إطلاق الموقع الالكتروني الخاص بمنطقة اربد التنموية بدعم من مشروع التنافسية الأردني


ايكو تكنولوجي الأردن وبدعم من مشروع التنافسية الأردني الممول من USAID  تطلق الموقع الالكتروني الخاص بمنطقة اربد التنموية على الرابط التالي  www.ida.jo.

حيث يدعم هذا المشروع في جزء كبير منه رؤية جلالة الملك الاستثنائية لتعزيز المزيد من التطويرات العادلة وزيادة الفرص لجميع الأردنيين، كما تقدم منطقة اربد التنموية فرصة استثنائية للقيام بدور في جعل مدينة اربد واحدة من المدن الرائدة في مجال العلوم والتكنولوجيا في الأردن.

ويوفر هذا المشروع فرص استثمارية في العديد من القطاعات وهي (قطاع الرعاية الصحية وقطاع التعليم والبحث العلمي وقطاع تكنولوجيا المعلومات وقطاع الصناعات الهندسية بالإضافة الى قطاع الخدمات الاسكانية).

TAG-Org, JuNET, and Orange Launch the Jordanian International Connection for Research and Education Jointly with the EU



His Excellency, Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazleh, Founder of Talal Abu Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) and Chairman of the Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN) with His Excellency, Prof. Ali al-Qaisi, Chairman of the Jordanian Universities Network (JuNet) and Mr. Sami Smeirat, Chief Enterprise Officer of Orange Jordan have signed an agreement to connect Jordanian universities with the European Academic and Research Network (GÉANT) in order to provide them access to the research and education resources in Europe and the rest of the world.

HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman of ASREN highlighted the importance of connecting research and education institutions at the national, regional and global levels to enable collaboration with research and education communities and to provide access to research and education resources.

He added “this connection comes in the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Program (EUMEDCONENCT3) co-financed by the European Union and managed by the European Network GÉANT in cooperation with ASREN which works on connecting the Arab research and education communities to the rest of the world”

HE Prof. Ali Al-Qaisy, Chairman of JUNet said: “connecting the Jordanian universities is a new support to the researchers in Jordan as they used to face many difficulties in the past when they try to access computing resources, data repositories and scientific applications and services”

Mr. Sami Smeirat, Chief Enterprise Officer of Orange Jordan added “We are proud to extend our strategic agreement with ASREN and sign with JUNet to serve the education and research community in Jordan. Orange will continue to support the research and education in Jordan by providing them with best and state of the art services”

Orange Jordan Chief Enterprise Officer Sami Smeirat expressed his pride in extending this strategic partnership, through connecting the project with the most advanced international data transfer and raising the high-capacity connection to 1 Gigabyte, as it will lead to great strides in the fields of research and learning. Smeirat reaffirmed Orange Jordan’s dedication to supporting all segments of the economy in order to enhance its business and company position, which, through modern technology, will contribute to the development and elevation of the quality of education, transforming it to a knowledge-based economy. He added that  this step falls in line with the company’s corporate social responsibility strategy which stems from the company’s five year corporate strategy Essentials 2020, which places customer service, education and entrepreneurship in society at its core and aims to provide an unmatched customer experience, accompanied by the transformation of Orange Jordan’s enterprise customers, further  enhancing the spirit of the renewed Orange brand that is based on connecting its customers to all that is essential to them based on their needs.

Mr. David West, Project Manager of the EUMEDCONNECT3 Project added, “We believe that connecting Jordanian communities with their counterparts in Europe is very important and will create more opportunities for them to collaborate and conduct join research and education activities”

Orange – Jordan will upgrade this link from one hundred fifty Megabit to one Giga bits per second to the Jordanian Universities Network (JUNET) and the Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME) in Jordan. This will be a dedicated circuit which will connect the Jordanian Universities Network directly to the European research and education network (GÉANT) via the first Arab point of presence in London which is managed and operated by the Arab States Research and Education Network (ASREN).

Orange Jordan renews its partnership agreement with Yarmouk University



Orange Jordan recently announced the renewal of its partnership agreement with Yarmouk University (YU) through which it will continue to support the Orange Yarmouk Innovation Lab (OYIL) located at YU’s Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering Technology.

