ESKADENIA Software Announces its Continued Success with GIG – Jordan



After an acknowledged partnership in providing Insurance & Business Manager Systems to (GIG – Jordan), ESKADENIA Software, the leading Jordanian-based provider of software products & technologies is proud to announce its continued success with GIG – Jordan by deploying new eight software systems 4 months after project initiation.

GIG – Jordan reason behind choosing a new set of ESKADENIA’s Enterprise, Insurance and Mobile App solutions is to empower and facilitate GIG’s entire business operations including ESKA® CRM (Customer Relationship Management), ESKA® Docs (Document Management System), ESKA® IMS (Incident Management System), ESKA® Workflow, ESKA® HR & Payroll (Recruitments), ESKA® Business Manager (Investments) , ESKA® Insures (Approval & Notification system) and a Mobile App to be accessed by public and private users.

On the other hand, the core ESKA® Insures and ESKA® Business Manager Systems were furthermore upgraded to the latest versions.


إطلاق الموقع الالكتروني لشركة البوتاس العربية


قامت شركة ايكو تكنولوجي الأردن بإطلاق النسخة الجديدة من الموقع الالكتروني لشركة البوتاس العربية

وقد جاء تصميم الموقع برؤية وتصميم حديثين بهدف التعريف بالشركة ومنتجاتها. حيث تم تصميم الموقع بتقنية ال (Responsive) ليتوافق مع الأجهزة اللوحية والهواتف الذكية والتي تأتي مواكبة للتطورات التكنولوجية الحديثة في التصميم.ويحتوي الموقع على جميع المعلومات المتعلقة بالشركة بداية من سياسة الشركة وعملياتها وانتهاء بأحدث تقاريرها ونشاطاتها.

Orange Data Center, the only global Tier III certified center in Jordan



CEO of Orange Jordan Jérôme Hénique announced that Orange Jordan Data Center located in Marj Al Hamam has received the Tier III certification, for data center design worldwide. The Data Center was accredited by Uptime Institute in America, specialized in studying and evaluating global data centers, becoming the only data center in the Kingdom to obtain this global certificate.

The certification was announced during a press conference held under the patronage of Her Excellency Majed Shweikeh, the Minister of Information and Communications Technology and Public Sector Development and in the attendance of Secretary General, Nader Thneibat at the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, Chief Enterprise Officer of the Business Unit Sami Smeirat, Chief ITN & Wholesale Officer Waleed Al Doulat, Data Center Manager and Tier III Project Manager, Bahjat Al-Adwan and media representatives.

During the press conference, Hénique affirmed that Orange Jordan is proud of its advanced Data Center for receiving the prestigious Tier III certification, adding that Marj Al Hamam Data Center was established in 2013 to meet the needs of the company’s corporate and business customers and to offer them the latest state-of-the-art technologies. This falls in line with the company’s five-year corporate strategy “Essentials 2020”, through which it commits to supporting the digital development of business customers by providing the essential infrastructure.”

Hénique added that last year, the company launched an international Point of Presence (IP PoP) at Orange  Data Centers located in Marj Al Hamam and Hashem, with the aim of connecting more people to high-quality and reliable internet in the region, leveraging Orange Group’s expertise which will enable local and regional operators to conveniently access global IP services from Jordan rather than points such as Europe or the USA.

From his side, Orange Jordan’s Chief Enterprise Officer of the Business Unit, Sami Smeirat affirmed that Orange Jordan is the only operator that provides a Tier III data center at the local level, he also pointed out that receiving this global accreditation among other centers in the region proves  that it is a versatile center, offering  customers the opportunity to design, implement and manage systems, networks and applications. The Data Center has contributed immensely to business advancement and has helped many strategic companies and banks in Jordan achieve stable growth.

Chief ITN & Wholesale Officer at Orange Jordan, Waleed Al Doulat said that obtaining this certificate has resulted in placing Jordan on the global map of Tier III countries, ranking the Kingdom in the 5th  place among Arab countries and in the 83rd  place globally. Orange Jordan is one of 923 companies to receive all-level TIER certificate, due to the multiple features it offers customers and at the highest standard.”

Orange Jordan Data Center – Marj Al Hamam won the prestigious EMEA Panduit Award this year, and was ranked number one in the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region for its unmatched, world-class features.


Panin Dubai Syariah Bank opts ICS BANKS ISLAMIC to lead Innovation Across The Indonesian Market




ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS), the global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions, announced that Panin Dubai Syariah Bank which is a long-standing major Indonesian bank, has officially selected the multi-awards winning system ICS BANKS ISLAMIC to replace its existing legacy system. An international competitive bid was open where leading Islamic banking software solutions providers were shortlisted, ICSFS won the deal due to its complete integrated End-to-End and comprehensive suite of superior Islamic Banking applications in addition to its advanced upgraded technology services.

