تكريم الشركة الاستشارية لأنظمة المعلومات البيانية “انفوغراف”


تكريم الشركة الاستشارية لأنظمة المعلومات البيانية “انفوغراف” كداعم فضي ضمن فعاليات المؤتمر المعماري الأردني الدولي السادس الذي أقامته شعبة الهندسة المعمارية في نقابة المهندسين الأردنيين تحت عنوان مستقبل التخطيط العمراني ومئوية الدولة الأردنية”، يوم أمس الأربعاء الموافق 29/06/2022 في مركز الحسين الثقافي بعمان.
للمزيد: https://lnkd.in/ezTyfbRy

OFFTEC Holding Group launches its new website in collaboration with Echo Technology


OFFTEC Holding Group launches its new website in cllaboration with Echo Technology under the domain www.offtecholding.com  following the latest website design and development technologies to provide information in a clear, easy to navigate, and modern way to the audience.

OFFTEC Holding Group is a Jordanian holding company, Established in Jerusalem in 1910 that combines unparalleled experience and comprehensive capabilities across many fields, including business technology solutions, consumer finance, and architectural lighting.

As a widely diversified group, OHG’s committed professionals specialize in various domains. With a long-established reputation and throughout our years of success, OFFTEC Holding Group has established strong partnerships with best-in-class suppliers from across the world in our different fields of expertise.

A New Board of Directors for the Jordan Payments and Clearing Company (JoPACC)

During the General Assembly meeting of the Jordan Payments and Clearing Company (JoPACC), held on May 9, 2022, and presided by the Governor of the Central Bank of Jordan, His Excellency Dr. Adel Sharkas, the Board of Directors’ elections took place following the end of the current board term, which lasted from 2019 to 2022. Consequently, the newly elected board will serve for three years. (2025-2022)

The General Assembly (GA) meeting was attended by all JoPACC shareholders who also participated in the elections. GA members include the Central Bank, represented by its Governor and one of his deputies, in addition to all the 23 operating banks in the Kingdom represented by their CEOs. The Board of Directors consists of 11 members, two of whom represent the Central Bank of Jordan and 9 bank representatives.

The new Board of Directors includes the following members:

  • H.E Dr. Adel Al Sharkas, Governor of the Central Bank and Chairman of the Board
  • His Excellency Dr. Khaldoun AlWishah – Central Bank of Jordan
  • Ms. Randa Sadek – Arab Bank
  • Mr. Ammar Al-Safadi – The Housing Bank for Trade and Finance
  • Mr. Dawod Al-Ghoul – Capital Bank
  • Mr. Haethum Al Buttikhi – Jordan Kuwait Bank
  • Mr. Kamal Al Bakri – Cairo Amman Bank
  • Dr. Hussein Saeed – Jordan Islamic Bank
  • Mr. Muhammad Musa  Daoud – Jordan Ahli Bank
  • Mr. Muntaser Dawwas – Invest Bank
  • Mr. Caesar Qulajen – Jordan Commercial Bank

The elected board will play a vital role in developing the company’s new strategy and supervising its implementation, in addition to providing strategic direction for the company’s operations to ensure the fulfillment of its high-level goals that are primarily centered around strengthening the digital payment infrastructure and expanding digital financial inclusion in Jordan.

During the meeting, Ms. Maha Bahou, CEO of JoPACC, presented the implementation progress of the company’s strategy in its third year, highlighting the launch of the CliQ system, which enables instant transfers between bank accounts in Jordan, and the upgrade of the JoMoPay system for mobile wallets to the latest ISO20022 standard, which enabled full interoperability between financial accounts linked to both systems efficiently, instantly, and seamlessly. Dr. Adel Sharkas, Chairman of the Board of Directors, expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the previous board, which led the company with the utmost dedication during the past three years.

JoPACC was established in 2017 and is owned by the Central Bank of Jordan and all operating banks in the Kingdom. The company works to achieve its primary goal, which is providing comprehensive and innovative financial services and digital payments that benefit everyone and contribute to the digital financial inclusion in the Kingdom towards achieving a digital economy.


The First Neo Financial Institution in KSA opts for ICS BANKS Digital Platform from ICSFS


The First Neo Financial Institution in KSA; Loan Financing Company (LFC), a newly-established microfinance company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has selected ICS BANKS Digital Platform, a worldwide digital Shari’a compliant software solution, from ICS Financial Systems (ICSFS), the global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions.