The agreement was signed by Orange Jordan’s CEO Jérôme Hénique, President of Yarmouk University Dr. Rifaat Al-Faouri in the presence of executives from both parties.

During the signing agreement, Orange Jordan congratulated the students who have completed their training with the company and welcomed the new batch of the top students who will work under the direct support and supervision of the OYIL team to complete their final semester while getting hands-on training on the latest technologies in the telecommunications world.

Hénique expressed his pleasure in renewing the strategic partnership with the University. He also pointed out that the laboratory has helped prepare and qualify a large number of students to enter the labor market and enabled them to attain their dream professions by improving their expertise and training in three main areas which include: cellular applications, games and websites, in addition to the investment made to furnish the laboratory with the necessary equipment, and the development of devices, licenses and patents.

Hénique said: “The renewal of our fruitful partnership with Yarmouk University comes in line with supporting its noble mission of preparing the talented Jordanian youth, who are capable of achieving a knowledge-based economy by training them to acquire skills and competencies that give them the opportunity to join Oasis 500 program and later on BIG accelerator program.”

He added that Orange Jordan will continue to support the university not only through training students, but also by providing the laboratory with advanced equipment, tools and telecommunication services to enrich and enhance the students’ experience and provide them with the necessary skills for the future.

In line with Orange Jordan’s corporate social responsibility strategy, stemming from its five-year corporate strategy Essentials 2020, the company seeks to play a greater role in serving different sectors and segments of the community, particularly the educational sector, to bridge the gap between academic output and the demands of the current job market, which will lead to having more qualified and productive people, who will contribute in the socioeconomic development and growth of the kingdom.


AL-Thiqa Islamic Bank selects ICS BANKS ISLAMIC System from ICSFS


ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS), the global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions, announced that AL-Thiqa Islamic Bank a newly established bank in Iraq, has selected the multi-awards winning system ICS BANKS ISLAMIC System.

AL-Thiqa Islamic Bank is a newly registered Iraqi bank that will be offering banking and financial services in Iraq.  It will be implementing ICSFS’ universal Islamic flagship, ICS BANKS ISLAMIC Core Banking, Murabaha, Musharaka, Ijara,  Mudaraba, Al Qard  Al Hasan, Time Deposit, Profit Distribution Trade Finance Module, Credit Facilities & Risk Groups, Remittances.

The signing ceremony took place at ICSFS’ regional office in Amman, Jordan. Attending the ceremony were

the Executive Representative of AL-Thiqa Islamic Bank; Mr. Muamer Al-Fakhry and the Executive Director of Business Development at ICSFS; Mr. Wael Malkawi.

Following the signing ceremony, the Executive Representative of AL-Thiqa Islamic Bank; Mr. Muamer Al-Fakhry commented:
“We are delighted that we have become part of ICSFS expanding growing customers in Iraq, our target is to provide different banking services that are designed and developed following the principles of Shari’a. We chose ICS BANKS ISLAMIC from ICS Financial Systems for its wide experience specially in the Iraq’s banking and financial sector, we believe ICS BANKS ISLAMIC will increase the efficiency of our various financial operations, and assist us deliver the bespoke products and services”.

On this occasion, the Executive Director of Business Development at ICSFS; Mr. Wael Malkawi commented:
“ICS BANKS was chosen for its well-known reputation in the world and Iraq, we are very proud of our huge flourishing steps in the Iraqi market, we look forward to a long-lasting partnership with Al-Thiqa Bank where it will receive a wide range of professional services to automate its banking service.” Malkawi added “we are delighted to achieve a successful industry-leading solution execution in Iraq, and are committed to provide our superior products and services to deliver the best services to Al Thiqa Bank.”

تستحوذ على شركة الدرة للتقنية الحديثة في الأردن Boston IT


 استحوذت شركة بوستون اي اتي الأمريكية على شركة الدرة للتقنية الحديثة في الأردن, ويأتي هذا الاستحواذ تلبية لرغبة الشركة الأمريكية الدخول الى الأسواق العربية و هذا ما وجدته بقوة عن طريق الاستحواذ الكامل على الشركة الأردنية مما تملكه من حلول و منتجات تقنية تلبي احتياجات المنطقة .

