إس تي إس” و”علي بابا كلاود ” تمكّنان “موضوع” من نقل بنيتها التحتية إلى المنصة السحابية

وقعت “إس تي إس” شريك الخدمة المحلي لعلي بابا كلاود والمزود الرائد لحلول التحول الرقمي وأنظمة المعلومات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات المتكاملة في الأردن والمنطقة و “علي بابا كلاود “، العمود الفقري للذكاء والتكنولوجيا الرقمية لمجموعة علي بابا، اتفاقية شراكة مع “موضوع”، أكبر ناشر للمحتوى العربي عبر الإنترنت في دول الخليج لنقل بنيتها التحتية إلى السحابة. ومن المتوقع أن يسهم هذا الانتقال إلى السحابة في تحقيق الفعالية من حيث التكلفة، والتوافق مع متطلبات الامتثال للعملاء، وتعزيز أداء الأعمال ونموها في جميع أنحاء منطقة دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي. وستستفيد “موضوع” عبر هذه الشراكة من حلول “البنية التحتية كخدمة” و”المنصة كخدمة” المستقرة والآمنة وعالية الأداء من علي بابا كلاود، بما في ذلك خدمة الحوسبة المرنة، وخدمة قاعدة البيانات العلائقيةRDS، وخدمة الحاويات لـ Kubernetes، وخدمة انتظار الرسائل وبروتوكول الإنترنت المرن وموازن الأحمال للخوادم. وجرى تسهيل الشراكة من خلال شركة إس تي إس، شريك الخدمة المحلي لعلي بابا كلاود والمزود الرائد لحلول التحول الرقمي وأنظمة المعلومات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات المتكاملة في الأردن ومنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا.

وقالت سيلينا يوان، رئيس الأعمال الدولية في “علي بابا كلاود إنتيليجنس”: “نحن سعداء بدعم انتقال “موضوع” إلى السحابة. ويؤكد هذا التعاون التزامنا بدعم المؤسسات الرقمية في المنطقة لممارسة أعلى معايير الأمان والامتثال. كما تعرض هذه الشراكة قدرتنا على تقديم الخدمات المحلية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا. ومن خلال التنسيق مع “إس تي إس” نهدف إلى تسهيل مسيرة “موضوع” نحو تحقيق التميز التشغيلي لديها والتعزيز من معاييرها الأمنية وتحقيق نمو مستمر للأعمال مع استكشافها لإمكانات السحابة”. وقال زيد مزاهرة، المدير العام للمبيعات الإقليمية في شركة إس تي إس: “تفتخر إس تي إس بدورها المميز في رحلة “موضوع” الرقمية. ومع التزامنا بتوفير خدمات الاستضافة عالية المستوى والدعم التقني واللوجستي الشامل، فإننا لا نضمن إنجاز مهمة “موضوع” وحسب، بل وتجاوزها أيضًا. ومن خلال تعاوننا مع علي بابا كلاود، نقدم مزيجا من أعلى معايير الاستقرار والأمان والحلول عالية الأداء التي تمكّن “موضوع” من الازدهار في المجال الرقمي.  وسنبني معًا مستقبلًا يسوده التواصل الفعال وتقديم الخدمات بسلاسة”.  وتستقبل “موضوع” أكثر من 100 مليون زائر شهري على مستوى العالم و32 مليون زائر من دول الخليج العربي، كما تقدّم محتوى عربياً قيمًا وموثوقاً عبر المنصات المختلفة.

وتلتزم الشركة بإثراء المحتوى العربي على الإنترنت وتقديم معلومات موثوقة للجماهير في مجالات عدّة، مُسخّرة تقنية الذكاء الاصطناعي والتكنولوجيا المتطورة لتحسين تجربة المستخدم اليومية.

وأعرب رامي القواسمي، الرئيس التنفيذي لـ “موضوع”، عن سعادته بالشراكة مع علي بابا كلاود وإس تي إس، كبار مزودي الخدمة في المنطقة؛ مسلطًا الضوء على إمكانية الارتقاء بأداء منصات “موضوع” وتحسين تجربة المستخدم عبر الإنترنت. وأضاف القواسمي: “تأتي هذه الشراكة لتتماشى مع أهدافنا والتزامنا تجاه مستخدمينا. ومن خلال دمج خبرة علي بابا في مجال المنصات السحابية الى جانب التكنولوجيا الخاصة بنا وقاعدة الجماهير الضخمة لدينا، سيتمكن مستخدمونا من الاستمتاع بأعلى معايير الأمان وستصبح منصاتنا قابلة للإدارة والتطوير بكل سهولة وبنفس الوقت سنتمكن من خفض التكاليف التشغيلية. نطمح من خلال هذه الخطوة إلى تعزيز نمو أعمالنا في منطقة دول الخليج العربي.” وسيتم استضافة الخدمات المقدّمة لـ “موضوع” على سحابة علي بابا كلاود فائقة السعة، وستكون متوافقة مع قواعد العملاء. وتهدف الشراكة إلى تحقيق أساس مستقر وآمن وعالي الأداء ومنخفض التكلفة لنموّ أعمال “موضوع”.