The Executive Director at ICSFS; Mr. Wael Malkawi said;
“Panin Dubai Syariah Bank marks a major milestone for ICSFS as its our first reference and breakthrough in the country, we are counting on this opportunity to operate Efficiently in this competitive emerging banking market by bringing in our latest products and superior services.” Malkawi added” we are keen to deliver excellent customer service through highly motivated teams and innovative banking technology and we are looking forward for a long-lasting partnership with Panin Dubai Syariah Bank.”

It’s worth mentioning that Panin Dubai Syariah Bank launched an international tender back in January 2017 and ICSFS has won over five major international vendors who participated in the RFP. This major milestone strengthens the presence of ICSFS in the South Asian Market.

Orange Jordan launches the new marketing “Yo” Platform and introduces the “Jama3ty” lines


Orange Jordan recently launched a new platform targeting the youth called “Yo”, offering them telecommunications and internet services in a more direct and simplified way. Under this new platform, Orange Jordan launched the “Jama3ty” lines, with exclusive features that cater to the youth. The launch of the “Jama3ty” lines was announced during a press conference, headed by Orange Jordan’s CEO Jérôme Hénique and in the attendance of Chief Consumer Market Officer, Naila Al Dawoud, Chief Consumer Sales Officer, Samer Haj, other Orange Executives and numerous key media figures.

During the conference, Orange Jordan’s CEO Jérôme Hénique stressed that the company constantly pays attention to all segments of society, especially the youth, as they seek a desire for development, and  that Orange Jordan will continue to diversify its offers and telecommunication solutions in the local market, in order to solidify its position as the strongest internet and telecommunications provider in the Kingdom.  

Orange Jordan’s CEO Jérôme Hénique, said: “Orange Jordan is really excited to launch the new “Jama3ty” lines “which include a lot of features to  keep the youth connected to all that is essential to them to facilitate their lives, which goes in line  with our five-year corporate strategy “Essentials 2020”. The launch of “Jama3ty” lines“ comes as a proof that Orange Jordan follows the concept of “Listening and responding” to cater to the needs of the youth and to ensure maximum reach of the lines to the youth across the Kingdom, the lines will be accessible at all of Orange Jordan’s points of sale.Orange Jordan’s Chief Consumer Market Officer, Naila Al Dawoud said that, “Orange Jordan’s new “Jama3ty” lines have been designed to respond to the needs of the youth. The four features that were introduced with this line, are a result of extensive research and shows that Orange carefully listens to and accurately answers the  youth segment’s expectations.”

Orange Jordan’s Chief Consumer Sales Officer, Samer Haj added that “Jama3ty” lines  will be available at all  of Orange Jordan’s points of sale across the Kingdom, covering the northern, central, and southern regions,  smart stores, the e-Shop, in addition to points of sale at universities where Orange Jordan has partnerships, in order to promote the distribution of “Jama3ty” lines to the youth segment and keep them connected to all that is important to them.

The new “Jama3ty” lines offer the youth exceptional and unprecedented features that include unlimited internet that can be used at all times and  however they want, “bundles carryover” allowing them to carry over the unused bundles of minutes, internet and SMS to the next month, as well as listening to millions of songs for free and unlimited music with Anghami Plus, which also enables them to download an unlimited number of songs on their mobile phones while seeing the words, without being interrupted by ads, in addition to the “Phone Fund” feature which offer back the youth the value of the mobile device in the form of gigabytes, this feature is available with “Jama3ty” packages which includes a line, Huawei devices and additional accessories.

Orange Jordan is providing the youth with various offers that fit their lifestyle, through its increasing base of partners, reaching more than 40 partners, such as Careem which is offering a 50% discount on 5 rides, and a 20% discount on all meals from Burger King, and many more.

In order for young people to stay updated on  the  latest offers, they can visit


المصرف الدولي الاسلامي يباشر العمل على النظام البنكي الاسلامي ICS BANKS® ISLAMIC


أعلنت شركة آي سي اس فايننشال سيستمز ICS Financial Systems Ltd. – (ICSFS) الرائدة في مجال أتمتة العمليات المصرفية لقطاع البنوك والمؤسسات المالية عن انتهاء تطبيق النظام الاسلامي العالميICS BANKS® ISLAMIC الحائز على عدة جوائز في المصرف الدولي الاسلامي.

