Successful Implementation of ICS BANKS® Finance Lease System from ICSFS at Al Etihad Finance Leasing Company



ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS), the global leading provider of financial software solutions and services to banks and financial institutions, is pleased to announce the successful implementation of ICS BANKS® Finance Lease System at Al Etihad Leasing Company, a newly formed finance company owned by Bank al Etihad.

Before selecting ICS BANKS Finance Lease System from ICSFS, Al Etihad Finance Leasing Company has evaluated other leasing solutions but decided to adopt the latest and bespoke developed application, with a partner that has a successful track record in providing and implementing finance lease system.

The General Manager of Al Etihad Leasing Company Mr. Raed Ali stated:

“pleased to opt for the latest and best developed Finance Leasing application; ICS BANKS Finance Lease System. The implementation was completed in a record-breaking time of 45 working days, where the process was transparent, providing an unlimited work-flow and comprehensive finance lease services, working on the latest technologies, in addition to the unlimited offerings which will increase our company’s productivity and efficiency. These offerings will help us respond quickly to market changes, regulatory requirements and achieve our goals.”

ICS BANKS Finance Lease System is a web-based, end-to-end leasing system which provides comprehensive asset management functionalities that facilitate financial institutions by simplifying their business processes, and advance their proficiency. It also ensures customer acquisition, satisfaction and retention.

Mr. Robert Hazboun; Managing Director of ICSFS, said:

“By providing innovative leasing solutions and services, we will be able to support Al Etihad Finance Leasing Company’s vision and objectives. We are very pleased with the outcome, and would like to thank Al Etihad Leasing company’s team along with ICSFS’ implementation and operations team for making this possible.” Mr. Hazboun added: “We welcome Al Etihad Leasing Company to be part of our ICS BANKS Finance Lease community, and look forward to a long-lasting relationship.”

ICS BANKS provides a complete suite of banking business modules with a rich sweep of functionality and features, addressing business needs and automating accounting processes, as needed, to improve a bank’s business performance. ICS BANKS has always been a pioneer in utilizing the latest technology to serve financial institutions. In addition to its embedded Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA), the system is deployed in a multi-tiered setup that runs on a web thin client.

شركة الاتحاد للتأجير التمويلي تطبّق أنظمة شركة آي سي إس فايننشال سيستمز


أعلنت شركة “آي سي إس فايننشال سيستمز ICS Financial Systems Ltd.” (ICSFS)، الرائدة في مجال أتمتة العمليات المصرفية لقطاع البنوك والمؤسسات المالية، عن الانتهاء من تطبيق نظام التأجير التمويلي (ICS Banks® Finance Lease System) بنجاح لدى شركة “الاتحاد للتأجير التمويلي” وهي شركة مستقلة مملوكة بالكامل من قِبل “بنك الاتحاد”.

وكانت شركة “الاتحاد للتأجير التمويلي” قد قيّمت العديد من الأنظمة والحلول المالية، ووقع اختيارها على نظام (ICS Banks® Finance Lease System)، نظراً لسجلّه الحافل بالنجاحات في تقديم وتنفيذ حلول التأجير التمويلي التي من شأنها تطوير أداء البنوك والمؤسسات المالية وتسهيل عملياتها التجارية. ويوفر النظام مجموعة متكاملة من الحلول الشاملة لإدارة الأصول، والتي تقّدم بأعلى مستويات الكفاءة والجودة من خلال استخدام التكنولوجيا العالمية، بما يضمن تقديم أفضل الخدمات التي تتناسب وتطلعات العملاء ومتطلبات أعمالهم.

وبهذه المناسبة، قال رائد العلي، المدير العام لشركة “الاتحاد للتأجير التمويلي”: “سعداء بتطبيق نظام التأجير التمويلي (ICS Banks® Finance Lease System) بنجاح، حيث تمت عملية التطبيق بسلاسة وضمن فترة قياسية بلغت 45 يوم عمل”. وأضاف: “يقدم النظام مزايا إضافية من ضمنها إدارة سير العمل (Work-Flow)، والذي يدعم عمل الشركة بفعالية، إلى جانب التجاوب مع متغيرات ومتطلبات كلّ من السوق والجهات الرقابية بمرونة ويسر، بما يساهم في تحقيق أهدافنا”.

