The Ministry of Local Administration launches its Intranet in collaboration with Echo Technology


The Ministry of Local Administration launched its Intranet portal that is designed and developed by Echo Technology as an advanced way to manage its employee’s services.

The EB Intranet is designed and developed to provide companies and organizations with one-point access to information and help streamline the business processes/workflow while improving communication and collaboration among employees with high level of security ensuring a modern and effective working environment

The system provides a dashboard for simple insights tracking, in addition to  providing employee eservices such as vacations, leaves, and salary slip requests, advanced file management, and more to facilitate business workflow management

Hadhramout Commercial Bank Selects ICS BANKS Universal from ICSFS to Start its Operations in Yemen



Hadhramout Commercial Bank (HCB) is the first universal bank to open its headquarters in Hadhramout. The bank will provide commercial, retail, investment, corporate, digital, and private banking products and services through ICS BANKS Universal banking’s holistic software suite. ICSFS will enable the bank to provide the most innovative digital products and services to its customers, to support the bank’s mission in becoming a leading universal banking institution in Yemen. Hadhramout Commercial Bank will be utilising ICSFS’ Digital Banking excellence and open banking architecture.

ICSFS invests in its software suites by utilising modern technology in launching new digital products, constructing a secured and agile integration, and keeping pace with new standards and regulations worldwide. ICS BANKS software suite future-proof banking activities by providing a broad range of features and capabilities with more agility and flexibility, to enrich customers’ journey experience, hence improving the trust and confidentiality between the customer and the bank. ICS BANKS has always been a pioneer in utilising the latest technology to serve financial institutions. In addition to its embedded Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA), the system can be deployed on-premises, hybrid, or cloud.

As a new bank in the Yemeni market, we believe that the success will never be achieved without strong partnerships. Our new partnership with ICSFS will lead to corporate sustainability and maintain our business growth and economic value in the future. Considering the special circumstances in our region and especially in Yemen, the selection criteria elements for the core-banking software were very critical. Fortunately, ICSFS’ decent reputation and wide experience in Yemen, and other similar markets for both; conventional and Islamic banking, had made the technical selection decision relatively easy for HCB’s management, and outweighed ICSFS as a strategic partner for our new business.

– Mr. Khaled Mohammed Adel Jabr, General Manager, Hadhramout Commercial Bank

At ICSFS, we believe that banks need to take a holistic approach in choosing their banking application; to drive innovation, generate new opportunities and create a market advantage over their peers. It is our privilege to welcome Hadhramout Commercial Bank to our ICS BANKS community. Amongst the many products and features that HCB will benefit from, the bank will mostly enjoy ICS BANKS’ comprehensive digital platform capabilities in leveraging customer onboarding user experience, more customer reach, financial inclusion, and acquiring desired customer information at any time at any place.


– Mr. Robert Hazboun, Managing Director, ICS Financial Systems

أكثر من مليون مشاهدة لمدونة أمنية The8Log في عام 2022


حققت مدونة أمنية The8Log أكثر من مليون مشاهدة في عام 2022 على موقعها الإلكتروني “”، فيما تجاوز عدد المقالات المنشورة على المدونة الـ 1000 مقالة تناولت فيها مواضيع مختلفة منذ إطلاقها.

وتمكنت The8Log، المدونة الأولى من نوعها في قطاع الاتصالات في المملكة، من تحقيق هذا العدد من المشاهدات، بفضل المحتوى الثري والمتنوع الذي تنشره على صفحاتها، حيث تعتبر مدونة أمنية أول مدونة في قطاع الاتصالات تُعنى بإثراء المحتوى العربي على الإنترنت تحت شعار “المعلومة بتقنية”.

وأكد الرئيس التنفيذي للدائرة التجارية في شركة أمنية زيد الإبراهيم، أن المدونة ساهمت ومنذ إطلاقها عام 2019، بإثراء المحتوى العربي على الإنترنت، وباتت مرجعية للشباب الأردني والعربي، في مواضيع مختلفة خصوصاً في تلك التي لا تتوفر كثيراً على الانترنت، مثل المواضيع التكنولوجية وخاصة تلك المتعلقة بتكنولوجيا الاتصالات والأمن السيبراني وريادة الأعمال والتسلية وغيرها.

وتقسم مدونة The8Log إلى عدة مواضيع رئيسية هي التكنولوجيا والاتصالات والخدمات المالية الرقمية والأمن السيبراني، بالإضافة إلى مواضيع الفن والثقافة، والرياضة والسفر وريادة الأعمال والحياة، والنصائح المهنية، مع تخصيص زاوية لمشاركات القراء، والفيديوهات.

وتقيم شركة أمنية سنوياً مسابقة مدونة أمنية للكتابة لطلاب الجامعات، يشارك فيها المئات من الطلاب من مختلف الجامعات الأردنية، بهدف تشجيع الشباب على الكتابة واستقطاب المواهب للكتابة على المدونة.