و تعمل شركة بوستون اي تي في الأسواق الأمريكية منذ أكثر من ثلاثين عام في توفير العديد من حلول تكنولوجيا المعلومات كما أخبر الرئيس التنفيذي للشركة الأمريكية و أضاف انه وجد في الشركة الأردنية الفرصة الحقيقية للتوسع في اعمال الشركة في المنطقة العربية .

كما أضاف الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة الدرة للتقنية الحديثة أن ابرام مثل هذه الصفقات يعني الكثير و منها الثقة الكبيرة في الشركات الأردنية و ما توفره من منتجات و حلول و قدرة الموارد البشرية الأردنية على احداث علامة فارقة لهذا القطاع في الاقتصاد الأردني و ريادة الأعمال.

اس تي اس أول منصة حلول سحابية تحصل على شهادة معايير أمن المعلومات وبيانات الدفع الالكتروني في الأردن


علنت منصة  إس تي إس – STS – المتخصصة بحلول الحوسبة السحابية لقطاع الأعمال STS Cloud عن كونها الأولى في الأردن بالحصول على شهادة الإلتزام بتطبيق معايير أمن المعلومات وبيانات بطاقات الدفع الإلكترونية بعد أن حققت بنجاح معايير مجلس حماية وأمن بطاقات الدفع العالميPCI DSS Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards

ويذكر أن هذه الشهادة منحت تقديراً لالتزام المنصة بالمعايير الأمنية الصارمة التي تكفل حماية البيانات  بفضل اعتمادها للمزيد من إجراءات الموثوقية والأمان ما يمكن العملاء من الاستفادة من خدمات  الحوسبة السحابية الآمنة، وبما يعزز ثقتهم باستخدام  منصة  إس تي إس – STS – للحوسبة السحابية من مؤسسات وخاصة البنوك وغيرها من المؤسسات المالية، مؤكداً أهمية هذه الخطوة التي تنسجمُ مع التوجه الدولي في هذا المجال، سيما لدى شركات تكنولوجيا المعلومات العالمية .

و بهذه المناسبة أعرب مدير الحلول السحابية والحلول المتقدمة في شركة إس تي إس – STS – محمد عدنان عن فخره بهذا الانجاز الفريد كون منصة  إس تي إس – STS – المتخصصة لحلول الحوسبة السحابيةSTS Cloud  هي الاولى والوحيدة في الأردن التي نجحت بالحصول على هذه الشهادة قائلاً:

“إن نجاحنا الفريد بالحصول على هذه الشهادة يعكس حرص الشركة على الإلتزام بقواعد حماية أمن  البيانات الخاصة بعملاء منصتنا وعملائهم على حد سواء، والذي بدوره يمكن البنوك والمؤسسات المالية بشكل خاص والمؤسسات الأخرى بشكل عام من تبني أحدث حلول البنى التحتية كخدمات  Infrastructure as a Service  المبنية على نموذج السحابة الهجينة -Hybrid Cloud- الأكثر مرونة وعلى أعلى درجات أمن وحماية البينات، ما يشكل فرصةً ذهبية للمؤسسات التي تسعى للتميز بعملياتها بأقل التكاليف و الاحتياجات التقنية”.

وأكد عدنان أن حصول منصة إس تي إس – STS – المتخصصة بحلول الحوسبة السحابية لقطاع الأعمالSTS Cloud  هو ليس الا خطوة أخرى تتخذها المنصة ضمن استراتيجيتها المستمرة للحفاظ على موقع المنصة كمزود أمثل وموثوق لحلول الحوسبة السحابية في الأردن.

وأعرب عدنان عن شكره لشركةراندوم ستورم الإستشارية الحاصلة على شهادات الإعتماد الدولية والجودة العالمية للتدقيق على أمن المعلومات، والتي عملت عن قرب خلال الشهور القليلة الماضية مع فريق عمل المنصة، والأفرقة الأخرى المعنية وزودت الشركة بالإستشارات الفنية اللازمة لمطابقة إجراءات خدمات المنصة مع المعايير العالمية لمجلس حماية وأمن بطاقات الدفع العالمي PCI DSS  .