ومن جانبه، علّق روبير حزبون، المدير العام لشركة “آي سي إس فايننشال سيستمز” (ICSFS) قائلاً: “نرحب بانضمام شركة “الاتحاد للتأجير التمويلي” إلى مجموعة مستخدمي نظام التأجير التمويلي، حيث نسعى من خلال هذه الشراكة إلى تحقيق أهداف الشركة ورؤيتها في تطبيق حلول تأجير تمويلي مبتكرة لعملائها، ونتطلع إلى استمرارية العلاقة فيما بيننا وتطويرها. وأتوجه بالشكر الجزيل لفريق عملنا الذي ساهم في تطبيق هذا المشروع بنجاح”.

SEDCO introduces smart branch experience at MWC 2017



In line with its vision to provide innovative customer experience management solutions to businesses worldwide, SEDCO has introduced its smart branch concept in the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2017, the biggest global event for mobile technology, held from 27 February – 2 March in Barcelona, Spain.

Visitors from telecom and other industries checked out a live demo of smart branch concept which contains various journey scenarios to cater for the different customers’ behaviors. This begins with a classical journey, utilizing smart solutions including mobile application, queueing, scent and temperature monitor, digital signage and omni-channel feedback, with alternative channels that can be installed in busy locations, including self service kiosks, self service shops and virtual service machines, where a remote agent is available via video call to provide services and assistance 24/7.

SEDCO also introduced a 3-in-1 customer screen solution which reflects exceptional brand image and allows businesses to promote their products, while speeding up customers’ transactions, and getting customer feedback.

“SEDCO is always committed to take a glimpse into the future and come up with innovative solutions beyond businesses’ expectations, and that is the whole point of the smart branch experience, to ensure convenient journey while making your customers happy,” stated Majdi Al Beit Shawish, CEO at SEDCO.

“We are delighted to provide Omni-channel marketing engine that allows businesses to promote targeted advertisements to different customer segments across all of their interaction touchpoints. This includes mobile app, SMS, printed ticket, kiosk screen, customer feedback device, customer screen, digital signage, and social media,” he added.

GUARANTY TRUST BANK (Tanzania) LIMITED Selects ICS BANKS from ICS Financial Systems



GUARANTY TRUST BANK (Tanzania) LIMITED (GTBank Tanzania), has selected the awards winning Universal Banking solution ICS BANKS from ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS), the global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions.            

GTBank Tanzania implementation project rollout is expected to be within four months starting this March. The bank will enjoy using ICS BANKS Universal Banking Suite of which; ICS BANKS Core Banking, Remittance, Trade Finance, Investment & Treasury and ICS BANKS Lending key modular systems.

On this occasion The Managing Director of ICSFS; Mr. Robert Hazboun commented:

“ICSFS and GTBank’s relationship goes a long way back, and have witnessed great achievements throughout the years especially with GTBank’s expansion into East Africa.  We are always looking forward to meet all of the bank’s business and technology requirements, and provide our cutting-edge banking solutions.” Hazboun added “We value the confidence that has been granted to us by GTBank Tanzania, and wish them a continuous success.”



ICS BANKS provides a complete suite of banking modules with a rich sweep of functionalities and features, addressing business needs and automating accounting processes, as needed, to improve a bank’s business performance. ICS BANKS has always been a pioneer in utilising the latest technology to serve financial institutions. In addition to its embedded Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA), the system is deployed in a multi-tiered setup that runs on a web thin client.


جرانتي ترست بنك تنزانيا يختار النظام البنكي من شركة آي سي اس فايننشال سيستمز


اعلن جرانتي ترست بنك تنزانيا عن اختياره للنظام البنكي العالمي الحائز  على عدة جوائز؛ ICS BANKS®من شركة آي سي اس فايننشال سيستمز ICS Financial Systems Ltd. –   (ICSFS) الشركة الرائدة في مجال أتمتة العمليات المصرفية لقطاع البنوك والمؤسسات المالية.

ومن المتوقع ان تبدأ عملية التطبيق خلال شهر آذار وتستمر لمدة أربعة شهور حيث سيحظى جرانتي ترست بنك تنزانيا بالعديد من المزايا عند استخدامه لمجموعة النظام البنكي العالمي ICS BANKS و منها; نظام التمويل التجاري والنظام المصرفي الاساسي  ونظام الاستثمار والخزينة ونظام الحوالات والاقراض.

