المصرف الدولي الاسلامي يختار النظام البنكي الاسلامي


أعلنت شركة آي سي اس فايننشال سيستمز (ICS Financial Systems Ltd. – ICSFS) الشركة الرائدة في مجال أتمتة العمليات المصرفية لقطاع البنوك والمؤسسات المالية ان المصرف الدولي الاسلامي، الذي تم تأسيسه حديثا في العراق قام باختيار النظام الاسلامي العالمي الحائز على عدة جوائز ISLAMIC .ICS BANKS®

يعد المصرف الدولي الاسلامي احد البنوك العراقية التي تم تأسيسها مؤخرا، لتقديم الخدمات المالية والمصرفية في العراق. حيث سيبدأ المصرف بتطبيق النظام الاسلامي العالمي ICS BANKS ISLAMIC، والحلول المصرفية المتكاملة التي صممت لتتوافق مع مبادئ الشريعة الاسلامية وتتكون من: النظام الأساسي، أنظمة التمويل الاسلامي، نظام المرابحة، المشاركة، الاجارة، المضاربة، السلم، الاستصناع، القرض الحسن، الودائع، توزيع الارباح، نظام الحوالات، نظام التمويل التجاري، نظام التسهيلات الائتمانية، نظام الخدمات المصرفية عبر الإنترنت، نظام خدمة الرسائل القصيرة، نظام الاصول الثابتة، نظام المشتريات ونظام المدفوعات.

تم توقيع الاتفاقية في مكتب الشركة الاقليمي، عمان، الاردن بحضور كل من نائب الرئيس التنفيذي للمصرف  الدولي الاسلامي السيدة سهى الكفائي ونائب رئيس مجلس إدارة المصرف الدولي الاسلامي السيد حيدر البغدادي،  والمدير التنفيذي لتطوير الأعمال في شركة ICSFS السيد وائل ملكاوي.

وعقب مراسم التوقيع علقت السيدة سهى الكفائي نائب الرئيس التنفيذي للمصرف الدولي الاسلامي:

“لقد كنا نبحث عن شريك في تكنولوجيا المعلومات يلبي تطلعاتنا ويواكب النمو الذي يعمل البنك على تحقيقه في تقديم المنتجات المصرفية للسوق المحلي والعالمي. ومن هنا جاء اختيار شركة اي سي اس فايننشال سيستمز للاستفادة من خبرتهم في القطاع المصرفي بشكل عام ولاضطلاعهم على السوق العراقي بشكل خاص، لدينا الثقة الكاملة على تقديم افضل المنتجات والخدمات المصرفية باستخدام نظام ICS BANKS.”

وبهذه المناسبة علّق السيد وائل ملكاوي المدير التنفيذي لتطوير الأعمال في شركة ICSFS:

“نحن فخورون بانجازاتنا الاستثنائية في السوق العراقي، وانتشارنا  في دولة العراق كأفضل مزود للانظمة البنكية في العراق واضاف ملكاوي قائلا: لقد قمنا بوضع خطط مستقبلية لتحقيق اهدافنا في السوق العراقي كون نظام ICS BANKS المفضل لدى البنوك العراقية. نحن سعداء لانضمام المصرف الدولي الاسلامي الى قائمة مستخدمي نظام ICS BANKS والذي سيتمتع بكافة المزايا التي يقدمها النظام.”

يوفر نظام  ICS BANKS ISLAMIC مجموعة متكاملة من نظم الأعمال البنكية والمصرفية التي تتميز بخصائصها  الشاملة والمتطورة ، والتي تقدّم بأعلى مستويات الكفاءة والجودة ، بما يتماشى مع الاحتياجات المالية ومجال أتمتة العمليات المصرفية، التي من شأنها تطوير أداء البنوك والمؤسسات المالية. ويعد نظام   ICS BANKS ISLAMIC   نظاماً رائداً في  استخدام التكنولوجيا العالمية لتقديم أحدث الخدمات في جميع مجالات الأعمال المصرفية.

