ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS) Wins Oracle FY18 Middle East and North Africa Innovation Award – ISV Cloud Innovation



ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS), a global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions and a Gold level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN), today announced it has been selected as the winning partner for Oracle FY18 Middle East and North Africa – ISV Cloud Innovation.

ICS Financial Systems was presented the Oracle FY18 Middle East and North Africa Innovation award in the presence of its peers and Oracle executives during the “Oracle Partner Day” on Tuesday, February 6th, 2018 at the Four Seasons Hotel Beirut. The award reflects ICSFS’ demonstration of skills and expertise by achieving the certification of its flagships; ICS BANKS Conventional, ICS BANKS ISLAMIC and ICS BANKS Digital Banking on Oracle Cloud Platform.

ICSFS is one of the first Oracle ISV partners in the MEA region to adopt cloud technology and obtain full cloud certification – full market place registration – and has fully deployed its solutions on Oracle Cloud for production use to their clients. Also, ICSFS has been working closely with Oracle to incorporate the latest emerging technology services, including blockchain, artificial intelligence and mobile bots within ICS BANKS Digital Banking Platform.

Oracle Cloud is the industry’s broadest and most complete public cloud, delivering enterprise-grade services at every level of the cloud technology stack including software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and data as a service (DaaS).

Upon receiving the award, Wael Malkawi, Executive Director of ICSFS said, “We are honoured to receive such an award from Oracle, and are committed to becoming the most innovative cloud-centric financial solution provider running on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.” Malkawi added, “ICSFS is also dedicated to continuously improving and innovating to deliver quality comprehensive banking and financial solutions to its customers.”

ICS BANKS provides a complete suite of banking business modules with a rich sweep of functionalities and features, addressing business needs and automating accounting processes, as needed, to improve a bank’s business performance. ICS BANKS has always been a pioneer in utilising the latest technology to serve financial institutions. In addition to its embedded Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA), the system is deployed in a multi-tiered setup that runs on a web thin client.

ICS BANKS Universal Banking Application from ICS Financial Systems is Now Available in the Oracle Cloud Marketplace


ICS Financial Systems (ICSFS), the global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions and a Gold level member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN), today announced that its ICS BANKS® Universal Banking Application is now available in the Oracle Cloud Marketplace offering added value to all banking sector customers.  ICS BANKS enable core banking functionalities as well as modern digital banking tools.

The Oracle Cloud Marketplace is a one-stop shop for Oracle customers seeking trusted business applications and service providers offering unique business solutions, including ones that extend Oracle Cloud Applications. Oracle Cloud is the industry’s broadest and most complete public cloud, delivering enterprise-grade services at every level of the cloud technology stack including software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and data as a service (DaaS).

“ICS BANKS application has been designated – to run on the Oracle Cloud Platform based on the application’s support of the Oracle Cloud compatible technology products and operating systems.” said Mr. Wael Malkawi, Executive Director of ICSFS. “ICSFS participation in the Oracle Cloud Marketplace further extends our commitment to the Oracle community and enables customers to easily reap the benefits of ICS BANKS. We look forward to leveraging the power of the Oracle Cloud to help us achieve our business goals.”

The Oracle Cloud Marketplace offers an intuitive user interface to browse and search for available applications and services, as well as user ratings and reviews to help customers determine the best business solutions for their organization. With its new automated application installation features, customers can easily deploy provider business applications from a centralized cloud interface.

Orange Jordan sponsors “Digital Content Pioneers” initiative


Orange Jordan Deputy CEO/CFO Raslan Deiranieh  announced that Orange Jordan has recently sponsored the “Digital Content Pioneers” inivitative, which was launched by the Information and Communications Technology Association (int@j) under the patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Sumaya bint Al Hassan, and in partnership with the Ministry of Eduction and the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. The initiative was hosted at the Business Innovation Growth (BIG) platform, with the presence and participation of the Minister of Information and Communication Technology, and the Minister of Public Sector Development, H.E. Mrs. Majd Shweikeh and the Minister of Education H.E. Dr. Omar Al Razzaz.

