نقاش عن أوضاع شركات التكنولوجيا والتحديات التي تواجهها بعد الأزمة، وشكل التوجهات في المستقبل القريب، مع السيد طارق السفاريني المدير التنفيذي لشركة بيوتك
نقاش عن أوضاع شركات التكنولوجيا والتحديات التي تواجهها بعد الأزمة، وشكل التوجهات في المستقبل القريب، مع السيد طارق السفاريني المدير التنفيذي لشركة بيوتك
بفضل مكانتها الرائدة في سوق الاتصالات الأردني، وكفاءة خدماتها وحلول أعمال، أعلنت شركة أمنية – التابعة لمجموعة بتلكو البحرين- عن اختيارها مجدداً ولثلاث سنوات إضافية مزوداً حصرياً لخدمات الاتصالات والإنترنت عالي السرعة للشركة الأردنية المتحدة للاستثمار “مجموعة الحوراني”.
وبموجب الاتفاقية التي وقعها عن شركة أمنية رئيسها التنفيذي، زياد شطارة، وعن مجموعة الحوراني رئيس هيئة المديرين للشركة الأردنية المتحدة للاستثمار د. ماهر الحوراني، ستقوم أمنية بتقديم مجموعة من خدمات الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات للشركات التابعة لمجموعة الحوراني، ومنها خدمات الانترنت وخدمات الأمن السيبراني وخدمات الاتصال الموحد ومجموعة متنوعة من باقات خدمات الاتصالات الخلوية وخدمة تتبع المركبات، كما ستمكّن هذه الاتفاقية كلا الطرفين من الحصول على العديد من الميزات المتبادلة.
وأعرب شطارة عن فخره بثقة مجموعة الحوراني الكبيرة بخدمات الاتصالات والإنترنت وحلول الأعمال التي تقدمها أمنية في السوق المحلي، وقال:” فخورون بتجديد اتفاقية التعاون مع مجموعة تعليمية واستثمارية عريقة كمجموعة الحوراني، وهذا التعاون الذي بدأ منذ العام 2012 دليل على حرصنا توفير مجموعة متكاملة ومتطورة من حلول تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات لعملائنا من الأفراد والشركات لتمكينهم من تطوير أعمالهم وأهدافهم بفعالية واقتدار ومساعدتهم على تلبية احتياجات زبائنهم وبما يعزز من تنافسية هذه الشركات وإنتاجيتها في السوق المحلي”.
وأعرب شطارة عن أمله في أن تبقى أمنية اليوم وبفضل قدرتها على توفير آخر وأحدث حلول الأعمال والاتصالات التي تمتاز بالقيمة المضافة العالية، الداعم الرئيسي والقوي لقطاع الأعمال في المملكة وأن تلعب دوراً فاعلاً في رفع كفاءته وتحسين أداءه وبما ينعكس إيجاباً على الاقتصاد الوطني ويسهل من انتقال المملكة إلى الاقتصاد المعرفي.
وأشاد شطارة، بمجموعة الحوراني وأدوارها الفاعلة على كافة الأصعدة الاقتصادية والسياحية والتعليمية والمجتمعية، لافتاً إلى أن للمجموعة بصمات واضحة في تنمية وتطوير المجتمع المحلي بشكل عام، ولها دور مميز على الصعيد التعليمي بشكل خاص من خلال جامعة عمّان الأهلية والتي أسهمت بإثراء مخرجات التعليم الجامعي وتزويد السوق المحلي بالكفاءات التعليمية.
من جانبه، شدد رئيس هيئة المديرين للشركة الأردنية المتحدة للاستثمار، الدكتور ماهر الحوراني على الدور المميز الذي تؤديه شركة أمنية في خدمة الاقتصاد الوطني ورفع تنافسية قطاع الاتصالات من خلال توفيرها لخدمات الاتصالات الرائدة والمبتكرة وحلول الأعمال ذات القيمة المضافة العالية التي تلبي احتياجات وتطلعات عملائها من الشركات وعلى رأسها “”.