ESKADENIA and Jerusalem Insurance Successfully Deploy Eight Software Systems in 3 Months


ESKADENIA Software is proud to announce the successful conclusion of the implementation of eight of its ESKA® Insures and ESKA® Business Manager Software Systems with Jerusalem Insurance Company 3 months after Project Initiation. The deployment project was initiated in December 2016 and fully closed in March 2017 with a celebration by all involved at the offices of Jerusalem Insurance. The record short time needed to deploy the Core Insurance and Enterprise systems serves as a case study highlighting the maturity of ESKADENIA Software’s Systems and their ease of implementation.

The implementations are the result of the strategic partnership between ESKADENIA and JICO to deploy ESKA® Insures & ESKA® Business Manager Software suite to support its business processes including General Insurance, Medical Insurance, Life Insurance, Travel Insurance, Financial, Approval, Notification, and HR & Payroll Systems.

The highly-efficient and easily customizable insurance systems allow JICO to automate and facilitate operations to help reduce operational cost, increase revenue, save time, and enhance the general perception of JICO’s business. The ESKA® Insures & Business Manager Software suite also have very flexible and powerful features to minimize customization needed to comply to insurer rules, regulations, and integration with third party systems, in addition to detailed and accumulative reporting.

Imad Morrar, General Manager of JICO, commented “I, on behalf of the Jerusalem Insurance Co.’s team would like to thank ESKADENIA and its entire team for their efforts which resulted in successfully completing the project on time. Thanks to their hard work and dedication, Jerusalem Insurance Company has been equipped with a fully functional very advanced IT system in a record time.”

Mohammad Alayyan, Board Member of JICO, commented “I commend ESKADENIA on a job well done and appreciate the hard work and commitment by the Jerusalem Insurance team. Without the dedication and cooperation of both parties, this IT system would not have been up and running in such a short period of time.”

ICS Financial Systems to Exhibit at the Sub-Saharan Africa Islamic Finance Convention 2017



ICS Financial Systems (ICSFS), the global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions, will be exhibiting at the Sub‐Saharan Africa Islamic Finance Convention & Innovation 2017 in Uganda, which is a new frontier of opportunity of Islamic finance expansion in the region, and will be held at the Sheraton Kampala Hotel, on the 6th of April 2017.

The purpose of the Sub-Saharan Africa Islamic Finance Convention is to build on the gathering’s position as a strong platform for the growth of the industry that will not only help to establish Uganda as an exciting investment destination but also enable the development of the broader Sub-Saharan market.  The expansion of Islamic finance in the region is providing new growth opportunities and propelling faster trade and economic growth in Sub‐Saharan Africa.

ICS Financial Systems will be showcasing its flagship; ICS BANKS ISLAMIC solutions in stand number11, which provides a complete suite of banking business modules with a rich sweep of functionalities and features, addressing business needs and automating accounting processes, as needed, to improve a bank’s business performance. ICS BANKS ISLAMIC has always been a pioneer in utilising the latest technology to serve financial institutions. In addition to its embedded Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA), the system is deployed in a multi-tiered setup that runs on a web thin client.

STS is awarded Oracle Data Base Partner of the Year 2017 for the LEENA Region



oracle-437STS, the leading company in providing complete all-round Information Technology (IT) solutions in Jordan and the region, has been awarded the “Oracle Data Base Partner of the Year 2017” by Oracle Sun for Levant, Egypt, and North Africa (LEENA).

STS was nominated from a pool of candidates in the region and was subsequently chosen as the winner for being the most competent partner; offering service excellence in projects executed in the kingdom and the region. The achievement even holds more significance considering that this was the second consecutive year in which STS managed to retain its throne by getting awarded the Oracle Partner of the Year.