The LFC has received a no-objection letter from the Saudi Central Bank (SAMA), which regulates and oversees the operations of banks and financial institutions across the country.

The LFC also received preliminary approval from SAMA to incorporate a consumer microfinance company, delivering financing solutions compliant with the Islamic Shari’a. The company will provide innovatively, end-to-end Shari’a-compliant lending products and services catering to customer need through a mobile application hosted in the cloud and available exclusively online.

The signing ceremony took place end of May of this year at the ICSFS Center of Excellence in Jordan and was headed by LFC’s Board Members and ICSFS’ Managing Directors.

Despite the growing competition with endless disruptive innovation, ICSFS has had the foresight to capitalize on digital banking and services, providing a cloud platform that caters to each customer’s individual and bespoke needs, from digital-only Islamic institutions and micro-finance to hybrid and cloud solutions. We are honored to have been chosen by LFC, and we look forward to providing them with our bespoke microfinancing product and services.

– Mr. Robert Hazboun; Group Managing Director, ICS Financial System

We are very pleased and honored to welcome LFC to our ICS BANKS community, and join ICSFS’ family. Thank you for putting your full trust in our company and our products. ICSFS is committed to delivering a complete digital banking automation platform to LFC. We will be providing our utmost efforts to see LFC as a pioneer in the Saudi market. We are looking forward to a long-term strategic partnership, meeting our customer’s expectations, elevating our work together, and witnessing another story of success.

– Mr. Wael Malkawi ; Executive Director, ICS Financial System

ICSFS invests in its software suites by utilizing modern technology in launching new products, constructing a secured and agile integration, and keeping pace with new standards and regulations worldwide. ICS BANK’s software suite future-proof banking and financing activities by providing a broad range of features and capabilities with more agility and flexibility, to enrich customers’ journey experience, hence improving the trust and confidentiality with the customer. ICS BANKS has always been a pioneer in utilising the latest technology to serve financial institutions. In addition to its embedded Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA), Digital Platform.


زين كاش أول محفظة إلكترونية في المملكة تطرح البطاقات الائتمانية

 أطلقت زين كاش بطاقتها الائتمانية بالتعاون مع ماستركارد لكافة عملائها من الأفراد وموظفي القطاعين العام والخاص، وبذلك  تكون زين كاش أول محفظة إلكترونية على الهاتف النقّال تُطلق بطاقتها الائتمانية  على مستوى المملكة بعد حصولها على ترخيص من البنك المركزي الأردني.

وتمنح زين كاش بطاقاتها الائتمانية -التي تتوافق مع أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية- بثلاث فئات (الكلاسيكية، البلاتينية والعالمية) بسقوف تبدأ من 100 دينار لتصل إلى 5000 دينار، ودون الحاجة لتحويل الراتب وبدون رسوم إصدار للبطاقة، حيث تمنح البطاقة الكلاسيكية حاملها تمويلاً ائتمانياً يصل إلى 500 دينار أردني، وتوفّر البطاقة البلاتينية تمويلاً يصل إلى 1,000 دينار أردني، فيما تمنح البطاقة العالمية حاملها تمويلاً دواراً يصل إلى 5,000 دينار أردني، حيث تتمتع البطاقات بفئاتها الثلاث بالعديد من المزايا الحصرية لعملاء زين كاش.

ويمكن لكافة عملاء زين كاش الحاليين والجدد طلب الحصول على البطاقة عبر تطبيق زين كاش المتوفر مجاناً على كافة متاجر الهواتف الذكية Google Play وApp Store  وApp Gallery، كما سيحصلون على إشعار بالموافقة المبدئية على طلبهم، ومتابعة حالة الطلب من خلال التطبيق، إذ تتيح زين كاش التمتع بتجربة رقمية سلسة ومرنة شأنه كشأن سائر خدماتها.

وقال المدير العام لشركة زين كاش سلطان كشورة:” يأتي إطلاق البطاقات الائتمانية من جانب زين كاش استكمالاً لاستراتيجيتها في تطبيق مفهوم الشمول المالي، وتماشياً مع رؤيتها المستقبلية التي تتمثل بتقديم حلولٍ مالية رقمية تواكب طموحات الأفراد والشركات وتضمن لهم تجربة رقمية منفردة، مضيفاً بأن زين كاش ستواصل دورها الطليعي بتقديم أفضل الخدمات المالية لتكون الخيار الأمثل والمفضّل للباحثين عن أكثر الخدمات المالية الرقمية تطوراً وأماناً”.