Estarta Hosts Introduction to Networking Course

Estarta, in cooperation with the University of Jordan (UJ), launched its networking introduction course this past September.

This rigorous curriculum supplied IT students with the knowledge and abilities they need to succeed in the vast industry of networking over the course of a month.

Networking Essentials

Students began learning the basics of networking during the first part of the course. They looked at how networks affect our daily lives, analyzed network parts, and identified different network topologies. As the week ended, students were introduced to the world of IT professionals, networking protocols, protocol suites, and standards.

Navigating Number Systems

In the next phase of the networking course, students were completely immersed in the realm of number systems, which is an essential networking skill. They learned how to use the binary number system, practiced using it, and learned the mysteries of the hexadecimal system!

The Physical and Data Link Layers

As for the following chapter, students investigated the physical layer of networking and became familiar with its features. Copper cabling, UTP cabling, fiber-optic cabling, and wireless media were all examined in detail. The data connection layer has been addressed throughout this area of the syllabus, along with its function, alternative topologies, data link frame, and simulations.

Network Layer and IPv4 Addressing

The next stage of the program kicked off with a thorough examination of the properties of the network layer and the composition of IPv4 packets. Unicast, broadcast, and multicast addressing were all topics reviewed by students as they saw the realm of IPv4 addressing. Two useful skills acquired in this chapter were network segmentation and subnetting to an IPv4 network!

Transport and Application Layers

Here, students gained knowledge of data transmission methods, an introduction to TCP and UDP, and the importance of port numbers. Peer-to-peer networks, web protocols, email protocols, IP addressing services, and file sharing services are just a few of the protocols and services that were introduced to them through the application layer.

The Last Chapter: Configuration and Beyond

Practical skills were the focus of the networking course’s final week. Students gained a fundamental understanding of command structures, IOS navigation, and device configuration. They acquired practical experience creating IP addresses, configuring devices, and ensuring connectivity as well. With an emphasis on router configuration, the DHCPv4 protocol, access control lists (ACLs), and VLANs, the course came to a close.

Why It Matters

Students from UJ have benefited from this month-long adventure by gaining practical networking skills in addition to theoretical understanding. This also opened up many new doors for them as the next phases of their lives began! This networking course prepared the students for success in the fast-paced industry of information and communication technology as the need for networking specialists continues to rise.

شركة ميناآيتك توقع مذكرة تفاهم مع شركة صادق

امتدادًا لتحقيق رؤية قسم الشراكات الاستراتيجية في ميناآيتك والتي تهدف إلى توسيع نطاق الخدمات المتكاملة لعملائها في المملكة العربية السعودية ومواكبة رؤية ٢٠٣٠، وقع الدكتور بشار الحوامدة، الرئيس التنفيذي لميناآيتك، والدكتور عبدالله اللهو، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة صادق Sadq، مذكرة تفاهم، وتهدف هذه المذكرة إلى ربط الخدمات المتعلقة بتوثيق خدمات وحلول الموارد البشرية، مثل العقود وإدارتها ومتابعتها، من خلال تنفيذها وتوقيعها بشكل رقمي عبر منصة صادق، ممتدا إلى المنصة الوطنية الموحدة نفاذ، وذلك لتسهيل عمليات التوثيق وتمكين المؤسسات الكبيرة والمتوسطة والصغيرة من الانتقال الكامل إلى التحول الرقمي، وتقديم خدمات متكاملة تعزز الإنتاجية وتحسن تجربة الشركاء.

Crystel is working towards the COPC (Customer Operations Performance Center ) Certification

We are thrilled to announce that Crystel is in the process of obtaining the COPC (Customer Operations Performance Center) Certification, which is considered to be the most prestigious recognition in the customer service operation industry!  

By achieving this important milestone, Crystel will be the first outsourcing service provider in Jordan to obtain the COPC!

This certification is a testament to Crystel’s commitment to providing top-notch customer service and operational excellence. This means superior customer service, enhanced efficiency and productivity and continuous improvement in processes.

Crystel’s couldn’t have achieved this without their dedicated team and loyal customers. Thank you for your trust and support!