Deranieh said: “Sponsoring the ‘Digital Content Pioneers’ initiative, which aims to motivate students to stay up-to-date with the rapid developments in the Telecommunication and Information Technology field and express their talents in producing Arabic technical content on digital econcomy, came in line with Orange Jordan’s CSR plan, which is inspired by Orange Jordan’s five-year corporate strategy “Essentials 2020”. Deranieh further explained that Orange Jordan particularly focuses on supporting the education sector, and is always keen on having an active role in building a new generation capable of keeping abreast of developments in the ICT sector, and also adequately qualified to maintain Jordan’s position in the production of Arabic content.”

Deranieh added that Jordan has had a long experience in digital content production and in e-commerce, and since Orange Jordan is the provider of the strongest internet services in the Kingdom, it will always remain committed to supporting the driving forces of digital content production and e-commerce.

The “Digital Content Pioneers” initiative which was launched by “int@j” aims to improve the status of the Arabic content in the digital economy sector, by developing the abilities of public school students in 10th and 11th grades across the kingdom, to help raise a generation that is capable of producing  Arabic Digital content, that both  meets their ambitions and serves the transition into the digital economy and its concepts, all while and improving the Arabic content on the internet, considering that there are almost 400 million Arabic-language speakers, since it is the fifth most spoken language in the world, to stay in line with the information revolution taking place around the world.

The initiative will be manifested through a competition which will start next month, and it will consist of three phases, by the end of which the top three students across Kingdom will be honored as the initiative’s top performers.

CEO Insight Awards ICSFS for Being at the Forefront of the Digital Banking Industry

CEO Insight Magazine,the presenter of “CEO Insight Companies of Excellence”, have selected ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS), the global financial software and services provider of ICS BANKS for banks and financial institutions, to be acknowledged and listed amongst the top 15 companies in its 2018 Companies of Excellence.

“CEO Insight Companies of Excellence” list acknowledges enterprises that are at the summit of achievement in terms of excellence, influence and professionalism. These companies have a vision that shapes the conceptual landscape of inward investment, finance, business, technology, conferencing, design, architecture and law.

Director/publisher of CEO Insight Magazine, Mr. Jamie Harrison stated;

“Technology rules the day and clearly ICSFS have their finger on their pulse when it comes to fin-tech. They have developed a first class product and service to rival anyone”.

CEO Insight Magazine featured ICSFS’ digital banking revolution, stating that with the creation of the newest version of the ICS BANKS Universal Banking system, ICSFS is offering clients the integration of financial systems through the Open System architecture and in compliance with international Quality Assurance Standards ISO. This new version has many new out of the box built in features, of which: Business Process Management engine, Document Management engine, SOA architecture, Omni Channels and Digital Banking. Moreover, with the creation of a single digital banking multichannel platform, the aim is to provide safe and efficient interaction mechanisms between the bank and its clients via digital personal banking services such as internet and mobile banking, ATMs, kiosks, bank agents and open ICS BANKS Service Bus and middleware catalogue that insures seamless integration.

ICSFS focuses on enriching the bank customer experience to provide customers with the Omni experience throughout all digital channels and touch points, such implementations improve the confidentiality between the customer and the bank. As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are woven into banking’s fold, ICSFS adopted chatbots which will give customers advice on how to optimise their finances and to provide the ability to make all types of transactions integrated with ICSFS digital banking platform.1

Mr. Robert Hazboun, Managing Director of ICSFS, commented;

“We are honoured to be recognised by CEO Insight as one of the “Companies of Excellence” in terms of technology, business, achievements and professionalism.” Hazboun added “We are committed to deliver the bespoke FinTech solutions to our customers, and will always support our customers and help them transform from a traditional to an intelligent bank.”

ICS BANKS provides a complete suite of banking business modules with a rich sweep of functionalities and features, addressing business needs and automating accounting processes, as needed, to improve a bank’s business performance. ICS BANKS has always been a pioneer in utilising the latest technology to serve financial institutions. In addition to its embedded Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA), the system is deployed in a multi-tiered setup that runs on a web thin client.

شركة جلوبيتل تختم مشاركتها في المؤتمر الدولي للإتصالات ٢٠١٨ بنجاح كبير

تعلن شركة جلوبيتل، وهي شركة رائدة في توفير حلول الإتصالات المتكاملة وإدارة الزبائن، ختام مشاركتها في المؤتمر الدولي للإتصالات ٢٠١٨ الذي تم عقده في برشلونة وخلال المؤتمر تم انشاء علاقات جديدة وشراكات مثمرة وتفاعل إيجابي مع الزوار.