The award was announced and presented to STS Marketing and Communications Manager, Mr. Zaid Al Azab, at a ceremony which took place at the Four Seasons Nile Plaza in Cairo, Egypt. Commenting on the decoration STS received from Oracle Sun, Mr. Zaid Al Azab affirmed the depth of the partnership between STS and Oracle Sun while emphasizing STS’ eagerness to continue reaping success and recognition on the regional front.

Upon receiving the award, Zaid Al Azab said: “This honoring represents great pride as it validates the level of excellence which STS has always operated within. This achievement comes as a result of the stoic and hardworking team spirit that STS has possessed since its establishment, and will certainly entice us to continue along this path as the award highlight STS’ strong work ethic, both locally and regionally.”

A glimpse on STS:

For over two decades, STS has led the market in providing diverse IT solutions to Jordan and MENA. Based in Jordan with regional offices in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Palestine and Iraq, and with distributors in most countries of the MENA region, STS has positioned itself as a key player in the revolutionary transformation of the information technology sector. With its long-standing partnerships with industry pioneers such as Cisco, Dell, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle Sun EMC, Corning and others, STS maintains a firm leading position among the best providers of turnkey solutions to more than 1000 customers serving various sectors of the economy including Financial Services, Telecommunication, Government, Health, Education and SMB’s.

إس تي إس الأردنية تحصد جائزة أفضل شريك أعمال لحلول قواعد البيانات من شركة أوراكل بمنطقه مصر والشام وشمال افريقيا لعام 2017

oracle-437حصلت شركة إس تي إس”STS” الأردنية الرائدة في تقديم حلول نظم المعلومات وحلول تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات المتكاملة للمشاريع الكبرى في المملكة والمنطقة على جائزة أفضل شريك أعمال لحلول قواعد البيانات من شركة “أوراكل صن ”Oracle Sunبمنطقه مصر والشام وشمال افريقيا لعام 2017، والتي أعلنتها “أوراكل صن”Oracle Sun خلال حفل تكريم شركاء أعمالها في مختلف فئات الحلول التي تقدمها بمنطقة مصر والشام وشمال افريقيا.

وقد ترشحت شركة إس تي إس “STS” لهذه الجائزة من بين مجموعة من أبرز شركاء “أوراكل صن ”Oracle Sun في المنطقة، حيث جرى إخيتار الشركة لكونها الأفضل في هذا المجال ذلك لما أنجزته من مشاريع ناجحة داخل المنطقة وخارجها خلال العام 2017.
و من الجدير بالذكر أن شركة إس تي إس”STS” الأردنية قد نالت على جائزة أفضل شريك بالمنطقة لشركة أوراكل للسنة الثانية على التوالي، حيث انها حصدت جائزة أفضل شريك أعمال لعام 2016 عن فئة أنظمة اوراكل بالاضافة الى جائزة العام 2017 عن فئة حلول قواعد البيانات، ما يؤكد إستمرارية إلتزام الشركة بالحفاظ على موقع القيادة بين شركات تكنولوجيا المعلومات في المملكة والمنطقة الذي دأبت عليه شركة STS عبر السنين.
وقد جرى تسليم الجائزة في حفل يوم الشركاء السنوي الذي أقامته شركة “أوراكل صن ”Oracle Sunإلى مدير التسويق والاتصال في شركة شركة إس تي إس “STS” زيد العزب في فندق فور سيزونز نايل بلازا، في القاهرة، في دولة مصر العربية.
و تعليقاً على هذه الجائزة أكد العزب على عمق الشراكة مع شركة “أوراكل صن ”Oracle Sunوعلى حرص شركة إس تي إس “STS” على استمرارية التعاون والالتزام بالمضي قدماً بالمزيد من الانجازات في المستقبل مع الحرص على المحافظة على أعلى تصنيف شراكة الذي تتمتع به إس تي إس “STS” منذ سنوات عديدة .
وقال عقب تسلم الجائزة ” إن هذا التكريم يمثل مصدر فخر لنا وشهادة نعتز بها بانجازاتنا و قيم فريق عملنا الخاصة التي أرستها إس تي إس “STS” عبر سنوات عملها، والتي عملنا منذ العام 1989 على تعزيز أسسها وممارساتها”، مضيفا “إن حصولنا على هذه الجائزة يعكس المكانة التي وصلنا اليها ليس على المستوى المحلي فحسب، بل على مستوى شركات تكنولوجيا المعلومات إقليميا “

