Gulf Bank selects SEDCO solutions to upgrade to virtual queuing for a safer customer journey



Kuwait, Kuwait — In line with its digital transformation strategy, Gulf Bank has evolved its queue management system with SEDCO virtual queuing solutions to ensure a better and safer customer journey amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The virtual queuing system comprises a mobile appointment booking app and SMS notifications. These solutions are designed to help the bank serve customers without exposing them to the health risks that come with waiting in crowded waiting rooms and long queues.

The advanced mobile booking solution empowers Gulf bank’s customers to easily book appointments in advance and receive e-tickets where they will be informed of a tentative wait time, allowing them to arrive at the branch at an exact time without the need to wait at all. This will enable the bank to control the number of appointments per hour to eliminate crowded waiting areas.

SEDCO’s SMS notifications will further facilitate Gulf Bank’s initiative to introduce smart queuing and encourage customers to wait in their car or in other safer locations to ensure social distancing. This feature can be used to send an SMS alert to customers, notifying them about their turn status and directing them to enter the branch when their turn approaches.

Hussein Morsy, Business Development Manager at SEDCO spoke about the initiative and stated that “Gulf Bank is always adopting new technology and setting a precedent through effective digital transformation. With a virtual queuing system in place, the bank will successfully be able to serve customers during COVID-19 and beyond, thereby ensuring the health and safety of staff, customers, and the community.


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Integrated Technology Group completes the second phase of e-services automation project at JIC


Amman — Director of Professional Services at Integrated Technology Group (ITG) Mr. Bilal Abu Samaha stressed the importance of digital transformation at the Jordan Investment Commission (JIC) to create a competitive investment environment that is attractive to investors by providing smart, digital channels to enhance the Kingdom’s business environment.

Mr. Abu Samaha added that (ITG) is proud of what has been accomplished at the (JIC), which is the launch of the second phase of e-services at the commission. The new e-services tackle the issuance of visas and residence permits, which are provided through the Ministry of Interior’s commissioner at the (JIC). These new services were developed according to the international best practices in the field of smart government and include optimizing existing procedures and the use of technology, as well as linking all government agencies involved in offering the services. The result is the ability to obtain the required approvals in a quickly and easily, without the need to be physically present at the (JIC) or refer to any other entity. This has shortened the time needed to obtain these services from seven working days to at most one working day. The launch of the second phase of the commission’s e-services comes as a continuation of the cooperation between (ITG) and the (JIC), where 11 e-services related to investor services have already been launched. (ITG) has been working with the (JIC) to complete the automation project of the JIC’s services, which will be the largest services digitization in terms of a number of services under the umbrella of a single institution, the (JIC).

Additionally, Mr. Abu Samaha pointed out the importance of the partnership between the private sector, represented in this project by (ITG), and government institutions to enable the digital transformation process that the government is currently implementing within its various institutions, including the investment commission.

On Sunday, August 16, 2020, the Minister of Interior Mr. Salameh Hammad launched 11 automated e-services at the Ministry of Interior, which were provided through the Interior Ministry’s commissioner at the (JIC) and in the presence of (JIC) Chairman Dr. Khalid W. Wazani and (JIC) Secretary General Mr. Faridon Hartouqa.

The launch of these services aims to facilitate the business and investment environment in Jordan. These services include: granting residence permits to investors, granting residence permits to workers, extending temporary residence permits, cancelling residence permits, renewing visas, separating the residence permit, granting visas to investors and their relatives, and providing recommendations for the issuance of temporary passports.

Founded in 1989, (ITG) is an international, dynamic, and innovative IT company with a global presence. It specializes in interoperable e-learning platforms for K-12 schools and higher education institutions, as well as scalable government/enterprise resource planning solutions. (ITG) has successfully deployed its flagship platform EduWave® nationwide in three countries, bringing together 15 million users and tens of thousands of individual educational institutions.

A New Strategic Alliance between Ibn Al Haytham Hospital and ESKADENIA Software

ESKADENIA Software, a provider of best-in-class business systems that accelerate digital transformation, is pleased to announce the signing of a strategic agreement with Ibn Al Haytham Hospital to deploy a wide range of healthcare management systems.

This strategic cooperation agreement includes providing Ibn Al Haytham Hospital with ESKA® Carenet, ESKADENIA’s state-of-the-art Hospital Management System that streamlines hospital operations, from patient admission to patient discharge. This system handles inpatient management, clinics, labs, radiology, pharmacy, and more.

ESKA® Carenet automates all hospital related operations and processes whether being medical, financial, administrative, or operational using the latest technologies and industry practices. The system was made to facilitate the work of the hospital’s medical and administrative staff, manage patient information, create an organized centralized database to save, access, and deal with medical records easily and quickly.

