His Excellency Mr. Ayman Al-Mufleh, Minister of Social Development and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Aid Fund, praised the rapid development and growth of the Takaful fund, and the success it achieved in the first session of the Arab Government Excellence Award, as the support project “Takaful” was awarded the Best Arab Government Project for Community Development within the Arab Government Excellence Awards. OPTIMIZA had the privilege to develop the information system management part of the application including morphing the system into a functional smart mobile app.

Takaful is one of the largest national programs for social protection that aims to expand conservation and reduce poverty and unemployment levels nationally. The number of families benefiting from this project in Jordan has increased to 250,000 with the fund also increasing the coverage of citizens with comprehensive health insurance from 68% to 80% of the population.
The winners were announced in a virtual ceremony on November 25th, with a number of ministers, officials and representatives of governments in attendance, including his excellency Mr. Ayman Al-Mufleh, Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Gergawi, Minister of Cabinet Affairs in UAE and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Arab Government Excellence Award, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary General of the League of Arab States, and members of the Award’s Board of Trustees. The fully digital ceremony also included the honoring of a number of innovative entrepreneurial strategies across the Arab world, with nominees going through a rigorous evaluation system, through a smart application headed by a specialized committee adhering to the highest international standards.
His Excellency Mr. Ayman Al-Mufleh expressed his appreciation for OPTIMIZA’s role in developing this outstanding application, which has facilitated the way for Takaful to increase the number of families that have benefited from national aid in an efficient and easy way. In addition, His Excellency also highlighted the accuracy and professionalism in managing the mechanism of the information systems related to the project, which has played a vital role in the success of Takaful.