شركة احتراف للاستشارات والدعم الفني تطلق تطبيقاً للمحاسبة السحابية

أطلقت شركة احتراف للاستشارات والدعم الفني تطبيقاً للمحاسبة السحابية
(برمجيات كخدمة) ضمن مجموعتها المالية نيومترك تكنولوجيا المحاسبة
لخدمة أصحاب الأعمال الحرة تم إنشاء
والمتناهية الصغر والصغيرة من خلال مجموعة كاملة من أدوات
المحاسبة للنهوض بأعمالهم.
الأعمال الصغيرة هي جوهر مجتمعاتنا، ومناصرة هذه الأعمال
أمر يستحق القتال من أجله. نحن نطمح إلى دعم مستقبل حيث
يمكن لأصحاب الأعمال الصغيرة إدارة مواردهم المالية بلا
خوف. القيام بذلك يعني المزيد من أصحاب الأعمال الحرة
الجديدة والمزيد من الأعمال الصغيرة المزدهرة. سنكون الحل
الأكثر بساطة وشمولية لتقنيات المحاسبة لأصحاب الأعمال
الصغيرة الذين لا يستطيعون العيش دون الوصول إلى ذلك الغد
يعمل باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية. يمكن
للمشتركين إنشاء عروض أسعار وفواتير احترافية وإدارة
مصاريفهم ومشترياتهم مع سندات قبض وقسائم دفع في بيئة
متوافقة مع نظام الفوترة الأردني وتسليمها لعملائهم في غضون
يمكن للمشتركين بدء المحاسبة السحابية الكاملة دون أي تكلفة
والحفاظ على حسابهم المبدئي مجانًا 0 دولار أمريكي / سنويًا
أو الترقية إلى المزيد من الحركات.
” احتراف “هي شركة استشارية تقدم خدماتها لكلا القطاعين
العام والخاص، محليا ودوليا في مجالات الاستشارات
الاستراتيجية والإدارية وتطوير الأعمال. حيث تركز مجموعة
على تكنولوجيا المحاسبة لأصحاب Ihtiraf Finance Suite
الأعمال الحرة والشركات الناشئة والشركات الصغيرة
لمزيد من المعلومات: يرجى التواصل مع

https: // : وزيارة

ProgressSoft and ALRajhi Bank Jordan sign an agreement of cooperation 



ProgressSoft and ALRajhi Bank Jordan signed an agreement to launch ProgressSoft’s Payments Hub Platform featuring seamless integrations with the local market infrastructure, a suite of Swift services including Swift gpi, Swift Go, and ISO 20022 migration for full-fledged CBPR+ payments management, and much more.

Telecom Egypt Partners with Huawei Technologies to Implement Africa’s First Green Tower


Telecom Egypt, the first integrated operator of communications and information technology services in Egypt, in cooperation with Huawei Technologies, the leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices, announced the implementation of the first eco-friendly, integrated solution to provide mobile networks via utilizing environmentally friendly tower made of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP), with wireless availability.

Through this cooperation, Telecom Egypt will become the first operator in Egypt and Africa to install this green tower which will serve as the optimum steel alternative, which causes high emissions of carbon dioxide. The tower is approximately 18m high, with a special camouflage fence made of environmentally friendly materials, supported by integrated wireless access solutions and a green solar energy system. The tower is characterized by its high resistance in severe environmental conditions, such as corrosion due to the exposure to chemicals and high temperatures.

The Managing Director and CEO of Telecom Egypt, Adel Hamed, said that the implementation of this type of mobile site in Egypt is unprecedented and has also underscored the efforts done by all those in charge of the project, and their capability of implementing the entire site in a timely manner and a systematic way, as per the best international quality standards that have to do with the green concept solutions.


Mr. Adel further explained that Telecom Egypt’s green external sites also depend on modern technologies for wireless access devices, such as the technology of antennas integrated with signal amplifiers, which contribute to reducing the energy consumption of one site by about 40%, if compared to traditional sites.


According to Mr. Adel, these modern technologies also contribute to improving the signal quality by about 20%, when compared to regular antennas, which will further result in reducing the number of stations to be installed, enhancing the preservation of the environment, and hence achieving the aimed-for sustainable development.


He also added that Telecom Egypt relies on state-of-the-art versions of operating software that support the latest features, pertinent to energy saving, such as the feature of turning off signal amplifiers for some frequencies during low load hours, which helps in reducing energy consumption by an average of 24%.


Jim Liu, CEO of Huawei Egypt confirmed that the company dedicated great attention to developing the infrastructure of Information and Communication Technology in Egypt which is why they have joined hands with Telecom Egypt, the leader in the telecommunications market in Egypt and the Middle East.


He added that Huawei is keen on harnessing all the necessary, innovative technologies to save energy to build a sustainable future, which certainly generates zero carbon emissions. He also pointed out that recent studies have shown that FRP poles produce 43% less carbon dioxide emissions, compared to steel, and reduce E2E energy consumption by nearly half for manufacturers and related transportation.


He also explained that energy solutions for green outdoor sites depend on passive cooling, which eliminates the need for air conditioning and thus leads to a 47% reduction in energy consumption compared to sites with indoor rooms for devices. He also clarified that the process depends on the integration of solar energy with the main electricity network, with relative dependence on green energy, namely the solar one, as the solar panels will provide about 2 kilowatts, which will lead to a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by 20%.