The software suite enables its users to manage patient registrations, appointments, cases, and referrals and send automatic notifications. Moreover, it enables doctors and healthcare staff to track their daily tasks, medical cases, and follow-up visits.

This strategic partnership also included the implementation of a range of securely integrated back-office systems. These systems include ESKADENIA’s Human Resources, Financial, and Supply Chain Management Systems; ESKA® HR, ESKA® Financial, and ESKA® SCM. These systems will ensure that all business activities will be done professionally and efficiently.

“We are very happy with the strategic partnership with ESKADENIA Software to reach the highest levels of excellence in patient care by using the latest technologies,” Stated Dr. Ahmed Abu Khadija, Vice Chairman of the Board of IIbn Al Haytham Hospital.

“We are glad to be chosen by Ibn Al Haytham Hospital to accelerate their digital transformation project using the wide range of advanced products developed by ESKADENIA Software. The choice of the ESKA® Carenet and the company comes after a very long evaluation and due diligence process that considered local, regional and International Systems, so are happy for the confidence our partner puts in us.” stated Mr. Nael Salah, Managing Director of ESKADENIA Software.

ESKADENIA takes pride in its distinguishable role in providing the best and latest integrated software products to all institutions and companies from various sectors in order to support the digital transformation wave.

This strategic cooperation comes from the belief of ESKADENIA Software and Ibn Al Haytham Hospital in the importance of technology and digitalization and employing them in optimizing healthcare management processes. Both parties agree that fully automating management systems will ensure faster and more accurate business flow, in addition to boosting productivity, improving quality, reducing workload, and enhancing communications between all stakeholders.

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إطلاق الحملة الوطنية صنعتي بصمتي لتشجيع المهن الحرفية



أطلقت مؤسسة التعليم لأجل التوظيف الأردنية اليوم الأحد، الحملة الوطنية “صنعتي بصمتي” لتوعية وتشجيع المهن الحرفية بين الشباب المحلي لمدة ثلاثة أشهر.
وتسلّط الحملة التوعوية الضوء على الفرص العديدة المتاحة في مجال المهن الحرفية مثل الحدادة، والحلاقة، والتجميل، وميكانيك السيارات، والتمديدات الصحية، وصيانة الأجهزة الخلوية، عبر زيادة الوعي حول المهن الحرفية المختلفة، واستعراض قصص النجاح الملهمة فيها.
كما تهدف الحملة التوعوية إلى تغيير النظرة السلبية المحيطة بمثل هذه المهن، للترويج لها باعتبارها مسارات مستدامة لبناء مستقبل أفضل للشباب وعائلاتهم، وإظهار أثرها الإيجابي على المجتمعات والاقتصادات ككل.
وأطلقت الحملة بالتعاون مع مشروع “التدريب المهني الموجه نحو التشغيل في مجال المهن الحرفية” التابع للمؤسسة الألمانية للتعاون الدولي، والذي تنفذه بالنيابة عن الوزارة الاتحادية الألمانية للتعاون الاقتصادي والتنمية، ووزارة العمل، وهيئة تنمية وتطوير المهارات المهنية والتقنية. وقالت الرئيس التنفيذي لمؤسسة التعليم لأجل التوظيف الأردنية غدير الخفش، في بيان صحفي، إن الشباب في جميع أنحاء المملكة، لا سيما الإناث، طموحون وتوّاقون للتعلم، ورغم ذلك يتحمل الكثير منهم واقع البطالة السائدة.
من جانبه، قال مدير مشروع التدريب المهني الموجه نحو التشغيل في مجال المهن الحرفية، جيورغ ديربش، ان قطاع المهن الحرفية يعد في ألمانيا أحد الأعمدة الاقتصادية للدولة ومحركًا أساسيًا للابتكار وخلق فرص العمل.
وأشار الى ان المشروع يسعى لتحسين مستوى التدريب المهني من أجل تزويد الشباب بالتعليم عالي الجودة، وبالتالي زيادة فرص توظيفهم، إلى جانب مساعدة أصحاب العمل في القطاع الخاص على إيجاد العمال المؤهلين.

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Orange Jordan Offers Its Support for “I Learn” Initiative


Stemming from its believe in the importance of education in bringing up creative generations that are capable of creating positive change, Orange Jordan supported  “I Learn” initiative’s campaign “Darsi Be Edak”, which was launched in partnership with Jordan Ice & Aerated Water Company – Pepsi Jordan and the Ministry of Youth.

Orange Jordan offered the beneficiaries telecom solutions, that included MiFi devices supplied with SIM cards that are charged with internet bundles, to ensure that they have access to internet services through the tablet devices provided to them by Pepsi Jordan.

