entirely on enhancing the customer service experience, our portfolio continues to grow with innovative new solutions. In 1996 we entered the market when SpeechLog Suite was just one solution; SpeechLog Call Recorder, a call recording software. Since then, we have added five new solutions to match the growing needs of contact centers. SpeechLog Voice Authentication was the latest addition to the suite.”

Mr. Fadi continued,

“Speed, security, efficiency, cost savings, enhanced customer service, etc. SpeechLog Voice Authentication has innumerable benefits for customers and businesses using it alike. With reduced handle time, agents close cases quicker, people are served better, contact center is secured and safe, and businesses reap the rewards of proven cost savings and higher customer satisfaction. The solution provides the enhanced security your contact center needs in today’s market, along with the speed and convenience people have come to expect from businesses and customer service.”

Advanced Business Solutions welcomes their new client ETA-MAX ENERGY

Advanced Business Solutions just welcomed a new client to the family! ETA-max Energy & Environmental Solutions is a regional leader in Solar Photovoltaic Systems, providing reliable and environmentally friendly power to small residential accommodations as well as commercial, educational and industrial facilities. With exceptional engineering capabilities and unparalleled technical experience, ETA-max proves to maintain a successful track record with clients in Jordan, UAE, KSA and more.

Thanks to our deep solar industry experience, ETA-max, alongside Hanania Energy and Philadelphia Solar, can easily improve productivity and stay competitive in the market. Implementing SAP Business One will help streamline business processes by combining data from a variety of sources into one, integrated platform – later resulting in reduced costs and risks.

To learn more about ETA-max, go to  We look forward to this journey together!

أنيس التل رئيساً تنفيذياً تجارياً لشركة الخدمات الفنية للكمبيوتر إس تي إس

أعلنت شركة الخدمات الفنية للكمبيوتر إس تي إس (STS)، الشركة الرائدة في تقديم حلول تكنولوجيا المعلومات في الأردن والمنطقة، عن انضمام أنيس التل في منصب الرئيس التنفيذي التجاري (CCO). وسيكون التل أول من يشغل هذا المنصب المستحدث في الشركة، حيث ينضم إلى فريق العمل متمتعاً بخبرة تناهز 25 عاماً من العمل في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات، تتمحور حول تطوير الأعمال ومبيعات الحلول والخدمات السحابية، بالإضافة إلى الخدمات المُدارة والحلول المتكاملة.

وانطلاقاً من استراتيجية التحول الرقمي الجديدة التي تتبناها إس تي إس (STS)، يأتي قرار استحداث منصب الرئيس التنفيذي التجاري بهدف التطوير والتوسع في مجالات الحلول السحابية والخدمات المدارة، والتركيز على حلول خدمات البنى التحتية، والتي شكّلت على مر السنين أهم الخدمات المقدمة.

وكان التل قبل انضمامه إلى عائلة إس تي إس (STS)، قد شغل عدداً من المناصب القيادية، بما في ذلك دوره كمدير إقليمي لشركة آي دي سي (IDC)، حيث كان مسؤولاً عن منطقة الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا وتركيا (META)، كما شغل منصب الرئيس التنفيذي التجاري لشركة إي هوستينغ داتا فورت (eHosting DataFort). وقد عمل أيضاً مع العديد من الشركات العالمية الرائدة، بما في ذلك سيسكو سيستمز (Cisco Systems)، وديل إي أم سي (Dell EMC)، وأكواتيف (Acuative)، المعروفة سابقاً باسم ثرو بوينت (ThruPoint)، إلى جانب شركة الشرق الأوسط لأنظمة المعلومات (Mideast Data Systems).

وبهذه المناسبة، أكد أيمن مزاهرة، الشريك المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة إس تي إس (STS)، أن انضمام التل إلى الشركة يمثل خطوة في الاتجاه الصحيح، معرباً عن تطلع فريق عمل الشركة إلى العمل معه بغية تحقيق أهداف ورؤية إس تي إس (STS) المستقبلية.

من جانبه، أكد التل اعتزازه بهذه الخطوة قائلاً: “إنه لشرف عظيم لي أن أنضم إلى عائلة إس تي إس (STS) التي كانت وما تزال إحدى أكثر الشركات تقدماً في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في المنطقة ككل، وأنا أتطلع بانضمامي إلى فريق العمل إلى ترجمة رؤية إس تي إس (STS) على أرض الواقع لنقدم الممارسات المثلى لمساعدة الشركات والمؤسسات على التطور المستمر”.

ICSFS Completes a Successful Block chain Proof of Concept (PoC) with Arab Jordan Investment Bank- AJIB

ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS), the global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions, has successfully completed the implementation of blockchain proof of concept (PoC), which was conducted at  Arab Jordan Investment Bank (AJIB), one of Jordan’s leading investment and commercial banks, through ICS BANKS® Blockchain Adapter between Amman Head Office and Cyprus Branch (Limassol).