It is worth mentioning that the goal of developing an environmentally friendly green site is to use smart materials instead of the traditional ones that were previously used in mobile terminals. For instance, reverting to FRP in manufacturing leads to minimizing steel sections up to 95%, which results in minimal pollution to the environment. Moreover, it is smarter to use integrated Radio Access Network (RAN) equipment, which has bandwidth carrier dynamic shutdown and time domain deep code shutdown, which will reduce power consumption by about 24 % in a low traffic period.

الشركة اللوجستية الاردنية للمرافق النفطية تطلق موقعها الالكتروني الجديد بالتعاون مع ايكو تكنولوجي

اطلقت الشركة اللوجستية الاردنية للمرافق النفطية موقعها الالكتروني الجديد بالتعاون مع ايكو تكنولوجي وفق احدث تقنيات وتكنولوجيا تصميم وتطوير المواقع الالكترونية

حيث يهدف الموقع الإلكتروني لتوفير مجموعة واسعة من معلومات التعريف بالشركة واعمالها وقائمة عملائها وتسليط الضوء على اهم سياساتها وعملياتها بالارقام والرسوم على الصعيدين المحلي والاقليمي

“2022 Year in Review” by ProgressSoft’s Co-Founder & CEO, Michael Wakileh

ProgressSoft’s Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Michael Wakileh, looks back on an impactful 2022 and anticipates what is to come for all stakeholders in 2023.


Dear partners, colleagues, and stakeholders,

The world is in times of turbulence: climatic, economic, and financial, with the situation foreshadowing mixed fortunes for many industries and economies in 2023 and beyond.

But as wise Peter Drucker once said, “the greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence, it is to act with yesterday’s logic.”

We may not be certain of what is to come for the financial industry, however, we can choose to adapt our practices to not only survive the rain but use it to grow. With that, I must highlight the importance of letting go of outdated solutions that aim to resolve new challenges.

The demand for user-friendly and portable financial services will not wait for any technology or institution, so we must keep moving, keep growing, and keep persevering in the face of massive change and uncertainty. This is where we are headed.

As to where we have been, an eventful year to say the least with a lot of collaboration and active change that we were honored to witness and be a part of in the financial sector.

We commenced the year with the Advancement of Digital Currency in Interoperability Award by the Digital Currency Advisory Committee in Washington D.C. recognizing our Central Bank Digital Currency solution and its ability to revolutionize the future of interoperability in cross-border financial ecosystems. We collaborated with tens of central banks on the topic, resulting in valuable discussions and transformative decisions that will impact generations to come. We are proud of our progress in this domain as one of the world’s first innovators of CBDC.

Throughout the year, we discussed, signed, and launched projects catering to governments, regulatory body national strategies, and banking digital transformation initiatives. We celebrated major upgrades, successful migrations, first-of-their-kind implementations and big milestones for us and for our clients.

We were also major exhibitors at some of the most prominent events for the financial industry in Athens, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Kigali, and Washington D.C. It is part of our commitment to being among our clientele across the 5 continents and ahead of the latest updates in the global financial sector.

Before long, we were celebrating yet another prominent milestone in our domain. Our Payments Hub Platform was among the first 3 solutions worldwide to be awarded with the SWIFT Compatible Application Payments Label, marking the beginning of our contribution to the evolution in global payments and the financial industry’s ISO 20022 migration period.

Our successes remain incomplete without our corporate social responsibility. In 2022, we continued to cultivate a culture centered around giving back to the community and environment through several green initiatives, care packages, and health awareness sessions. But above all, we massively contributed to elevating education and empowering a new generation of students through fruitful collaborations with the private and public sector. We hope to see that impact grow in 2023.

Finally, after 33 years of guiding over 370 financial institutions in their digital transformation journeys, we now recognize a major shift in our scope of work: a new intersection of services among financial institutions, mobile network operators, fintechs and exchange houses. Accordingly, a major announcement by ProgressSoft is in store for 2023, and it will be an exciting journey that we look forward to pursuing with our clients and the entirety of the financial sector.

Lastly, my sincere gratitude goes to our colleagues in our 6 offices across the globe for their diligent work. Our outcomes will continue to leave a mark on nations, institutions, and citizens – and it is with great thanks to all our stakeholders that we sustain this impact so wonderfully.

Wishing you a happy 2023.


Michael Wakileh

محمد الخضري: الكونجرس توصل لنوعين من تجسس تيك توك على المستخدمين

الرئيس التنفيذي والشريك المؤسس لشركة “Green Circle” محمد الخضري: هناك نوعين من تجسس تيك توك على المستخدمين تم توضيحها في الكونجرس.. النوع الأول تجاه الملفات الخصوصية والتي يمكن جمعها من أجهزة المستخدمين.. والنوع الثاني تتعلق باهتمامات المستخدمين وطريقة تفكيرهم وما شابه

لمتابعة اللقاء 

Zain Jordan and Huawei signed the 1st Commercial Use for WIFI MSP Cooperation in Jordan



Zain Jordan and Huawei signed on 27th of December 2022, the first Commercial Use for WIFI MSP Cooperation in Jordan.