وبهذه المناسبة علّق السيد روبير حزبون، مدير عام شركة ICSFS:

“ان الشراكة بين ICSFS و (GTBank plc)مستمرة منذ سنوات طويلة، وشهدت انجازات كبيرة على مر السنين وخصوصا مع توسع نطاق اعمالنا في شرق أفريقيا. نحن نتطلع لتلبية جميع متطلبات وتطلعات البنك، ونسعى للاستمرار في تقديم الحلول المصرفية المتطورة.” وأضاف حزبون” نحن نقدر الثقة التي منحت لنا من قبل بنك  جرانتي ترست تنزانيا ونتمنى لهم النجاح المستمر.”

يوفر نظام  ICS BANKS مجموعة متكاملة من نظم الأعمال البنكية والمصرفية التي تتميز بخصائصها  الشاملة والمتطورة ، والتي تقدّم بأعلى مستويات الكفاءة والجودة ، بما يتماشى مع الاحتياجات المالية و مجال أتمتة العمليات المصرفية ، التي من شأنها تطوير أداء البنوك والمؤسسات المالية. ويعد نظام   ICS BANKS نظاماً رائداً في  استخدام التكنولوجيا العالمية  لتقديم أحدث الخدمات  في جميع مجالات الأعمال المصرفية.

ESKADENIA Software Exhibits at the Mobile World Congress 2017 – Barcelona



ESKADENIA Software, the leading Jordanian-based provider of world class software products and services, participated in the 1st Jordanian Pavilion at the GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, considered one of the most popular and highly attended conferences in the Telecom Industry. The extraordinary four-day event was held from the 27th of FEB till the 2nd of MAR, 2017.

During the conference, ESKADENIA Software specialists provided live demos and presentations of ESKADENIA Software’s entire range of new Telecom Software Systems including the ESKA® CRM, Charging and Billing Systems. Additionally, the year’s show was an ideal networking opportunity for ESKADENIA Software and has helped open up new opportunities, and reinforce awareness of Jordanian IT products and expertise across to the MWC audience.

The Jordanian Pavilion was sponsored by Manaseer Group, Zain Jordan, Luminus Group, USAID Jordan Competitiveness Program (JCP), the Jordan Tourism Board, Qattous Group, and was organized by the Information and Communications Technology Association – Jordan.

A number of Jordanian entrepreneurs and startup owners had the opportunity to participate in the largest Telecom-technology gathering in the world. There they presented their services, introduced their entrepreneurial companies to mobile operators, and took part in viewing the latest technology innovations.

The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide, uniting nearly 800 operators with about 2000 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset and device makers, software companies, equipment providers and internet companies, as well as organisations in adjacent industry sectors.

People’s Bank of Zanzibar Selects ICS BANKS and ICS BANKS ISLAMIC System



ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS), the global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions, announced that People’s Bank of Zanzibar (PBZ), a state-owned and one of the oldest commercial banks in Tanzania has selected the multi-awards winning systems ICS BANKS® and ICS BANKS® ISLAMIC Systems.


Under the patronage of the Chairman of PBZ; HON. Abdurrahman M. The signing ceremony took place in Zanzibar, attending the ceremony were the Managing Director of PBZ Bank; Mr. Juma Hafidh, and the Executive Director for Business Development of ICSFS; Mr. Wael Malkawi and the Territory Manager for East Africa of ICSFS; Mr. Nidal Bashaireh.


Following the signing ceremony, the Managing Director of PBZ Bank; Mr. Juma Hafidh stated;

“We are always looking forward to deliver innovative solutions for our customers, we believe that ICSFS solutions will assist us deliver innovative products and services, ICSFS has the extended experience, and technology to fulfil our vision. Hafidh added “ICS BANKS will support conventional and Islamic banking services in 18 different branches among the country, hence we believe it will provide us with extra competitive advantages and flexibility”

On this occasion, the Executive Director of Business Development at ICSFS; Mr. Wael Malkawi commented:

“We are honored to be working side-by-side with PBZ Bank in this initiative to transform core processing at the bank. We are embarking on this endeavor with PBZ Bank as strategic partners, both aligned in our vision for innovative technology to deliver a superior customer experience and enhance customer financial inclusion. We are looking forward to a long-lasting partnership with PBZ Bank in addition to our great ambitions for the African market”


PBZ Bank launched an international tender in July of 2015, ICSFS has won over international and regional vendors competing for the deal, where it will support the banks conventional and Islamic banking services, and will start the implementation project in February 2017.