ومع حضور سنوي يصل إلى ١٠٠,٠٠٠ زائر، استمتع فريق جلوبيتل في المؤتمر هذه السنة حيث استطاع الإختلاط مع الكثير من قادة القطاع وأصحاب الخبرة وزبائن جلوبيتل لتوطيد العلاقات. تم طرح حلول جلوبيتل الجديدة ومشاريعها القادمة مع الزوار في المؤتمر وتحدّث الفريق عن أهم تطورات السنة لمراكز الإتصال وشركات الإتصالات.

تزامنت الأفكار الرئيسية التي تم عرضها في المؤتمر مع مواضيع ومشاريع جلوبيتل وتم النقاش عن إنترنت الأشياء وخدمات الجوال الإلكترونية والبنية التحتية لشركات الإتصالات وكيفية تطوير خدمات الLTE للتجوال الدولي والتحليل النصي للمكالمات وإمكانية جلوبيتل في توفير احتياجات الشركات لتحقيق أهدافهم والوصول إلى أفضل مستويات الخدمة.

قال نائب الرئيس التنفيذي، فادي قطيشات، عن المؤتمر ” كانت مواضيع هذه السنة مشوقة للغاية وأحدث حلولنا مثل التحليل النصي للمكالمات وقياس الجودة لتفاعلات الموظفين مع الزبائن قد حظوا باهتمام واسع في مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي بسبب نظام جلوبيتل SpeechLog الذي يتكون من ستة أنظمة متكاملة في نظام واحد حيث أن كل نظام يدعم عمليات مختلفة في مراكز الإتصال ليقيس الجودة ويطور الخدمة عبر الهاتف ومحلات التجزئة ومواقع التواصل الإجتماعي. و قد ناقشنا مشروعنا الجديد مع شركة واسلز Wasslz ونطاق إنترنت الأشياء وإمكانية واسلز على تمهيد الطريق ليستقبل الأردن إنترنت الأشياء في البيوت والشركات.”

أكمل قطيشات “… كان المستهلك الإلكتروني هو محور حديث جلوبيتل هذه السنة وكيف يتواصل مع الشركات من خلال القنوات الإلكترونية ويجب أن يكون هدف كل شركة أن تدعم تجربة الزبون وتوفر له أفضل الخدمات على كل قنوات التواصل مع الشركة.”

اختتم قطيشات “الإبتكار والتطور من أساسياتنا كشركة ومع كل سنة نقدم أحدث الحلول الإلكترونية لكي ندعم زبائننا ونساعد في ترسيخ مفهوم الإعتناء في الزبون أولا والذي يمثل خلاصة فكرتنا ورسالتنا. كان المؤتمر الدولي للإتصالات هذه السنة من أنجح السنين ونحن نتطلع بحماس للسنوات القادمة.”

توقيع اتفاقية لإنشاء مركز ريادة الأعمال والتأهيل الوظيفي بين اليرموك ومؤسسة ساغو الدولية

وقع القائم بأعمال رئيس جامعة اليرموك الأستاذ الدكتور زياد السعد اتفاقية لإنشاء وتشغيل مركز ريادة الأعمال والتأهيل الوظيفي في مجمع الريادة الأكاديمية للتميز بكلية الحجاوي للهندسة التكنولوجية بالتعاون مع مؤسسة ساغو الدولية للتدريب والتعليم، حيث وقعها عن المؤسسة رئيسها التنفيذي الدكتور المهندس ضرار شهابات.

ويهدف انشاء المركز إلى توفير فرص تدريب لطلبة الجامعة والخريجين وبناء قدراتهم وتزويدهم بالخبرات العملية بما يؤهلهم لتلبية حاجات ومتطلبات سوق العمل، إضافة لرعاية الطلبة المتميزين وتوفير فرص عمل ملائمة لهم في السوق المحلي والخارجي.

وأشار السعد إلى الخطوات الجادة التي اتخذتها اليرموك في مجال تفعيل التشاركية بين القطاع الاكاديمي والقطاعات الأخرى، بما يحقق التكاملية بينها، ويوظف الخبرات العلمية والبحث العلمي لتحسين واقع الخدمات المقدمة لأبناء المجتمع، وتقديم الحلول الناجعة للمشاكل والتحديات التي يعاني منها المجتمع.