وأضاف الدكتور الحوراني، “إن تجديد اتفاقية التعاون مع شركة أمنية لـ 3 سنوات إضافية سيساعد مجموعة الحوراني بمختلف شركاتها على تنمية وتطوير أعمالها إلى مستويات أكثر تقدماً، وبما يصب في مصلحة أهدافنا المتمثلة في دعم الاقتصاد الوطني استثمارياً وتعليمياً” إضافة إلى تأدية دورنا المجتمعي على أكمل وجه.
Education for Employment-Jordan (EFE-Jordan)recently launched a new website to kick off a three-month image campaign promoting skilled crafts under the slogan ‘صنعتي بصمتي’ (Arabic for ‘My Craft is My Mark’). The nationwide campaign was launched together with the GIZ project ‘Employment Oriented Vocational Training for Skilled Crafts- which is implemented on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Kreishandwerkerschaft Steinfurt-Warendorf (KH ST-WAF), Ministry of Labour (MoL) and Technical and Vocational Skills Development Commission (TVSDC).
The image campaign targets young men and women – those most affected by Jordan’s high unemployment rate – and sheds light on the numerous opportunities presented by skilled crafts professions such as welding, hairdressing, cosmetology, auto mechanics, sanitary plumbing and mobile maintenance. By raising awareness about the variety of skilled crafts professions and highlighting inspirational success stories, the image campaign aims to shift the negative perception surrounding such occupations in order to promote them as viable paths towards better futures for youth and their families, while showcasing their positive impact on communities and economies at large. For these reasons, EFE-Jordan – alongside GIZ, KH ST-WAF, MoL and TVSDC – strives to empower youth, particularly females who are often restricted from entering skilled crafts professions, as they are regarded unsuitable for young women.
EFE-Jordan is a nonprofit organization leading a national initiative to create economic opportunities for unemployed youth across the Kingdom and operates across all governorates, catering to beneficiaries from both Jordanian and Syrian nationalities, as well as university and non-university students. Since its inception in 2006, EFE-Jordan has trained over 12,000 individuals, 68% of whom are women, with nearly 85% having been linked with different employment opportunities. EFE-Jordan is a part of the international EFE network; comprised of locally-run foundations in Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Morocco, Tunisia, Yemen and Saudi Arabia, alongside global support hubs in Europe, the US and the UAE.
To learn more or to employ our graduates please visit our website www.efejordan.org and our social media platforms, Facebook: @EFEJor, Twitter: @EFE_Jor, Instagram: EFE-Jordan, YouTube: EFE-Jordan , Linked in: EFE-Jordan التعليم لأجل التوظيف الأردنية or contact us: info@efejordan.org, phone number: +962 6 5 666 526/8
مدير مشروع تطبيق أمان وعضو لجنة التقييم في مبادرة shetechs السيدة آمال السعدي تتحدث لبرنامج دنيا يادنيا حول فكرة وآلية عمل تطبيق أمان
As an extension of its annual initiatives, Orange Jordan honored the top students who excelled in the General Secondary School Examination (Tawjihi) across the kingdom in an event that was broadcasted on Jordan TV’s “Yised Sabahak” Program.
The event aimed to celebrate the students’ distinguished success and to pay attribute to their efforts, considering the challenges that they have encountered to continue their education in unusual circumstances due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Orange Jordan offered its exclusive sponsorship for the virtual press conference of the 2019-2020 Tawjihi Results Announcement, by providing the Ministry of Education with video conferencing solutions and covering it through its social media platforms. During the conference, the Minister of Education, Dr. Tayseer Nueimi, announced the results, communicated with the students and media representatives and praised Orange Jordan’s active role in facilitating holding the event by providing the ministry with the needed infrastructure.
Orange Jordan granted the outstanding students several gifts that included: a free 12-month subscription of YO 10 prepaid line, which is featured with its 25 GB internet bundle, and unlimited calls on all local networks, a one-year of free subscription on a 120 MB/s Fiber line, and JD150 balance in Orange Money e-wallet.
The company was keen to select the gifts carefully to meet the youth’s needs for advanced internet and communication solutions. The YO lines are so popular among the youth because of the diverse and inclusive options, while the Fiber, is the fastest and most powerful internet solution that serves the different needs. On the other hand, Orange Money, Orange’s e-wallet, facilitates the performance of financial transactions, especially with the increasing importance of e-payment.