Through Orange Jordan and Pepsi’s support to people living in underprivileged and rural areas, the students managed to continue their education online by relying on the free internet bundles offered by Orange Jordan within the framework of Pepsi Jordan’s summer campaign amid Covid-19 crisis.

The company stressed that supporting this campaign falls under its corporate social responsibility strategy that focuses on education, youth, and digital inclusion which represent the fundamental factors in boosting the socio-economic growth of the kingdom, noting that its partnerships and continuous support for such initiatives come to ensure that students will continue to receive quality education despite all situations.

The “I Learn” initiative aims to encourage innovation and critical thinking by focusing on educating children, empowering youth, and enhancing social work in all governorates across the Kingdom.


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AlDaman for Investment Company launches its new website in collaboration with Echo Technology



AlDaman for Investment Company launches its new website in collaboration with Echo Technology under the domain using the latest standards to keep pace with the latest global developments.

The new website shares various information about the company, investments, social responsibility, media center, complaints, suggestions and contact details.

The website content is managed through EB v4.0 Content Management System to ensure advanced and user-friendly management.

AlDaman for Investment Company currently owns two investments in the tourism sector, the first is Aqaba Gate, which consist of a number of shops located in the heart of Aqaba, in addition to contributing in the capital of the AlSharq Investment Projects Company, which owns the Movenpick Hotel/Amman.

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EU and Orange Jordan to create the Innovation Space project in Jordan


The European Union and Orange Jordan signed a €7.3 million agreement to create a new Innovation Space that promotes private sector-led innovation and digital economy in Jordan.

The EU-funded Innovation Space is a pioneering initiative in Jordan and a one-stop-shop for digital innovation and entrepreneurial support. It will introduce digital culture to the wider Jordanian public, foster digital skills, especially among women and youth, and promote and nurture entrepreneurship by identifying key opportunities for digital economic growth. The Innovation Space is co-funded by the European Union’s “Innovation for Enterprise Growth and Jobs” programme, also known as Innovate Jordan.

The Innovation Space will utilize and expand existing digital centres affiliated with Orange Jordan, to catalyse investments to ensure that Jordan’s nascent digital economy and innovation culture mature. The project also aims at boosting social inclusion, with a special attention to women and youth.

Twenty-three digital centres across Jordan will be renovated or established, as well as five new coding academies, five new FabLabs, five new BIG (Start-ups’ Growth Accelerators) , three new incubators across the country and an aggregating Innovation Hub at Orange Digital Village in Eastern Amman .

EU Ambassador to Jordan Maria Hadjitheodosiou said, “I am delighted to launch this new project with Orange Jordan to support digitalization and innovation, which will boost economic growth and job creation. Through this initiative, we will invest in young entrepreneurs and innovators with cutting-edge ideas, whilst also supporting digital innovation education and skills. We also strongly believe that innovation and a digital economy can help alleviate the socio-economic consequences of the COVID19 crisis.”

CEO of Orange Jordan Thierry Marigny said: “We are proud of our partnership with the European Union for such an important project that will promote innovation and support entrepreneurship to accelerate economic progress, this is a stepping stone towards digitalizing the economy, which is consistent with Orange Jordan’s strategy”.

Marigny added: “We are happy that this collaboration will enable the expansion of our current programs leading to the maximization of positive impact on society in terms of quality, number of beneficiaries and wider footprint in the Jordanian governorates”.

It is worth noting that the execution of this 3-year project will start this year.

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SAP Provides Immediate Disaster Relief to Beirut


BEIRUT, Lebanon – To support Lebanon’s immediate disaster relief operations, SAP Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) together with the SAP Solidarity Fund will provide a joint donation of €100,000 earmarked for medical supplies, food, and shelter to local victims.


In addition, SAP has launched a global employee donation campaign to augment further support.


“In times of a crisis, we all need to come together,” says Luka Mucic, SAP Chief Financial Officer and Chairman of the SAP Solidarity Fund. “In light of this devastating situation, SAP is acting swiftly to provide immediate assistance to several reputable non-profit organizations who are working tirelessly to help the city recover and rebuild.”

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Jordan Telecom Company Distributes JD 15 Million in Cash Dividends on Shareholders


The General Assembly of Jordan Telecom Company-Orange Jordan approved, during its 25th annual Ordinary General Assembly meeting which was held on Thursday via audiovisual technology (AGMPro), the Board of Director’s recommendations to distribute cash dividends of JD 15 million (80 Fils/share).

The General Assembly also endorsed the Board of Director’s report on the company’s business for the year 2019, including the governance report, the disclosure statement, the financial results for the fiscal year of 2019, which ended on December 31, 2019, and the business plan for 2020.