وقد سلم الشهادة في المكتب الرئيسي لشركة إس تي إس  ممثلةً بمدير الحلول السحابية في الشركة محمد عدنان الدكتور رمزي الصناع ممثلاً عن شركة Random Storm الإستشارية في الشرق الأوسط والعضو المؤسس لشركة ScanWave  بحضور مسؤولين من الشركتين وفريق عمل منصة إس تي إس – STS – المتخصصة بحلول الحوسبة السحابية لقطاع الأعمال STS Cloud  الفني المختص بالعمل للحصول على هذه الشهادة .

بدوره قال رمزي الصنٌاع : “يسرنا أن نتعاون مع شركة إس تي إس – STS –  الرائدة للحصول على هذا الإعتماد كونه إنجازاً يؤكد إلتزام الشركة بتوفير خدمات الحلول السحابية لعملائها في الأردن والمنطقة، و وعلى أعلى درجات أمن وحماية البينات ” .

STS Cloud Named the First PCI DSS Certified Cloud Provider in Jordan


 STS, the leading company in providing complete all-round Information Technology (IT) solutions in Jordan and the region, has announced receiving the PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) Compliance Certification and Attestation of Compliance. The PCI DSS accreditation was granted by the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC), to further demonstrate STS’ illustrious track record of continuous success.

STS was granted the accreditation in recognition of its strict adherence to guidelines that safeguard the data of the STS Cloud Clients by utilizing added reliability and security measures; ensuring secure Cloud Computing Solutions and Services to its clients and customers around the world.

By achieving this recognition, STS cloud becomes the first certified, secure, and trusted cloud provider in Jordan; offering unique hybrid cloud solutions that enable organizations to utilize the local cloud services with around-the-clock onsite certified support resources.

This comprehensive standard leverages STS cloud infrastructure solution as an optimal choice for banks and financial institutions and other types of businesses by reducing the risk of data breaches; enabling them to host their applications in a secure hybrid cloud infrastructure without having any security concerns.

The prestigious distinction was presented to the STS Cloud Director Mohammad Adnan, who expressed his utmost pride in claiming it while also emphasizing the importance of the PCI Security Standard in protecting their clients and the privacy of their data.

“The accomplishment ensures our leading market standing and helps facilitate the delivery of high quality, secure, trusted and efficient Cloud Computing Solutions and Services to our clients and their customers; ensuring the protection of our client’s security interests while elevating data security by maintaining the highest standards”

“This unique achievement serves as a testament to the continuous efforts that STS has invested in ensuring the highest standards of security and privacy by providing Cloud Computing Solutions and Services that adhere to the highest standards of trust and service quality as part of the STS strategy.”

Furthermore, Adnan claimed that such accreditation will help expand STS’ client base as it will smoothen the transition to Cloud-based solutions for clients of the IT industry, claiming that “the distinction also reflects the measures that STS has taken to ensure the security of its data, and indicates our strong interest in further elevating payment data security, as the PCI DSS will ease the process of clients shifting to Cloud based Solutions creating a golden opportunity for businesses and financial institutions in particular to adopt the Infrastructure as a Service offerings by the STS Cloud.”

Finally, Adnan also touched on the importance of the being certified in gaining more credibility in the market as a whole; opening up new prospects and horizons for their cloud-based solutions and services.

In turn, Dr. Ramzi Al Sunna, Managing Director of Randomstorm in the Middle East, and the co-founder of Scanwave who presented the STS Cloud Director the certificate in the STS Head Quarters, stated, “We are pleased to have helped the STS Cloud attain this accreditation, which reaffirms STS’ commitment to delivering secure Cloud Computing Solutions and Services to its clients and their customers, and emphasizes its ongoing efforts to propel the development of digital transformation in Jordan and the region.”