SEDCO and Fujitsu host the Digital Transformation Solutions Conference


In cooperation with Fujitsu -its strategic partner in Egypt- SEDCO hosted the Digital Transformation Solutions Conference to elite businesses from 22nd to 24th February at Mövenpick hotel in Egypt.

 During the event, a live presentation in how to utilize SEDCO’s comprehensive Customer Experience Management (CEM) solutions was illustrated to 40 decision makers from financial and telecom industries. The presentation was followed by a live demo, which gave the audience the opportunity to interact with SEDCO’s CEM platform that offers convenient customer journeys anytime, anywhere.

“In the digitalization era we live, it is always a big pleasure meeting our customers and introducing them to the most recent innovations in the world,” Sameh Lasheen, Head of Presales and Sales Operations in Fujitsu – Egypt stated.

“Our partnership with SEDCO is built on a strong foundation to transform the customer experience to an exceptional level,” he added.

 In parallel, Mohammed Adi, Regional Sales Manager at SEDCO, commented, “Hosting such an event comes in line with SEDCO’s vision to support its partners worldwide, while getting the chance to interact directly with businesses and highlight the importance of adopting the smart branch experience/ concept along with alternative channels to cover all possible customer journeys across every touchpoint inside and outside the store”.

ProgressSoft Concludes Successful Participation at Mobile World Congress 2017 in Barcelona


ProgressSoft, a world leading provider of real-time payment solutions concluded a highly promising and successful inaugural participation at the Mobile World Congress 2017 in Barcelona. Following exponential growth, ProgressSoft has moved into the mobile industry, presenting its latest suite of Mobile Payment products in the largest mobile industry event around the world.

The Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona attracted over 110,000 attendees from 208 countries and territories to view the more than 2,300 exhibitors offering the latest in cutting edge mobile technology.

Exhibiting in this international event, ProgressSoft received a great amount of attention from delegates and exhibitors from countries all over the world including the United States, Latin America, Africa, Europe, the Far and the Middle East including the GCC countries, who were all impressed by the advancements ProgressSoft has made in payment solutions, enabling real-time and mobile payments.

ProgressSoft’s stand was visited by high profile dignitaries including the Governor of the Central Bank of Oman, H.E. Mr. Hamood Al Zadjali, who by his visit alone affirmed the long-standing support given to the company by way of the partnership between ProgressSoft and the Central Bank of Oman. ProgressSoft has worked with the Central Bank of Oman on a number of nationwide business endeavors including the implementation of the countrywide real-time Electronic Check Clearing (PS-ECC) system, Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (PS-EBPP), Automated Clearing House (PS-ACH), Mandate Management System, Mobile Payment Switching & Clearing (PS-mpClear) and Wage Protection System (PS-WPS), which have made the clearing and settlement of payments more convenient and efficient there.

The Governor of the Central Bank of Djibouti, H.E. Mr. Ahmed Osman, had an engaging and fruitful visit to ProgressSoft’s exhibition stand. His Excellency Mr. Osman was delighted to discover the Mobile Payment suite ProgressSoft offers and to view a live demonstration of the solutions. The Governor is familiar with ProgressSoft’s solutions having discussed them before, and his visit to the stand affirmed the importance of the company’s integrated solutions and the benefits that they offer on a national level.

Representing the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Jordan, H.E. Ms. Majd Shweikeh, the Minister of ICT, attended the event to support Jordanian companies exhibiting their solutions at MWC. Her Excellency was significantly impressed and proud to witness the strong presence of Jordanian talent on display at ProgressSoft’s booth.