PROTECH Receives the Esteemed ‘Best Achiever in Jordan FY2023 Award’ from Veritas.

PROTECH is honored to have been recognized with the distinguished ‘Best Achiever in Jordan FY2023 Award’ by Veritas. We express our heartfelt gratitude to Veritas for this exceptional recognition and for their continued trust in our organization.

This award underscores our unwavering commitment to excellence and our dedication to delivering outstanding value to our clients.
We look forward to continuing our successful partnership with Veritas, and we remain committed to providing our esteemed clients with the highest level of assurance and resilience.

Once again, we sincerely thank Veritas for this significant award and their continued confidence in our capabilities.

Estarta Stands in Solidarity

On October 19, 2023, Estarta’s team came together to stand in solidarity. This observation was in honor of those affected by the recent tragic events in Palestine, particularly Gaza.

In these challenging times, Estarta remains steadfast in upholding the values of being Best Places to Work certified. Our commitment to the well-being of our employees has never been more evident. As the region and the world face the emotional rollercoaster of ongoing conflicts and instability, Estarta has offered support by allowing our team members to work from the safety and comfort of their homes.

This step not only prioritizes their mental and emotional well-being but also ensures their safety during these times of uncertainty, especially with the traffic, road blockages, and all else the ongoing local demonstrations entail.

Thus, we stand together, united in our belief that small gestures of unity can make a big difference in the world.

JoPACC organized a workshop for bank representatives in Jordan,

JoPACC organized a workshop for bank representatives in Jordan, addressing the Electronic Letter of Guarantee (ELG), as part of our continuous efforts to digitalize the service.

During this event, we showcased the most recent ELG workflow and provided a platform for addressing any questions related to the service.



Propelling the region’s tech landscape: ZainTECH enters agreement to acquire STS, a leading digital transformation solutions provider

• Zain Vice-Chairman & Group CEO, Bader Al-Kharafi, “This deal comes 20 years after Zain’s first regional expansion into Jordan, a testament to our commitment to driving the region’s digital transformation journey.”

• STS employs over 350 professionals and offers advanced cloud solutions, managed services, and cyber security to more than 500 regional corporate clients across multiple sectors

• Acquisition positions ZainTECH to expand its service offerings, access top talent, foster innovation, and enhance its competitive position across the region

ZainTECH, the integrated digital solution provider of Zain Group, announces it has entered an agreement for the complete acquisition of Specialized Technical Services Company (STS), one of the pioneering and largest digital transformation solutions providers in the region and the Kingdom of Jordan. This strategic move enables ZainTECH to expand its service offerings to enterprises and government bodies, access top talent, foster innovation, and enhance its competitive position across the region.

Since its establishment in 1989, STS has been a key player in the digital transformation landscape across Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Iraq. As one of the pioneer players in the industry, STS also stands as a forward-thinking, tech-savvy entity that has consistently fueled the digital transformation journey of the entire region. The company is renowned for its advanced hybrid multi-cloud solutions, robust managed cloud services, and comprehensive cybersecurity offerings, backed up by a state-of-the-art security operations center (STS SOC), infrastructure and system integration capabilities, along with licensing solutions.

With a dedicated team of over 350 professionals, STS has built long-standing partnerships with industry leaders such as Cisco Systems, Dell Technologies, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, among others. STS serves over 500 customers across industries, including banking and financial, governmental, health, education, and telecommunications sectors across the Middle East and North Africa.

Commenting, Bader Al-Kharafi, Zain Vice-Chairman and Group CEO said, “This deal comes 20 years after Zain’s first regional expansion into Jordan and is a testament to our commitment to driving the Kingdom’s and the region’s digital transformation journey. Innovation has always been a catalyst for driving regional economies and improving the lives of citizens across our markets. The current roll-out of the state-of-the-art 5G services across the Kingdom and the acquisition of STS by ZainTECH will further consolidate Jordan’s position as a leading digital hub and a key enabler of innovation and entrepreneurship in the region.”

Andrew Hanna, ZainTECH CEO commented, “The agreement to acquire STS, with its talented team, years of expertise and impressive customer base, will amplify ZainTECH and Zain B2B teams’ capabilities to provide clients with cutting-edge and comprehensive digital transformation solutions, solidifying our position as leaders in the industry and driving digital transformation in Jordan and across the region.”

Ramzi Zeine, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of STS said: “The momentum gained by ZainTECH since its launch in October 2021 has been nothing but remarkable, and we are excited to collaborate and support its growth and development from our standing point in Jordan and from our regional operations in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, and Iraq. The Jordanian ICT sector is undoubtedly a key pillar in the national economy.”

