Orange Jordan as the Telecom Partner for Sofex



Orange Jordan recently renewed its strategic partnership with the twelfth annual Special Operations Forces Exhibition and Conference (SOFEX 2018), entitled “Hybrid wars in the international gray zone – the changing operational environment” that will be held this year at the King Abdullah I Air Base, located in Marka between 7 and  10 May, 2018.

According to the agreement, Orange Jordan will be SOFEX’s sole telecommunications provider and exclusive telecom sponsor, and will be responsible for providing telecom and internet services for all SOFEX activities and visitors, whereby Orange will as well display its vast array of technologically advanced products and services in a special booth during the exhibition, showcasing the security solutions it offers its customers and subscribers.

Director General of Sofex, Amer Tabaa affirmed the importance of Orange Jordan’s role in the local telecommunications sector, especially as it provides the local market with the latest technology, thanking the company for sponsoring and supporting Sofex in its twelfth cycle, stressing that the company has always been a sponsor of former Sofex exhibitions asit reflects its commitment and social responsibility to society.

From his side, Chief Enterprise Officer at Orange Jordan, Engineer Sami Smeirat, said that the company constantly seeks to be part of this important national event, which is held annually under the Patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah II, pointing out that the strategic partnership between both parties affirms Orange Jordan’s commitment towards supporting and enhancing the Kingdom’s efforts in creating development in all aspects. The company is also dedicated to offering new and innovative telecommunications options across the Kingdom, as it falls in line with the company’s five-year corporate strategy “Essentials 2020” which focuses on providing continuity in telecommunications and richer connectivity.

He added that “Sofex is considered to be one of the most prominent and important global exhibitions, and provides added value to all participating companies in all aspects, which solidifies the Kingdom’s position, making it one of the most important global destinations in this aspect.

During its current cycle, the exhibition will witness a wide participation of companies from different countries, leaders, experts and specialists in the world and will discuss everything related to contemporary global security issues and the role of technology in driving them.

وزارة العمل تتطلق موقعها الالكتروني بالتعاون مع ايكو تكنولوجي

حرصا من وزارة العمل على ان يكون وجودها متلائما مع التطورات الاجتماعية لإزالة أية عوائق تحول بين الوزارة والعامل أو صاحب العمل، اطلقت وزارة العمل موقعها الالكتروني الجديد والذي يوفر أهم المعلومات والأخبار المتعلقة بالوزارة وقطاع العمل. يقدم  موقع الوزارة الجديد كافة التسهيلات و الخدمات التي يحتاجها الزائر ليجد المعلومة و الفائدة كما يضم بوابة خاصة بالاقتراحات و الاستفسارات.

يعد هذا الموقع من المواقع الحائزة على ختم المعايير الدولية  W3C  من ناحية  التصميم والتطوير وهيكلة المحتوى ومراعات التصفح لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة.

يقدم الموقع الالكتروني الجديد مجموعة من الخدمات الالكترونية الموجهة لكل من العمال واصحاب العمل التي من شانها تيسير وتبسيط الاجراءات المعمول بها في الوزارة. كما يتميز الموقع الجديد باحتوائه على محتوى غني يشمل التقارير، دليل الاداء، الخدمات، التشريعات، والاتفاقيات.  بالاضافة الى بوابة حق الحصول على المعلومة التي تدعم ركائز البناء الديموقراطي للدولة.

Orange Jordan is the exclusive telecom provider for Aqaba Company for Ports Operations and Management



Orange Jordan has recently renewed its agreement with Aqaba Company for Ports Operations and Management, under which it will provide the company with mobile services. This new agreement is part of a previous agreement between both parties, where Orange Jordan offered fixed line services and the internet becoming the exclusive telecommunications provider for Aqaba Company for Ports Operations and Management.

CEO, Jérôme Hénique signed the agreement on behalf of Orange Jordan, during a recent visit to the South,  and on behalf of Aqaba Ports Management and Operation Company, its General Manager, Engineer Mohammad Mubaydeen.