ICS BANKS provides a complete suite of banking business modules with a rich sweep of functionalities and features, addressing business needs and automating accounting processes, as needed, to improve a bank’s business performance. ICS BANKS has always been a pioneer in utilising the latest technology to serve financial institutions. In addition to its embedded Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA), the system is deployed in a multi-tiered setup that runs on a web thin client. ICS BANKS has won many awards, of which, “Best Core Banking Systems Technology Provider” at the World Finance Technology Awards that was organized by World Finance magazine, “Best Islamic Software Provider in MENA” from Global Banking and Finance Review, one of the worlds’ leading global banking and finance publications, “Banking Software of the Year” and ICS BANKS ISLAMIC has been awarded “Islamic Banking Application of the Year” at the BoICT Award that was held in Lagos – Nigeria.


آي سي اس فايننشال سيستمز توقع اتفاقية جديدة


أعلنت شركة آي سي اس فايننشال سيستمز ICS Financial Systems Ltd. –   (ICSFS) الشركة الرائدة في مجال أتمتة العمليات المصرفية لقطاع البنوك والمؤسسات المالية عن قيام مصرف (PBZ – People’s Bank of Zanzibar) عن اختيار الأنظمة البنكية الحائزة على عدة جوائز؛ النظام البنكي العالميICS BANKS®  والنظام البنكي الاسلامي  ICS BANKS® ISLAMIC System، ويعتبر مصرفPBZ  من أقدم البنوك التجارية في تنزانيا وهو مملوك بالكامل من قبل الحكومة الزنجبارية.

تم توقيع الاتفاقية في زنجبار تحت رعاية رئيس مجلس الادارة السيد عبد الرحمن جمبي، وبحضور كل من المدير العام لمصرف PBZ  السيد جمعة حفيظ، والمدير التنفيذي لتطوير الأعمال في شركة ICSFS السيد وائل ملكاوي، والمدير الاقليمي لمنطقة شرق افريقيا في شركة ICSFS السيد نضال البشايرة.

و على مراسم التوقيع صرح المدير العام لمصرف PBZ السيد جمعة حفيظ:

“نحن نسعى بشكل دائم لتقديم الحلول المبتكرة لعملائنا ، ومن خلال تطبيق انظمة ICSFS سوف نتمكن من تقديم المنتجات والخدمات المتطورة والمبتكرة لعملائنا، ان شركة ICSFS تمتلك الخبرة والقدرة الفنية لتلبي جميع تطلعاتنا. وأضاف حفيظ “ان نظامBANKS  ICS سيدعم خدماتنا المصرفية التجارية والإسلامية في كافة فروعنا 18 المنتشرة في أرجاء الدولة،  ونحن على ثقة بانه سوف يوفر لنا مزايا تنافسية عالية الكفاءة.”

بهذه المناسبة علق السيد وائل ملكاوي المدير التنفيذي لتطوير الأعمال في شركة ICSFS :

“يشرفنا أن نعمل جنبا إلى جنب مع مصرف PBZ لتكون هذه خطوة اولى في تطوير نظام البنك. ان شراكتنا ورؤيتنا الموحدة مع مصرفPBZ  تسعى لتقديم أفضل الخدمات المصرفية لعملاء البنك، نحن نتطلع الى شراكة طويلة الأمد مع مصرف PBZ بالاضافة الى طموحاتنا نحو السوق الافريقي.”

قام المصرف بطرح مناقصة عالمية في شهر تموز من عام 2015 ، واستطاعت شركة ICSFS  ان تتفوق على منافيسها الإقليمين والدوليين حيث ستباشر بعملية التطبيق في شهر شباط  عام 2017.

يوفر نظام  ICS BANKSمجموعة متكاملة من نظم الأعمال البنكية والمصرفية التي تتميز بخصائصها  الشاملة والمتطورة ، والتي تقدّم بأعلى مستويات الكفاءة والجودة ، بما يتماشى مع الاحتياجات المالية و مجال أتمتة العمليات المصرفية ، التي من شأنها تطوير أداء البنوك والمؤسسات المالية. ويعد ICS BANKS  نظاماً رائداً في  استخدام التكنولوجيا العالمية  لتقديم أحدث الخدمات  في جميع مجالات الأعمال المصرفية. بالاضافة الى احتواء النظام على البنية الخدمية Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA)، يتم تشغيل النظام على بيئة متعددة المستويات التي تعمل على شبكة الانترنت (web-enabled). وقد حصد النظام المصرفي العالمي على العديد من الجوائز, منها جائزة “أفضل مزود لتكنولوجيا النظم المصرفية الأساسية” ، وذلك ضمن حفل جوائز World Finance Banking Awards  التي تنظمه مجلة World Finance ، وجائزة “أفضل مزود نظم مصرفية اسلامية في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا  من قبل شركة Global Banking and Finance Review (GBAF)،والتي تعد من أبرز المجلاّت في العالم المتخصصة في قطاع الأعمال المصرفية، وجائزة “أفضل البرامج المصرفية وحصل نظام ICS BANKS ISLAMIC على جائزة “أفضل البرامج الاسلامية المصرفية في حفل تكريم “Beacon of ICT Awards” في لاغوس – نيجيريا.