واوضح السعد ان اليرموك قامت بتحديث خططها الدراسية لكافة برامجها الدراسية بما يواكب التطورات المتسارعة التي تشهدها المجالات العلمية كافة، ويلبي حاجات سوق العمل الذي يتيح فرص التوظيف للمتميزين فقط من الخريجين، لافتا إلى أن المنظومة التعليمية متكاملة وتبدأ من الصفوف التحضيرية الأولى، مشددا على ضرورة أن تأخذ عملية اصلاح هذه المنظومة وقتها بما يكفل تحقيق النتائج الاهداف المرجوة.

بدوره أشار شهابات حرص المؤسسة على تفعيل تعاونها مع جامعة اليرموك، وذلك انطلاقاً من مبدأ التعاون والشراكة بين القطاعين العام والخاص، وأهمية هذه الشراكة في دفع عملية التنمية المستدامة لمؤسساتنا الوطنية، لاسيما وأن اليرموك تعد من الجامعات الرائدة والمرموقة في كافة المجالات محليا واقليميا، ويحظى خريجوها بسمعة مهنية متميزة في مختلف مواقع عملهم.

وبموجب الاتفاقية تتولى الجامعة عملية توفير الدعم الإداري واللوجستي والفني الممكن الذي تتطلبه طبيعة عمل المركز بما يسهم في نجاح فعاليات التدريب والخدمات المقدمة فيه للطلبة، فيما ستقوم المؤسسة بتقديم خطة تدريبية لعقد مجموعة من الدورات، وورش العمل المجانية للطلبة وبشكل مستمر، بالتعاون مع مجموعة من الاستشاريين والمتخصصين من سوق العمل، بما يعكس خبراتهم العملية بشكل مباشر للطلبة.

كما تتولى المؤسسة تقديم الخدمات الاستشارية المجانية للطلبة وخاصة المتوقع تخرجهم، بما يساعدهم لدخول سوق العمل بشكل احترافي وتمييزهم فيه، وإتاحة الفرصة أمامهم للتواصل مع الجهات المشغلة للخريجين داخل المملكة وخارجها بقصد التوظيف، إضافة إلى تقييم مشاريع تخرج الطلبة ومساعدتهم لتحويلها إلى واقع استثماري يعود بالنفع على الطالب بعد تخرجه من خلال تأهيله بالمهارات العملية والتسويقية.

وحضر تقيع الاتفاقية عميد كلية الحجاوي للهندسة التكنولوجية الأستاذ الدكتور خالد غرايبة، ومدير مجمع الريادة الدكتور عبدالكريم التميمي، ومديرة دائرة العلاقات العامة والاعلام بالجامعة الدكتورة ناهدة مخادمة، ونائب رئيس المؤسسة جعفر شهابات.

Globitel Concludes the Mobile World Congress 2018 with Positive Results and New Perspectives


Globitel, the leading provider of customer care and telecom solutions, announces the successful conclusion of its participation in the 2018 Mobile World Congress (MWC). The 4-day event which took place in Barcelona has yielded new partnerships, successful networking, and positive reactions.

With over a staggering 100,000 attendees this year, the team had a great time networking with different industry sector leaders and decision makers; highlighting with a lot of enthusiasm and pride Globitel’s newest solutions and social initiatives.

The themes opened up lively discussions with visitors on the future of IoT, enhanced mobile digital services, operator infrastructure in terms of LTE roaming, billing, etc. Some more takes included AI chatbots, speech analytics, etc. followed by Globitel’s role in helping companies achieve these goals.

Globitel’s VP, Fadi Qutaishat said, “This year’s themes were really exciting. Our newest products like analytics and social media quality assurance were trendy talking points, especially due to our SpeechLog Suite; a solution of 6 integrated modules to enhance the performance of the contact center across all platforms. In addition, our incubator project, Wasslz, is expected to lead the transition to IoT in Jordan.”

Qutaishat continued, “…We discussed how we can help operators in facilitating LTE roaming as it gains tractions among subscribers. Even more, the digital consumer was the event’s leading character; how does the digital consumer engage with companies through digital channels? This prompted a discussion on how we can help contact centers become digital consumer-friendly.”