During the signing ceremony, Hénique expressed his pleasure in continuing the partnership with the Aqaba Company for Ports Operations and Management, which is considered to be one of the most important elements of maritime transport sector in the Kingdom and a major center for Jordanian trade.  Adding that “As the strongest provider for business solutions, it is our responsibility at Orange Jordan to provide integrated telecommunication solutions and to provide our customers with an unmatched experience, the thing which falls in line with our five-year corporate strategy Essentials 2020, which aims to connect people to all that matters to them and is essential in their daily lives”.

From his side, Orange Jordan Chief Enterprise Officer Smeirat said “We at Orange Jordan are proud to continue expanding our partnership with Aqaba Company for Ports Operations and Management which started several years ago, assuring that the company is constantly seeking to provide the best and latest solutions and innovative services to enrich the experience of its corporate customers in order to improve their businesses. Aqaba Company for Ports Operations and Management will benefit greatly from the mobile services, especially after the launch of the advanced 4G + that provides high speeds.”

Mohammad Mubaideen, General Manager of Aqaba Company for Ports Operations and Management said that he is happy signing this special agreement, saying that, “We appreciate the continuous efforts of Orange Jordan to cover our headquarters with telecommunication services and offer business solutions, which facilitates our internal and external communication.”

Orange Jordan is committed to providing high-quality, integrated telecommunications solutions to deliver significant digital advances across the Kingdom. In order to achieve its objectives, the company has invested hundreds of millions of JDs in the past years to develop the telecommunications sector, through allocating substantial amounts for the acquisition of new frequencies, and developing its networks, especially those that provide broadband internet services to ensure the quality of coverage and the provision of high capacities, in addition to renewing 2G and 3G networks. The company has also invested heavily in New Generation Networks (NGNs), including LTE, Fiber-To-The Home (FTTH), Fiber-To-The-Business (FTTB), as well as extending coverage of 4G, 4G+ network.


Orange Jordan receives two international certificates in human resources


Orange Jordan has recently received the “Top Employer Award” for 2018 in the Kingdom for the third consecutive year from the global Top Employer Institute. Orange Jordan was selected from among many reputable companies and institutions noting that the Top Employer Institute is one of  best accredited institutes in the world specializing in recognizing excellence of employers in regard to creating a positive work environment. According to Orange Jordan, the certificate reflects company’s efforts to implement the best Human Resource practices and policies including talent management, leadership, training and development, and other career related and strategic initiatives that contribute to improving the internal work environment.Moreover, Orange Jordan has recently received the European International Standard for Gender Equality (GEEIS) for the first time, achieving an exceptional grade; three out of four until 2020, in this important international standard. This certificate reflects company’s commitment to applying the principle of gender equality in regard to payment scale, professional diversity and access to managerial positions.

Orange Jordan always strives to provide the best for its employees, focusing on improving its workforce and enhancing its role as a company that strives to  be a digital model that cares about people, not only focusing on customers and members of the community, but also on employees whom the company always seeks to enrich their experience, which reflects positively on the customer, falling in line with the company’s five year corporate strategy “Essentials 2020”.


Central Bank of Jordan launches its Complaint Management System using WASEL by Echo Technology


In the framework of dedicating the supervisory role of the Central Bank of Jordan in the field of protecting rights of individual customers, especially those of consumption and personal loans, instructions have been enacted to banks in order to establish a new department which deals and handles customers complaints.

The Central Bank of Jordan automated it complaint management process  using WASEL from Echo Technology to manage and process the electronic complaints.

Orange Jordan enhances its network in the southern governorates to provide advanced 4G+, Fiber services


As part of its network enhancement in different governorates across the Kingdom, Orange Jordan’s CEO Jérôme Hénique announced the company’s rollout of the advanced 4G+ service in different areas in the south governorates, and the launch of the revamped Home Broadband offers. The announcement was made during a press conference held in Aqaba, in the presence of Chief ITN & Wholesale Officer Waleed Al Doulat and Chief Consumer Sales Officer Samer Al-Haj, along with a number of executives from Orange Jordan, and media representatives.