انتاج ترحب بكم

تأسست جمعية انتاج كممؤسسة غير ربحية في 1 آيار من العام 2000

JoPACC Celebrates 2 Years of Launching the Instant Payment System (CliQ)


From mid-2020 until today, CliQ– JoPACC’s instant payment system – has made a significant impact on its users’ lives, allowing instant transfers between bank accounts in Jordan, both individual and legal accounts, and between bank accounts and mobile wallets simultaneously. With more than (300,000) users, JoPACC celebrates the 2nd anniversary of launching CliQ.

JoPACC is constantly developing CliQ by adopting the latest developments in the FinTech industry, driven by the needs of financial users. CliQ has introduced advanced features during the past two years, besides enabling instant digital transfers between financial accounts. These features include “Request-to-Pay”, which allows CliQ users to send a payment request of a specific amount directly to the receiver and gives them the option to accept the request and make the transfer accordingly or reject it. They further include the “Return Payment” feature, which enables recipients to return transfers fully or partially. Moreover, CliQ recently facilitated “QR Code Payments on POS Devices,” allowing CliQ users to pay merchants instantly by scanning a QR code that is generated on the merchant’s point of sale (POS) device from their mobile bank application. Many merchants in the Kingdom have started offering this payment service to their customers in shops, cafes, and other places. Through CliQ, the process of sending and receiving money instantly, anywhere, and anytime through mobile devices has become possible. This has contributed to expanding the uptake of digital payment services, which in turn led to an increase in digital liquidity in the Kingdom.

Since its launch, and in addition to the aforementioned features, CliQ has introduced the use of an alias instead of a bank account number or IBAN for making transfers, thereby accelerating the transfer process. Aliases are unique nicknames linked to their owner’s national number, making it impossible for another user to register the same alias. Users can register more than one alias for the same bank account and use the same alias for several financial accounts, whether bank accounts or mobile wallets. Other competitive features include the payee confirmation, where the recipient’s name is presented to the sender before making transfers, thus reducing the possibility of sending wrong transfers. Credit confirmation is another feature, which entails sending a notification to the sender once the payment is deposited into the recipient’s account. CliQ services are also available around the clock.

CliQ is owned and operated by JoPACC. Currently, 19 banks in the Kingdom have connected to CliQ, and all offer the service free of charge to their clients and provide support to ensure the seamless use of the service. JoPACC has recently upgraded JoMoPay, the Mobile Payment Switch in Jordan, to operate according to the same ISO standard that is adopted by the CliQ system (ISO 20022), which enabled instant money transfers between the two systems. This step has contributed to achieving more interoperability between financial institutions in the Kingdom and is well aligned with the Central Bank’s and JoPACC’s vision to achieve digital financial inclusion in Jordan.

IRIS Technology awarded a Veeam Levant Emerging Partner of the Year 2022


We are thrilled and excited to share the news that IRIS Technology was awarded a Veeam Levant Emerging Partner of the Year 2022.
We are proud of this achievement and all this great success is a result of the joint wonderful efforts and work, from the IRIS Technology team, our valued customers, and the wonderful support from the #Veeam team.

Thanks a lot, Veeam Software team for this award.



مقال بعنوان مسؤولية أورنج المجتمعية… تمكين ودعم مستدام للابتكار وريادة الاعمال

“مقال بعنوان “مسؤولية أورنج المجتمعية… تمكين ودعم مستدام للابتكار وريادة الاعمال” بقلم المهندسة رنا دبابنة نائب المدير التنفيذي للعلاقات العامة والمسؤولية الإجتماعية والاتصال المؤسسي في Orange الأردن

IRIS Technology participated in the careers day at the Universities


IRIS Technology is happy to announce that was a part of the Job Fairs that were held at Al-Ahliyya Amman University, Al Hussein Technical University, and Middle East University.

IRIS Technology team had a wonderful time, enjoyed talking about our jobs and Apprentices Opportunities, and had the pleasure of meeting a group of students who are looking to pursue their career paths in our company.