من خلال حرص ادارة المصرف الدولي الاسلامي على اختيار افضل الخدمات واكثرها فائدة للعملاء حيث قام المصرف الدولي الاسلامي باختيار نظام  ICS BANK ISLAMICليقدم لعملائه مجموعة متكاملة من الخدمات والحلول المبتكرة، حيث بدأت عملية التطبيق في منتصف آذار الحالي وتم الانتقال الى نظام  ICS BANK ISLAMIC  بشكل كامل في فترة زمنية لم تتجاوز الخمسة أشهر وتمت عملية التطبيق  بكل سلاسة ونجاح وخلال وقت قياسي، مع الأخذ بعين الاعتبار شمولية الأنظمة المطبقة وعملية نقل البيانات القديمة.

بهذه المناسبة علقت السيدة سهى الكفائي، المدير المفوض  للمصرف الدولي الاسلامي:

“نحن نتطلع إلى الجودة في العمل واختيارنا الى الشراكة مع  اي سي اس فايننشال سيستمز جاء وفق مواصفات معايير الجودة المتبعة في منهاج ادارتنا للمصرف حيث تتبع هذه المعايير للاستفادة من خبرتهم الكبيرة في القطاع المصرفي والسوق العراقي، قمنا بتقييم العديد من الأنظمة البنكية من شركات عالمية مختلفة واخترنا أفضل نظام الذي يتميز بدرجة عالية من المرونة والقدرة على التكيف مع متطلبات العمل للعملاء، وتلبية جميع متطلبات العمل المصرفي وفقاً لأحكام الشريعة.” وأضافت الكفائي: ” نحن نؤكد شراكتنا مع ICSFS، لتدعمنا لنحقق الصدارة في السوق العراقي المليء بالتحديات. ونود أن نشكر فريق تنفيذ العمليات على جهودهم العظيمة، والتي ساهمت في جعل هذه اللحظة ممكنة”.

كما علّق السيد وائل ملكاوي المدير التنفيذي في شركة ICSFS:

  “نود أن نهنئ المصرف الدولي الاسلامي لانتهاء تطبيق النظام العالمي ICS BANK ISLAMIC  لديهم. ويشرفنا أن نعمل جنبا إلى جنب مع المصرف الدولي الاسلامي، وبرؤيتنا الموحدة معهم سنقدم أفضل الخدمات المصرفية المبتكرة ليتمتع عملاء المصرف بالخدمات المتميزة.”  وأضاف ملكاوي ” نحن فخورون بانضمام (IMTB)  لرحلتنا المزدهرة في العراق ونتطلع الى علاقة طويلة الامد مع  المصرف الدولي الاسلامي”.

يوفر نظام  ICS BANKS ISLAMIC مجموعة متكاملة من نظم الأعمال البنكية والمصرفية التي تتميز بخصائصها  الشاملة والمتطورة ، والتي تقدّم بأعلى مستويات الكفاءة والجودة ، بما يتماشى مع الاحتياجات المالية ومجال أتمتة العمليات المصرفية، التي من شأنها تطوير أداء البنوك والمؤسسات المالية. ويعد نظام   ICS BANKS ISLAMIC   نظاماً رائداً في  استخدام التكنولوجيا العالمية لتقديم أحدث الخدمات في جميع مجالات الأعمال المصرفية.

International Islamic Bank Goes Live on ICS BANKS® ISLAMIC System from ICSFS



ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS), the global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions, announced that International Islamic Bank (IIB), has gone live on the multi-awards winning system ICS BANKS® ISLAMIC.


International Islamic bank chose ICS BANKS ISLAMIC to provide its customers with the bespoke products and services, the project kicked off in mid-march 2017, and it was finalized, in a record break time of five months, taking into consideration the modules implemented including existing data migration, the implementation process was smooth, swift and transparent.


The Deputy General Manager of International Islamic Bank; Mrs. Suha Al-Kifae commented:

We are looking forward to this partnership where we have selected ICSFS for its wide experience and strength in the Iraqi market, we have implemented the most dynamic Islamic banking solution to provide innovative corporate and retail banking services and products to our customers. “AL-Kifae added “We confirm our partnership with ICSFS, and would like to thank their implementation team for their great efforts, which made this milestone results possible, which was accomplished in a record-breaking time”.


On this occasion, the Executive Director of ICSFS; Mr. Wael Malkawi commented:

“We would like to congratulate(IMTB) on going live with our integrated and comprehensive flagship, ICS BANKS ISLAMIC, and we are honored to be working side by side with (IMTB) Bank both aligned in our vision for innovative technology to deliver a superior customer experience.” Malkawi added” We look forward to a long-lasting relationship with (IMTB) Bank.”