During the press conference Hénique stated that the rollout of the advanced 4G+ for mobile service and the launch of the revamped broadband offers came this year as part of Orange Jordan’s overall network plan enhancement in different cities and governorates across the Kingdom. This step stems from the company’s continuous efforts to remain the provider of the strongest internet for mobile and home, which will result in the best customer experience, through providing high-quality telecommunication and internet services, while stressing the company’s determination to make tangible digital progress in all regions of the Kingdom.

Hénique added: “Since the launch of our five-year corporate strategy “Essentials 2020” in 2015, we at Orange Jordan have made substantial investments that will reach up to JD 300 million by the year 2020, as we remain committed to the development of the ICT sector, and to the increase of internet penetration across the Kingdom. For the past few years, we have been concentrating on the development of New Generation Networks (NGNs), including, Fiber-To-The Home (FTTH), Fiber-To-The-Business (FTTB), as well as extending the coverage of 4G and 4G+ (LTE advanced Pro) networks to all areas in the Kingdom. More than JD 100 million were allocated to acquiring new frequencies from the TRC, upgrading the existing network, installing new towers across different governorates, and to the rollout of the latest version of the fourth generation network (4G+) for mobile service, hence providing customers with faster and better connectivity with the highest quality at affordable prices.


Chief ITN & Wholesale Officer at Orange Jordan, Waleed Al Doulat, offered more details about the network enhancement achievements, saying that company has recently added 44 new mobile towers in the southern governorates, with 14 sites in Aqaba, 9 sites in Ma’an, 10 sites in Tafileh, 11 sites in Karak, and more sites are still under construction.


Al Doulat also said that a new 2.6GHz frequency has been added to increase the capacity on the existing 4G network to accommodate the increasing traffic at 31 sites, including 9 sites in Aqaba, 10 sites in Ma’an, 6 sites in Tafileh and 6 sites in Karak. He also highlighted the 55% increase in speed for fixed broadband network that was achieved since the installation of 21 new ADSL sites in the southern governorates to improve the ADSL network. He explained that a new 4 areas are being covered now with fiber (FTTB) service to provide the latest technologies and internet service for the business segment

Chief Consumer Sales Officer Samer Al-Haj presented all the special offers and packages designed to complement the network enhancement, including Orange 7 and above, as well as the “Humat Al Watan” golden line, offering subscribers 500 minutes to call all networks and an extra 5 GB of internet for free. He also highlighted the recent launch of the new Yo platform targeting the youth with the best offers that respond to their needs, where “Jama3ty” lines are offered up to 80% discounts on the first month subscription with a new SIM card. This offer is available now  in Alhusein bin Talal University in Ma’an.

Al-Haj said: “We have also revamped our existing Home Broadband offers by adding new devices that offer high speeds, such as the ADSL internet offer; which includes the new “Orange Home Box” offering high-internet speed reaching up to 24 Mbps with unlimited downloads, starting from only JD 10 per month, the 4G IEW offer with “Orange Flybox” which also offers very high-internet speed and download capacities for the entire family, and is easy to install, from JD 13 per month.


Orange Jordan currently covers 92% of the Kingdom’s areas with 4G/LTE and has deployed 6,000 kilometers of FTTB cable, and is currently in the process of installing more than 700 kilometers of additional fiber cable.




هيئة الطاقة الذرية الأردنية تعتمد نظام الفا بلس من ايكو تكنولوجي لتطوير بوابة الموظفين الداخلية 

اطلقت هيئة الطاقة الذرية الأردنية بوابة الموظفين الخاصة بها بالاعتماد على نظام Alpha Plus  الذي يوفر للموظفين كافة التعليمات والقوانين والانظمة ومكتبة الوثائق بالإضافة الى خدمة نشر الاخبار وعرض الاستبيانات.

يقدم نظام AlphaPlus   خدمات الكترونية متعددة من اهمها خدمة طلب الاجازات والمغادرات وخدمة كشف الراتب، ليوفر بيئة عمل اكثر مرونة واحترافية.

ومن الجدير بالذكر بان هيئة الطاقة الذرية الأردنية تهدف الى نقل وتطوير وتعزيز الاستخدامات السلمية للطاقة النووية.