The meeting was headed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Shabib Ammari, and attended by the board members, representatives from Companies Control Department, the accounts auditor and the Group’s Executive Management.

Dr. Ammari said that Orange Jordan achieved milestones because of its effective and flexible approach in dealing with the constant changes in the demand on its services and products, and its adaptability to the technological developments in the ICT sector and the global changes alike, noting that for the first time since 2000, it distributed less than 100% of profits to maintain the financial liquidity in the aftermaths of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The chairman presented the company’s performance and achievements during last year, shedding light on the newly launched services and the continuous efforts to expand its networks across the Kingdom and enhance its performance, especially after the company acquired additional frequencies to expand its (4G, 4G+) networks and preserved its place as the sole provider of 4G+ services in the local market. The company has maintained its leadership in the broadband internet market, and the Fiber by Orange Jordan for homes and businesses achieved huge success by covering more than 500,000 households.

He added that speeding up the digital transformation process was one of the company’s main achievements in 2019, noting that it was attained by building up a talented and a qualified team, circulating the concept of agility and its practices across all units, and fully renovating its technologies and performance architecture.

Dr. Ammari said that speeding up the digital transformation aims to enable the company to continue doubling its productivity by increasing the efficiency, minimizing costs and digitizing its different operations. For example, the Solar Farms project supplies the company with 75% of its energy needs while elevating customer service and the business environment.

He stressed on the company’s vital role in supporting the socio-economic development in local communities through empowerment and digital inclusion by supporting youth, entrepreneurship, and education, adding that its efforts are evident in Orange Coding Academy, BIG by Orange, and the 14 digital centers distributed across the Kingdom.

According to Orange Jordan’s financial statement, the total revenue till the end of 2019 reached JD 318.7 million, while the value of its total assets reached JD 688.4 million until the end of 31/12/2019 with 10.3% increase from last year, while the net value of the shareholders’ properties reached JD 271.5 million for 2019.

The company’s future vision is based on its five-year corporate strategy, Engage 2025, focusing on four pillars: reinvent Orange’s operator model, accelerate in growth areas, place data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the heart of its innovation model and build the company of tomorrow.

The company also confirmed its continued commitment towards environment and society, enhancing employees and customers’ experiences, empowering the Kingdom and its digital inclusion, in addition to maintaining its leadership position as a responsible digital leader.


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Sands National Academy Collaborates with ESKADENIA Software to Boost EduTech


ESKADENIA Software, a leading provider of best-in-class business systems that accelerate digital transformation, is pleased to announce that Sands National Academy (SNA), a private school located in Amman, Jordan, has selected ESKADENIA Software to enhance their digitalization process.

ESKADENIA Software will empower Sands National Academy with ESKA® Schools, a state-of-the-art School Management Software. ESKA Schools is part of ESKA Academia, a software suite made up of educational and ERP software systems for the management of educational institutions. The system provides a wide-range of school management platforms equipped with a comprehensive set of functionalities to cater to all your school needs. It is a fully digitalized system that facilitates the educational process by optimizing all strenuous administrative tasks to help focus on providing the best educational services that students well deserve.


The ESKA Schools’ implementation for SNA includes a student information system for managing admissions, registration, fees & tuitions, timetable, certification, student health services, student activities, incidents, attendance, and rewards. ESKA Schools’ learning management system will handle learning materials, assignments, online exams, and communications. The project also includes ESKA School’s library manager, parents and alumni portals, and parents’ mobile app.


Besides ESKA Schools, ESKADENIA Software will provide Sands National Academy with a range of cutting-edge back-office systems integrated with ESKA Schools as part of the ESKA Academia education suite. These systems are ESKA® Financial, ESKA® HR, ESKA® SCM, and ESKA PoS (Point of Sale).


“The new management at SANDS is committed to provide the latest technologies for its students which would not only enrich the educational experience, but would also facilitate interactions with parents. In that context, we are delighted to sign this mandate with ESKADENIA whch represents an important milestone for SANDS ” stated Jameel Anz , Chairman of SANDS National School .

Both ESKADENIA Software and Sands National Academy have a strong belief in the importance of digital transformation and using technology to automate all processes. By having fully automated management systems you can ensure quicker and more accurate business lifecycles, in addition to increased productivity, improved quality, reduced workload, and enhanced communications.


“We are pleased to be the partner of choice for Sands National Academy. ESKADENIA Software’s advanced systems features will fully support SNA`s digital transformation process by employing technology to assist their processes and enhance communications between teachers, students, and parents. In addition to automating all their management and financial operations” stated Doha Abdelkhaleq, Managing Partner & Co-Founder at ESKADENIA Software.


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