ICS Financial Systems Named a Leader in World Finance 100



ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS), the global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions, announced that it has been named a member of the “World Finance 100” in recognition of its excellence in the field of banking solutions.

Each year World Finance compiles the list of 100 individuals and companies – not according to capitalization figures or growth, but purely on excellence in their field. Research undertaken by the team at World Finance, along with the finest insight from the magazine’s worldwide readership, has found the best names in critical markets around the globe, from financial services, technology and telecommunications to media, pharmaceuticals and healthcare. Perusing through the World Finance 100, which names those that have set new standards, introduced new opportunities to their markets and held steadfast their sustainability goals, readers will see that optimism is possible, even at times when we feel it least.

Managing Director of ICSFS; Robert Hazboun commented on this occasion,

“We are honored to have been selected for the World Finance 100. This kind of recognition proves that we are delivering on our promise to provide the bespoke state-of-the-art financial products and services, and best possible returns for our client’s technology investment achievable anywhere.” Mr Hazboun added; “Innovation is the key for banks to flourish in this digital era, that is why we provide our customers with the utmost advanced banking solutions and service offerings, to experience the true meaning of “one-stop shop”.

And the Group Managing Editor ‘of World Finance; Michael Mills commented:

“ICSFS Have been at the forefront of innovative Islamic and core banking software solutions for a number of years now.  Their attention to detail and individual client requirements in a very fluid industry has meant that they can offer a range of services that will ensure the delivery of a first-class banking service”.

World News Media is a leading publisher of quality financial and business magazines, enjoying a global distribution network that includes subscriber lists of the most prominent and senior decision-makers around the world.

ICS BANKS provides a complete suite of banking modules with a rich sweep of functionalities and features, addressing business needs and automating accounting processes, as needed, to improve a bank’s business performance. ICS BANKS has always been a pioneer in utilizing the latest technology to serve financial institutions. In addition to its embedded Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA), the system is deployed in a multi-tiered setup that runs on a web thin client.

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BOND Selects ICS BANKS Universal Banking Solution from ICS Financial Systems


bonds-savings-loans-quick-pr-campaign-logo-_docxICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS), the global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions, announced that BOND Savings & Loans Ltd., which was recently awarded the fastest growing brand in the Savings and Loans industry, has officially selected the awards-winning banking and financial solution ICS BANKS® to be implemented in its Headquarters and all its branches in Ghana.

The CEO of BOND; Mr. George Ofosuhene stated;

“We are always seeking a strong and advanced technology partner that can assist us in offering tailored and innovative financial products and services that focus on providing value-driven exceptional services. We have selected ICSFS among many other vendors for its efficient track record in Africa and for its worldwide known reputation.” Mr. Ofosuhene also highlighted the importance of this partnership saying; “At BOND, we have a customer centric culture, our partnership with ICSFS will reflect our success in providing our customers with first class banking services, enjoying the Omni experience throughout our integrated channels.”

On this occasion, the Managing Director of ICSFS; Mr. Robert Hazboun commented:

“We are delighted to be selected by BOND Savings & Loans, where it marks our second reference in Ghana. We are committed to deliver BOND our utmost advanced and developed financial services, in addition to the unlimited offerings and privileges that BOND will enjoy by choosing our Universal Banking Application ICS BANKS, BOND will also be able to compete in this digital era through our ICS BANKS SMB (Smart Mobile Banking) and ICS BANKS IBS (internet Banking System) and take advantage of our systems’ Omni-channel experience”. Hazboun added “We are looking forward to this partnership and have a vision of a wider bright future plan for ICSFS in the African continent”.

ICS BANKS provides a complete suite of banking modules with a rich sweep of functionalities and features, addressing business needs and automating accounting processes, as needed, to improve a bank’s business performance. ICS BANKS has always been a pioneer in utilising the latest technology to serve financial institutions. In addition to its embedded Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA), the system is deployed in a multi-tiered setup that runs on a web thin client.


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