للمزيد من المعلومات،  يرجى التواصل معنا من خلال

Orange Jordan offers scholarships to students undertaking bachelor’s and master’s studies at PSUT


Orange Jordan recently awarded scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students at Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT) to assist them with completing their studies. The scholarships included several disciplines which are in demand by the labor market, including Communications Engineering, Networks and Information Security Engineering and Data Science. Students were selected according to certain criteria by a special committee.

CEO of Orange Jordan, Jerome Hénique, said that the long-term partnership with PSUT has noble goals, most notably providing learning opportunities to the youth and contributing to their support according to a common ground shared by both parties, as well as providing students with a better future that will enable them to serve their country, stressing that the company offered a lot of previous scholarships to PSUT students, in order to assist them with their bachelors and master’s degrees in different specializations. From his side, the University President, Dr. Mashhour Al Rifai praised the cooperation between the University and Orange Jordan and its support of outstanding students to help them complete their studies, which also indicates the company’s appreciation of the university graduates’ reputation, efficiency and achievements in the local work market. Dr. Rifai also thanked Orange Jordan for their support and expressed the University’s aspiration for further cooperation with the company. Orange Jordan recently renewed its agreement with PSUT, which originally began in 2012. The renewed agreement was signed by Orange Jordan’s CEO Jerome Hénique and the university’s President, Dr. Mashhour Rifai. Through this agreement, Orange Jordan provides scholarships to outstanding PSUT students, in addition to providing the green area on campus with services which include: free Wi-Fi, tables, benches and umbrellas for bus shelters. As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility and Entrepreneurship plan, stemming from its five-year corporate strategy “Essentials 2020”, Orange Jordan is committed to empowering the local community on both social and economic levels, through supporting top performing students, hence providing opportunities for ambitious young people who will contribute to the socio-economic development of the Kingdom.

Echo Technology Launches the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply website based on the latest international standards


Echo technology is pleased to announce the launch of the ministry of industry, trade and supply’s new website under the domain name , along with a modern design, and a platform that compiles with W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) standards.

This ministry’s website is the first website in Jordan that is stamped by W3C, where the website standards includes features for special needs browsing, ease of use and W3C’s design standards.

The website provides various online services that build based on the user needs and the international standards used in the field of e-services to serve businessmen and citizens.

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ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS) Wins Oracle FY18 Middle East and North Africa Innovation Award – ISV Cloud Innovation



ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS), a global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions and a Gold level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN), today announced it has been selected as the winning partner for Oracle FY18 Middle East and North Africa – ISV Cloud Innovation.

ICS Financial Systems was presented the Oracle FY18 Middle East and North Africa Innovation award in the presence of its peers and Oracle executives during the “Oracle Partner Day” on Tuesday, February 6th, 2018 at the Four Seasons Hotel Beirut. The award reflects ICSFS’ demonstration of skills and expertise by achieving the certification of its flagships; ICS BANKS Conventional, ICS BANKS ISLAMIC and ICS BANKS Digital Banking on Oracle Cloud Platform.

ICSFS is one of the first Oracle ISV partners in the MEA region to adopt cloud technology and obtain full cloud certification – full market place registration – and has fully deployed its solutions on Oracle Cloud for production use to their clients. Also, ICSFS has been working closely with Oracle to incorporate the latest emerging technology services, including blockchain, artificial intelligence and mobile bots within ICS BANKS Digital Banking Platform.

Oracle Cloud is the industry’s broadest and most complete public cloud, delivering enterprise-grade services at every level of the cloud technology stack including software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and data as a service (DaaS).

Upon receiving the award, Wael Malkawi, Executive Director of ICSFS said, “We are honoured to receive such an award from Oracle, and are committed to becoming the most innovative cloud-centric financial solution provider running on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.” Malkawi added, “ICSFS is also dedicated to continuously improving and innovating to deliver quality comprehensive banking and financial solutions to its customers.”

ICS BANKS provides a complete suite of banking business modules with a rich sweep of functionalities and features, addressing business needs and automating accounting processes, as needed, to improve a bank’s business performance. ICS BANKS has always been a pioneer in utilising the latest technology to serve financial institutions. In addition to its embedded Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA), the system is deployed in a multi-tiered setup that runs on a web thin client.