Providus Bank Goes Live on ICS BANKS


 ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS), the global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions, announces the successful implementation, launch and roll-out of its awards-winning banking and financial solution ICS BANKS at  Providus Bank based in Nigeria, which  is an innovative financial institution that offers customized business solutions and advanced products that will not only answer customer’s business and personal needs today, but also steer them into the future. Providus Bank’s tailored financial services delivery includes: Business Advisory, Portfolio Management, Personalized Relationship Management, Fast-tracked Service delivery and Self-service solutions.
ICS BANKS system was rolled out with a big bang approach in a record time and it was implemented across all branches in one go, the process was smooth, swift and transparent.

دائرة الإفتاء تطبق نظام الديوان الالكتروني من ايكو تكنولوجي لأتمتة إجراءات المراسلات


ايمانا بدور التكنولوجيا في تبسيط الإجراءات وتسهيل المعاملات ومواكبة مسيرة التحول الالكتروني للإجراءات الحكومية اعتمدت دائرة الافتاء العام نظام الديوان الالكتروني  (E-Diwan) لأتمتة اعمال الديوان من إجراءات البريد الصادر والوارد والمذكرات الداخلية بالإضافة الى سير العمل الخاص به.

من خلال النظام تهدف الدائرة الى الوصول الى بيئة خالية من الورقيات كما يسعى الى تقليل الوقت والجهد المبذول في متابعة وتتبع الكتب الرسمية والمحافظة عليها من التلف والفقدان.

Chairman and CEO of Orange Middle East and Africa Bruno Mettling visits Orange Jordan’s new headquarters at the Boulevard



Celebrating Orange Jordan’s milestone of moving its new headquarters to the Boulevard, Chairman and CEO of Orange Middle East and Africa Bruno Mettling visited the new building, where he was received by the Chairman of Orange Jordan Dr. Shabib Ammari, the CEO, Jérôme Hénique, executive directors, and employees. During the visit, Mr. Mettling congratulated Orange Jordan’s employees and celebrated the move during a formal inauguration ceremony, in addition to having a number of high-profile meetings with Their Excellencies Prime Minister Hani Al Mulki, Minister of Information and Communications Technology and Public Sector Development Majd Shweikeh, and Chairman of the Board and CEO of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission Dr. Ghazi Al Jbour.

Commenting on the occasion, Chairman and CEO of Orange Middle East and Africa Bruno Mettling said, “On behalf of Orange Group, I would like to express our pride in Orange Jordan’s successful move of its headquarters, in conjunction with its ten-year anniversary of Orange Brand in Jordan, which reflects the company’s continuous effort to grow, progress, and position itself as a leader in the Kingdom’s telecommunications sector. This occasion also provided me with a great opportunity to meet with His Excellency the Prime Minister to reiterate our commitment to the Kingdom as the main European investor. We discussed the difficulties faced by companies operating under high taxation and the need for a better regulatory and tax framework in order to support the industry. In the same mindset, Orange is committing to create a training center in the area of Tafileh to support the development of the local skills in the ICT.”

Mr. Mettling went on to say that Orange Group’s Essentials 2020 strategy focuses on accelerating the digital transformation of the company’s services and customer relationships, while upholding the excellence of its traditional services. Through this strategy, the company is also deeply committed to supporting the wide array of new activities and new jobs made possible by the digital transformation.

Orange Jordan CEO Jérôme Hénique said, “We at Orange Jordan are very proud to celebrate the move to our new headquarters in the presence of Mr. Mettling and under the patronage of Her Excellency the Minister of Information and Communications Technology. The growth and progress that Orange Jordan has witnessed over the last ten years is a reflection of both the hard work of the local team and the global strength of the Orange brand, which stands today as one of the world’s leading telecommunications service providers, with a rich history of providing the best possible solutions to our customers in the Kingdom. Orange Jordan will remain committed to fulfilling its promise of playing a strong role in the digital transformation and in the elevation of society across all sectors.”

Mr. Henique added, “The Boulevard is more lively, interactive, architecturally appealing, and match company on-going aspirations to remain a digital, caring and a class-A employer as per the ‘Top Employer Global 2017’ certification awarded to the company by the Top Employers Institute.”