Chairman of Arab Jordan Investment Bank; Hani Al-Qadi said,

“The success of this PoC is the beginning of a new journey for AJIB, and we are looking forward to be using this transformative technology, after being regulated in different banking solutions to continue fulfilling our customers’ evolving financial needs.”

Managing Director of ICSFS; Mr. Robert Hazboun said,

“The initiative of this successful milestone is one of the first blockchain PoC executed in this region, delivering an enterprise-grade blockchain platform with industry leading resiliency, scalability and security.” Mr. Hazboun continued “Through this collaboration, Arab Jordan Investment Bank can now practice fund transfers between its subsidiaries or bank-to-bank securely, faster, cheaper and instant (real-time) through all its digital banking platform 24/7.”

Deputy General Manager, Information Technology and Security at AJIB; Mr. Ayman Qadoumi commented on this experience,

“Arab Jordan Investment Bank is one of the early adapters of the Blockchain technology. By implementing the blockchain proofs of concept (PoC) that was conducted at our test environment through ICS BANKS Blockchain Adapter, between Amman Head Office and Cyprus Branch (Limassol), we have proven our commitment to provide our customers with the latest technologies to proactively deliver the smartest products and services.”

Executive Director of ICSFS; Mr. Wael Malkawi stated,

“This project would have not been executed without Arab Jordan Investment Bank’s full support and extensive collaboration, Arab Jordan Investment Bank will now be able to enhance their customer centricity by reducing cost of fund transfers, secure their private information and promptly address their requirements.”

ICS BANKS® Blockchain Adapter users will benefit from such a platform to overcome the challenges that it faces in terms of security, delays, faster automated transactions and the exclusion of third parties. ICS BANKS® Blockchain Adapter is integrated with Oracle Autonomous Blockchain Service running on hyper ledger Fabric platform, ICS BANKS® Core Banking System and ICS BANKS® Digital banking platform.

Orange Jordan inaugurates Mafraq Knowledge Station


His Excellency the Minister of ICT and Information Technology, Engineer Muthanna Al Gharaibeh and CEO of Orange Jordan, Thierry Marigny inaugurated Mafraq Knowledge Station yesterday, which falls under the Orange Digital Umbrella. The inauguration took place in the presence of Mafraq Governor, Hassan Al Qiam, partners of the project, in addition to the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology, National Center for Information Technology and The Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD).

On this occasion, Engineer Al Gharaibeh said that the launching of knowledge stations stemmed from His Majesty’s vision to transform the Kingdom’s economy into a knowledge based and digital economy and offering services to reach all citizens across governorates. The Ministry is currently working in partnership with the private sector companies to find innovative and entrepreneurial ways as well as new dimensions to benefit from knowledge stations, to serve the local community and B2B business incubators and realize development for the residents of the governorates.

He praised Orange Jordan for supporting and adopting different governmental initiatives which aim to spread technological awareness in general and its continuous efforts to support numerous knowledge stations.

From his side Mr.  Marigny said that Orange Jordan through its active contribution in the digital transformation process in the Kingdom, launched the Orange Digital Centers umbrella previously, which comprises different cities across governorates, affirming that the company, through its digital umbrella will provide the stations with integrated telecom solutions, where the number of beneficiaries is expected to reach thousands, and refugees will be included in the training in cooperation with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

He added that the Mafraq Knowledge Station was launched along with other stations in the Kingdom’s governorates, under the umbrella of Orange Digital Centers, in cooperation with Orange Jordan’s partners in this important project, stressing that this project stems from the company’s commitment to achieving His Majesty King Abdullah II’s vision to build and empower the community in terms of knowledge, the thing which falls in line with the company’s five-year corporate strategy, “Essentials 2020” which prioritizes bridging the digital divide and maximizing the benefits from the internet across the Kingdom.

The opening ceremony also comprised a tour of Orange Digital Station, which was renovated to become a suitable training venue similar to other knowledge stations that are located in other governorates, in which the training needs of the beneficiaries and methods of gaining from these knowledge stations have been identified

The tour also included a visit to the Jordanian-German Center for Excellence in Solar Energy, which was established through a grant from Orange Jordan and worth half a million JD, falling under its special solar energy project in the Mafraq Development Area. The center works to train and rehabilitate Jordanian youth in the field of solar and renewable energy.

Al Gharaibeh praised the efforts exerted by the center in adopting the capabilities of the youth and them on solar energy in terms of design, implementation and maintenance of photovoltaic power to ensure the provision of entrepreneurial opportunities for Jordanian youth and contribution in making Jordan a center for exporting services.

Marigny stressed on the importance of the Jordanian-German Center for Excellence in Solar Energy, which aims to exploit the potential of Jordanian youth, providing them with the necessary skills to enter the labor market, which will contribute to reducing the unemployment rate and increase youth participation in the development process.

Lemon Pharmacy Group launches its new website in corporation with Echo Technology

Lemon pharmacy group launched its internet website in corporation with Echo Technology following the latest Microsoft technologies under the domain  , that provide all needed information by visitors such as the branches, and its locations via Google maps platform, medical articles, and frequent asked questions.