The CEO of Orange Jordan Thierry Marigny said: “We are proud of the results achieved by the Tawjihi students, and how they excelled and succeeded by adapting to emergent circumstances”
Marigny stressed that the company is keen to carry out this initiative every year through which it provides advanced communication solutions top Tawjihi achievers to encourage educational excellence and support youth in the Kingdom, noting that it is stemmed from its corporate social responsibility strategy and its role as a responsible digital leader.
Mr. Marigny affirmed that the company is committed to enhancing youth’s participation in the socio-economic development, especially by encouraging the culture of excellence and deploying modern technology to elevate the educational outcomes for a better future, through its programs and collaboration with various educational institutions in the Kingdom.
He also pointed out that Orange Jordan offered the student the opportunity to benefit from Orange Money services, which deploy technology to ease all life aspects and save time and effort.
The Chief Consumer Market Officer, Mrs. Naila Al Dawoud, said that by honoring Tawjihi students, Orange Jordan seeks to offer them the best solutions to benefit from the online experiences and telecom services, noting that the company’s different, added-value, initiatives that tackled e-learning has shown its commitment towards education, especially in the time of remote education.
من منطلق تعزيز الحرص على اعداد جيل رقمي معزز بمهارات التكنولوجية في قطاع الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات من خلال بناء الشراكات مع أهم الجهات الدولية التي تعمل بناء على أفضل الممارسات، زار وزير الشباب الدكتور فارس البريزات، يوم الأربعاء 19/8/2020، برفقة فريق من وزارة الشباب منظمة جالاكسي للتكنولوجيا في مقرهم في دابوق، ،لحضور مشاريع تخريج الدفعة الأولى من الطلبة الذين شاركوا في برنامج “AI & Robotics Young Professional Program” والذي تنظمه منظمة جالاكسي للتكنولوحيا بالشراكة مع شركة روبوتنا
شارك معالي وزير الشباب وبحضور ممثلين من اكاديمية جالاكسي لتدريب والتطوير وعدد من ممثلي القطاع الخاص والقطاع
الأكاديمي، تخريج 25 طالب وطالبة ممن اكملوا البرنامج التدريبي الذي يهدف الى تعزيز مهارات الجيل الرقمي بالذكاء الاصطناعي و الروبوتيكس.
قام الوزير خلال الزيارة بالاطلاع على الخدمات التي تقدمها لتمكين النساء والأطفال والشباب من خلال التدريب في مجال التكنولوجيا و الذكاء الاصطناعي .
واستعرض الشباب ومجموعة من الاطفال مشاريعهم في مجالي الروبوت والذكاء الاصطناعي في المعرض الإلكتروني بعد ان تم تدريبهم في منظمة جالاكسي للتكنولوجيا وبالتعاون مع نادي روبوتنا على الذكاء الاصطناعي .
وهنأ البريزات خلال زيارته فريق “طالبات روبوتنا”الفريق العربي الوحيد الحاصل مؤخراً على المركز الأول كأفضل فيديو مقدم لهذا العام في بطولة العالم الافتراضية للروبوت ، التي نظمتها مؤسسة SHARE&LEARN، في
يشار الى ان منظمة جالاكسي للتكنولوجيا منظمة مستقلة تعنى بمجالات التعليم و التدريب و التكنولوجيا للنساء و الشباب
محليا و دوليا و تختص بالذكاء الاصطناعي.
Youth are the future makers and the foundation for building societies, empowering and enabling them to unleash their potential to create a better future, which will result in leading the community towards a path of development.
Orange Jordan carried various initiatives to support them under its corporate social responsibility strategy that focuses on helping them regardless of age and educational background because it believes in their potentials.
Accordingly, Orange Jordan mobilized its various networks and expertise to find out what can be done to help youth achieve their dreams and bring them to life. The company has become a source of income that attracts employees, eventually contributing to the socio-economic development of the Kingdom to reduce unemployment and poverty rates.