During MWC, ProgressSoft demonstrated its advanced countrywide Mobile Payment Solution (PS-mPay), which facilitates domestic and cross-border remittances for both banked and un-banked customers. This solution offers payment services that include Person-to-Person, Person-to-Business and Person-to-Government Money Transfers, in addition to Bill Payment, Direct Credits and Point-of-Sale Payments. PS-mPay was demonstrated in a live setup during MWC 2017, using a similar environment to that which was implemented in Egypt with the cooperation with e-finance, where ProgressSoft customized the solution to satisfy the needs of the Egyptian market. ProgressSoft’s Mobile Payment services that are being used by Egypt now have grown considerably to include bill payments, university tuition fees, salary and pension payments, as well as shopping at several malls and shopping centers.

Mr. Michael Wakileh, the CEO of ProgressSoft, expressed his delight at the exposure garnered at the event. “In MWC 2017 we are no more presenting solutions, we are here to convey the future of payments through the mobile to people, businesses, mobile operators and banks.  We will unleash to the world a new era with an unprecedented payment ecosystem. “

ProgressSoft also demonstrated its Mobile Payment Switching & Clearing solution (PS-mpClear) to MWC attendees, which is responsible for processing inter-bank and inter-processor mobile payment transactions. PS-mpClear supports processing and switching mobile financial and non-financial transactions on an STP basis and routing messages between multiple mobile payment service providers, ensuring interoperability.

Visitors from FinTech institutions including banks, central banks, mobile network operators, and software development companies were impressed by the cutting edge technology ProgressSoft offers, enabling countrywide real-time mobile payments.


Successful Implementation of ICS BANKS® Finance Lease System from ICSFS at Al Etihad Finance Leasing Company



ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS), the global leading provider of financial software solutions and services to banks and financial institutions, is pleased to announce the successful implementation of ICS BANKS® Finance Lease System at Al Etihad Leasing Company, a newly formed finance company owned by Bank al Etihad.

Before selecting ICS BANKS Finance Lease System from ICSFS, Al Etihad Finance Leasing Company has evaluated other leasing solutions but decided to adopt the latest and bespoke developed application, with a partner that has a successful track record in providing and implementing finance lease system.

The General Manager of Al Etihad Leasing Company Mr. Raed Ali stated:

“pleased to opt for the latest and best developed Finance Leasing application; ICS BANKS Finance Lease System. The implementation was completed in a record-breaking time of 45 working days, where the process was transparent, providing an unlimited work-flow and comprehensive finance lease services, working on the latest technologies, in addition to the unlimited offerings which will increase our company’s productivity and efficiency. These offerings will help us respond quickly to market changes, regulatory requirements and achieve our goals.”

ICS BANKS Finance Lease System is a web-based, end-to-end leasing system which provides comprehensive asset management functionalities that facilitate financial institutions by simplifying their business processes, and advance their proficiency. It also ensures customer acquisition, satisfaction and retention.

Mr. Robert Hazboun; Managing Director of ICSFS, said:

“By providing innovative leasing solutions and services, we will be able to support Al Etihad Finance Leasing Company’s vision and objectives. We are very pleased with the outcome, and would like to thank Al Etihad Leasing company’s team along with ICSFS’ implementation and operations team for making this possible.” Mr. Hazboun added: “We welcome Al Etihad Leasing Company to be part of our ICS BANKS Finance Lease community, and look forward to a long-lasting relationship.”

ICS BANKS provides a complete suite of banking business modules with a rich sweep of functionality and features, addressing business needs and automating accounting processes, as needed, to improve a bank’s business performance. ICS BANKS has always been a pioneer in utilizing the latest technology to serve financial institutions. In addition to its embedded Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA), the system is deployed in a multi-tiered setup that runs on a web thin client.