Qutaishat summed up his statement, “We talked about our innovative and ever-evolving approach with our services. Overall, it was one of our best years and we look forward to next year as always.”

ESKADENIA Software Exhibits at the Mobile World Congress 2018 in Barcelona


ESKADENIA Software, the leading Jordanian-based provider of world-class software products and services, will participate in the GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the most popular and highly attended conference in the Telecom Industry. ESKADENIA Software will participate in the event as part of the Jordanian Pavilion and the extraordinary four-day event will be held from the 26th of February till the 1st of March 2018.

During the conference, ESKADENIA Software sales staff and telecom specialists will provide live demos and presentations of ESKADENIA Software’s entire range of new Telecom Software Systems including the ESKA® CRM, Charging and Billing Systems. Additionally, the year’s show is an ideal networking opportunity for ESKADENIA Software and will help to open new opportunities and reinforce awareness of Jordanian IT products and expertise among the MWC audience.

A number of Jordanian entrepreneurs and start-up owners will have the opportunity to participate in the largest Telecom-technology gathering in the world through the Jordanian Pavilion. There they will present their ideas and services, introduced their entrepreneurial companies to mobile operators and channel partners, and rub shoulders with international entrepreneurs and have the chance to discuss with them their latest technology innovations.

The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide, uniting nearly 800 operators with about 2,300 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset and device makers, software companies, equipment providers and internet companies, as well as organizations in adjacent industry sectors.

STS Cloud partners with Qarar to launch the first of its kind cloud based Decision-as-a Service solution for the banking and finance sector in Jordan


STS Cloud the leading hybrid cloud platform and the first of it’s kind in Jordan has announced that it has signed a new partnership deal with Qarar, the region’s leading decision analytics company. Headquartered in Dubai and serving customers across the Middle East and North Africa.

As part of the agreement, Qarar and STS Cloud will provide the first of its kind virtual private cloud-based service that strengthens and automates the business decision making process within the banking and finance sector. The service will be hosted by STS and offered on its leading Hybrid Cloud platform and incorporate proprietary decisioning software provided by Qarar.

The new service is primarily for use by retail banks, finance companies and other credit providers for the purpose of managing credit, customer management, risk, collections and recovery decisions for their customers. Qarar will provide and configure the SmartSuite Credit Risk Management software that underpins the service, delivered through the STS Cloud, offering banks in-country, secure and cost effective access to leading edge technologies.

The Director of Cloud, and Advanced Solutions at STS, Mohammad Adnan commented on this partnership saying: “Continuing the STS legacy and as part of our commitment to developing the Jordanian Banking and Financial sector, we are confident that the in-country cloud based solutions must play an essential role in the advancement of this industry. And as the leading company in providing Hybrid Cloud Solutions in Jordan, our strategic partnership with Qarar to provide the leading Qarar’s proprietary SmartSuite Credit Risk Management software and a hosted risk management model marks a new step forward in enriching STS’ Cloud SaaS Portfolio with mission critical solutions that will jointly lead Jordan’s banking and financial sector toward a bright future by enhanced and calculated decision making. ”

And from his side, Zaid Kamhawi, CEO of Qarar, commented: “We are delighted to be partnering with the STS —the MENA region’s leading company in providing complete all-round Information Technology (IT) solutions — to bolster the decision-making processes for financial institutions in Jordan. Digital transformation, automation and data analytics are shaping the industry, and the banking and finance sector needs new strategies that help to keep abreast of this progress going into 2018 and beyond. It is vital that organisations harness critical technologies if they are to deliver truly digitalised next-generation financial services, and we are pleased to be making this step towards providing advanced analytics and decision solutions through a virtual private cloud with STS in Jordan.”

The partnership has been established so that organisations in Jordan can take advantage of technology expertise in a secure and local virtual private cloud environment, by strengthening the decision-making process and mitigate risk for the clients in Jordan.



Central Bank of Jordan launches its Intranet Portal using AlphaPlus by Echo Technology


To enhance the working environment and internal information sharing . The Central Bank of Jordan launched a new Intranet Portal for his employees using AlphaPlus Platform.

By using AlphaPlus, CBJ aims to keep his employees updated with its local news, announcements and reports in addition to providing a centralized access to all its other internet system