Aiman Mazahreh, CO-Founder and CEO of STS said: “Today we witness a strategic leap in the history of STS, and we are extremely proud to join forces with ZainTECH. We look forward to leaving noticeable marks on the digital transformation scene in Jordan and the region”.

PWC-Strategy& advised ZainTECH and Lumina Capital Advisers advised STS on this transaction. DLA Piper was the legal advisor for ZainTECH and Clyde & Co was the legal advisor for the shareholders of STS. This acquisition is subject to regulatory approvals.

The Jordan Payments and Clearing Company (JoPACC) Launches a “Corporate Challenge” for the Electronic Letter of Guarantee (eLG) Service

The Jordan Payments and Clearing Company (JoPACC) recently launched a “Corporate Challenge” for the three banks sponsoring its JOIN Fincubator; the Jordan Kuwait Bank, the Housing Bank for Trade and Finance, and the Jordan Islamic Bank. The corporate challenge which took place under the patronage of His Excellency Dr. Adel Al-Sharkas, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Governor of the Central Bank of Jordan, aims to design the best user interface and experience design (UI/UX Design) for the Electronic Letter of Guarantee (eLG), as part of the initiative to digitalize the service.

JoPACC has identified the digitalization of the Electronic Letter of Guarantee (eLG) as one of its important 2023 projects. This falls under its broader strategy for the years 2023-2026, in which one pillar is centered around delivering innovative financial and banking services to individual and corporate clients alike. As such, JoPACC, through the banks sponsoring JOIN Fincubator put forth an initiative to digitalize the eLG service, to reduce reliance on paper and manual processes, which can lead to inefficiency, wasted time and effort, and the potential for forgery and fraud. Digitalizing the eLG service can further help improve governance and add reliability to the process by adding the beneficiary’s bank as one of the parties in the workflow mechanism for the eLG, like other banking services such as documentary credits and others that include the customer, the beneficiary, and their respective banks.

By collaboratively engaging in the eLG initiative introduced via JOIN Fincubator, banks have the opportunity to strengthen their collaborative efforts and partnerships. This not only demonstrates their dedication to implementing the priorities outlined in the 2022 Economic Modernization Vision but also aligns with the directives of the Central Bank of Jordan’s Open Banking Instructions, a pivotal pillar in fostering financial technology advancement. Additionally, the eLG project plays a crucial role in establishing technical standards for open banking services in Jordan, a collaborative effort spearheaded by a task force comprising Jordanian banks and the Central Bank of Jordan.

During the “Corporate Challenge”, the sponsoring banks presented their proposed UI/UX designs to a panel of expert judges, carefully selected by JoPACC. The panel of judges rigorously evaluated the designs and voted for the best one. The design from the Jordan Kuwait Bank emerged as the winner for its outstanding representation of the eLG service.  The next step will involve JoPACC collaborating with different banks, including the winning bank. The ultimate goal is to demonstrate the concept (Proof of Concept) through the regulatory sandbox (JO REG BOX) established by the Central Bank of Jordan, paving the way for the official launch of the service.

“The digitalization of financial services is an essential step for achieving a digital economy. By digitalizing eLG, we can add more security, ease, and speed to individuals’ transactions. Through the digitalization of many services, we aim to reduce reliance on paper tools in the Kingdom and achieve digital financial inclusion that includes all institutions and meets all needs.” said Ms. Maha Bahou, CEO of JoPACC.

Mr. Haethum Buttikhi, CEO of the Jordan Kuwait Bank, the winning Bank of the Best UI/UX Design for the eLG Service, added: “I want to express my gratitude to the incredible team at the Jordan Kuwait Bank who worked tirelessly to create an amazing UI/UX design for the eLG Service in just ten short days. I also want to extend my thanks to the Jordan Payments and Clearing Company’s team (JoPACC) for their outstanding organization of the competition and ceremony.”

شركة جوباك تشارك في الجلسة الحوارية السنوية الخامسة عشرة لصناع السياسات

‎لقطات من مشاركة الرئيس التنفيذي، لشركة جوباك السيدة مها البهو، في الجلسة الحوارية السنوية الخامسة عشرة لصناع السياسات في مجموعة الأربعة والعشرين الحكومية الدولية وتحالف الشمول المالي ضمن فعاليات الاجتماعات السنوية لصندوق النقد الدولي ومجموعة البنك الدولي للعام 2023 بعنوان “المهام المتطورة للبنوك المركزية”، التي عقدت في مدينة مراكش في المغرب، في العاشر من  تشرين الأول 2023