شركة الاتحاد للتأجير التمويلي تطبّق أنظمة شركة آي سي إس فايننشال سيستمز


أعلنت شركة “آي سي إس فايننشال سيستمز ICS Financial Systems Ltd.” (ICSFS)، الرائدة في مجال أتمتة العمليات المصرفية لقطاع البنوك والمؤسسات المالية، عن الانتهاء من تطبيق نظام التأجير التمويلي (ICS Banks® Finance Lease System) بنجاح لدى شركة “الاتحاد للتأجير التمويلي” وهي شركة مستقلة مملوكة بالكامل من قِبل “بنك الاتحاد”.

وكانت شركة “الاتحاد للتأجير التمويلي” قد قيّمت العديد من الأنظمة والحلول المالية، ووقع اختيارها على نظام (ICS Banks® Finance Lease System)، نظراً لسجلّه الحافل بالنجاحات في تقديم وتنفيذ حلول التأجير التمويلي التي من شأنها تطوير أداء البنوك والمؤسسات المالية وتسهيل عملياتها التجارية. ويوفر النظام مجموعة متكاملة من الحلول الشاملة لإدارة الأصول، والتي تقّدم بأعلى مستويات الكفاءة والجودة من خلال استخدام التكنولوجيا العالمية، بما يضمن تقديم أفضل الخدمات التي تتناسب وتطلعات العملاء ومتطلبات أعمالهم.

وبهذه المناسبة، قال رائد العلي، المدير العام لشركة “الاتحاد للتأجير التمويلي”: “سعداء بتطبيق نظام التأجير التمويلي (ICS Banks® Finance Lease System) بنجاح، حيث تمت عملية التطبيق بسلاسة وضمن فترة قياسية بلغت 45 يوم عمل”. وأضاف: “يقدم النظام مزايا إضافية من ضمنها إدارة سير العمل (Work-Flow)، والذي يدعم عمل الشركة بفعالية، إلى جانب التجاوب مع متغيرات ومتطلبات كلّ من السوق والجهات الرقابية بمرونة ويسر، بما يساهم في تحقيق أهدافنا”.

ومن جانبه، علّق روبير حزبون، المدير العام لشركة “آي سي إس فايننشال سيستمز” (ICSFS) قائلاً: “نرحب بانضمام شركة “الاتحاد للتأجير التمويلي” إلى مجموعة مستخدمي نظام التأجير التمويلي، حيث نسعى من خلال هذه الشراكة إلى تحقيق أهداف الشركة ورؤيتها في تطبيق حلول تأجير تمويلي مبتكرة لعملائها، ونتطلع إلى استمرارية العلاقة فيما بيننا وتطويرها. وأتوجه بالشكر الجزيل لفريق عملنا الذي ساهم في تطبيق هذا المشروع بنجاح”.

SEDCO introduces smart branch experience at MWC 2017



In line with its vision to provide innovative customer experience management solutions to businesses worldwide, SEDCO has introduced its smart branch concept in the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2017, the biggest global event for mobile technology, held from 27 February – 2 March in Barcelona, Spain.

Visitors from telecom and other industries checked out a live demo of smart branch concept which contains various journey scenarios to cater for the different customers’ behaviors. This begins with a classical journey, utilizing smart solutions including mobile application, queueing, scent and temperature monitor, digital signage and omni-channel feedback, with alternative channels that can be installed in busy locations, including self service kiosks, self service shops and virtual service machines, where a remote agent is available via video call to provide services and assistance 24/7.

SEDCO also introduced a 3-in-1 customer screen solution which reflects exceptional brand image and allows businesses to promote their products, while speeding up customers’ transactions, and getting customer feedback.

“SEDCO is always committed to take a glimpse into the future and come up with innovative solutions beyond businesses’ expectations, and that is the whole point of the smart branch experience, to ensure convenient journey while making your customers happy,” stated Majdi Al Beit Shawish, CEO at SEDCO.

“We are delighted to provide Omni-channel marketing engine that allows businesses to promote targeted advertisements to different customer segments across all of their interaction touchpoints. This includes mobile app, SMS, printed ticket, kiosk screen, customer feedback device, customer screen, digital signage, and social media,” he added.