ICS BANKS ISLAMIC provides a complete suite of banking business modules with a rich sweep of functionalities and features, addressing business needs and automating accounting processes, as needed, to improve a bank’s business performance. ICS BANKS ISLAMIC has always been a pioneer in utilizing the latest technology to serve financial institutions. In addition to its embedded Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA), the system is deployed in a multi-tiered setup that runs on a web thin client.

ESKADENIA Software holds its 17th Annual Conference


ESKADENIA Software, the leading Jordanian-based provider of world class software products & services, held its 17th Annual Conference on the 18th of October, 2017 at the Fairmont Hotel Amman. The Annual Conference recapped all ESKADENIA’s achievements throughout the 17 years in business with an emphasis on year 2018’s benchmarks and visions for 2018.

The conference agenda included inspirational speeches by ESKADENIA’s management followed by a session on “Jordan’s Digital Economy” conducted by Mr. Nidal Al Bitar CEO of INT@J, throughout the conference, ESKADENIA Software recognized employees for their devotion and remarkable work.

Nael Salah, Managing Director, and Doha Abdelkhaleq, Executive Director, founded the company in the year 2000 with the vision of becoming a leading regional supplier and a global provider of world class software products. ESKADENIA Software today has around 200 employees exported to around 30 countries in the Middle East, Europe & Africa with branches in Dubai and Stockholm.

ProgressSoft Exhibits its Payments Clearing and Settlement Systems at Sibos 2017 in Toronto




ProgressSoft, the leading global provider of real-time payment solutions is participating in Sibos 2017 in Toronto, Canada. The event is taking place at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre beginning October 16th, 2017, and continuing until October 19th, 2017.

Fulfilling this year’s Sibos theme within the banking stream, “Building for the Future,” ProgressSoft is introducing its national payments platform, which includes innovative solutions for Central Banks and Commercial Banks in the fields of Mobile Payments, Real-time Retail Payment Systems (RPS), Automatic Clearing House (ACH), Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS), Digital Currency, Electronic Check Clearing, and Automated Signature Management & Verification.

ProgressSoft has developed a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) which unlike other current digital currencies, can be controlled and monitored by the central bank, eliminating the risk of money laundering and the financing of terrorism, as well as giving better oversight and security, which ultimately enhances the GDP of the country. Digital currencies replace the costly production, printing, storing and destruction of paper money, as well as its transportation and the risk involved with it.

The CEO of ProgressSoft, Mr. Michael Wakileh, stated that “At Sibos 2017, we are no more presenting solutions; we are conveying the Future of Payments by presenting ProgressSoft’s Digital Currency, Blockchain and Distributed Ledger technology as part of a total Payments, Clearing and Settlement ecosystem to Central Banks and banking bodies around the globe. We are thrilled to unleash an unprecedented payments era to the world.”

Orange Jordan sponsors BIG’s start-ups in GITEX Technology Week



For the second consecutive year, Orange Jordan sponsored the participation of BIG Season 4 startups in GITEX Future Stars, which is within the 37th GITEX Technology Week, one of the major events for startups and entrepreneurs in the MENA region. The GITEX Future Stars took place between 8-12 October in Dubai.

GITEX Technology events included competitions on innovation and business propositions and is a great opportunity for entrepreneurs to showcase their ideas and business plans to representatives of major international companies interested in investing in startups, as well as chances to win in-kind and cash prizes worth more than AED 1.2 million, trips to Silicon Valley in the United States and providing special prospects for them.

As part of Orange Jordan’s sponsorship, the company provided BIG Season 4 startups with a special booth to showcase their products and services during the exhibition, which showcased, the services of “Aumet”, a startup developing the medical industrial sector through establishing a platform that acts as an intermediary between medical machine manufactures and international distributors, “Mujaz”, which shares digital content (videos) through its partnerships with web content producers on the internet and influencers on social media platforms, “Lunch Box” specialized in preparing meals for school students, and “Gasable”  a mobile application which connects = Gas users with service providers.

BIG is a program that helps and supports entrepreneurs at all stages of work, in order to expand into new markets and reach more segments of customers with different interests. The program offers its services using Orange Jordan’s diverse resources and through its ever expanding and spreading international network, with the support of its partners in the program and Orange Group. The participating startups are connected to Orange’s international network, to enable them to reach growth acceleration and guidance programs around the world and also, give them the chance to take part in various international exhibitions to widen their network and shed light on them.

Orange Jordan continues to support startups, small and medium sized companies, contributing to the growth and success of companies and entrepreneurship in the Kingdom, in order to strengthen socioeconomic development in Jordan. In line with its five-year corporate strategy “Essentials 2020” and its corporate social responsibility plan, Orange Jordan strives to strengthen its position as a local and responsible company in the community in which it operates in, therefore, it is committed to supporting activities and events that contribute to social growth and development.