The company believes that investing in education and enhancing its outcomes is a true turning point, accordingly, various initiatives were launched to deploy technology for the benefit of educational institutions such as; schools and universities to elevate the quality of education, where “Mafhoom” platform offers the national curriculum from the first grade to Tawjihi, in addition to honoring Tawjihi top students to celebrate their excellence.
Aiming to enable them to continue their academic life, Orange Jordan allocated annual scholarships for the employees’ outstanding sons and daughters, in addition to bachelor and master scholarships in technology-related fields for Princess Sumaya University for Technology students, as part of a strategic partnership.
Logistically, Orange Jordan equipped many educational institutions with technological infrastructure, for example, the company renovated the conference hall at the University of Jordan and offered support for initiatives that encourage innovation such as the University of Jordan initiative, Innovate to Start, in addition to its support for the Orange Yarmouk Creative Laboratory (OYIL), and equipping Yarmouk University with telecommunication infrastructure and fast internet that serves the educational process goals, in addition to other strategic agreements with public and private universities to accomplish the same goal.
Possessing needed skills that are in line with international trends is crucial in the labor market. Therefore, Orange Jordan founded the Coding Academy, a one of as of its kind in the MENA region which embodies “The Training for Employment” concept, where the training courses are tailored to meet the needs of the local, regional and international labor markets. The course is 6 months long and focuses on technical and interpersonal skills. As a result, 70% of the academy’s first batch landed great employment opportunities and opening the doors for the second batch to join.
Innovation and creativity receive Orange Jordan’s great attention, especially through the 14 Orange Digital Community Centers across the Kingdom which foster innovation and stimulate creativity with its technological equipment to become a starting point for the beneficiaries’ projects.
BIG by Orange, the Startup Accelerator Program, is considered the largest space for entrepreneurs and innovators who have competed over its seasons to get the chance to take part in. so far, 37 projects participated in the program, each of them has the essential requirements of successful businesses that offer an added value to society and provide a good source of income. BIG offers startups with networking opportunities with international companies by participating in international exhibitions and conferences.
Having access to entrepreneurial opportunities and participating in them, is one of the main features of the entrepreneurship industry in the world, and it’s becoming a reality through the local and global versions of Orange Social Venture Prize (OSVP), and Orange Ventures Fund Challenge, AKA MEA Seeds for startups that employ technology in advancing MENA region granting € 150,000 for each winning company.
Youths’ interests and needs are always evolving and intertwined with the global developments in various aspects, whereby Orange Jordan services are harmonious with Jordanian youth DNA. Therefore, the company designed the YO platform as an integrated platform, constantly up-to-date to suit the latest youth trends for the 18 – 29 age group; including subscriptions, added values, and digital solutions to keep them connected to what matters to them, to unleash their creativity and encourage them to build their societies.
Multan, Pakistan—With the aim of providing a more convenient journey and ensuring the safety of patients amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Al-Khidmat Foundation Labs – one of the largest charitable medical organizations in Pakistan with 119 labs across the country–have recently acquired SEDCO’s Patient Experience Management (PEM) System for one of its branches, with plans to cover more branches in the future.
The PEM solution comprises a ticketing kiosk for managing queues, and digital signage solution that displays queue information as well as other educational and promotional content to create greater patient awareness and engagement.
Patients visiting the lab can use the system’s ticketing kiosk to generate a printed token and wait for their turn. In the meanwhile, the digital signage solution integrated within the PEM system keeps them engaged and informed about the lab’s latest offerings and helps the organization create awareness about COVID-19 safety guidelines. The digital signage solution also displays the number of the next customer to be served, as well as the counter number they must head to.
So far, the PEM system has shown remarkable success in eliminating long queues and helping lab staff organize their operations to serve patients in a prompt and efficient manner. The integration of the PEM system has also played a pivotal role in helping the organization offer its services in a COVID-compliant manner by ensuring appropriate social distancing.
Khobaib Wahdi, CEO of Al-Khidmat Foundation Labs, spoke about the organization’s collaboration with SEDCO and stated, “Al-Khidmat Foundation Labs has been reviewing its operational processes to continue functioning in light of the new normal. The introduction of a Queue Management System is in line with our customer-oriented strategy to serve patients in a hassle-free manner and provide them with a safer journey. The Foundation looks forward to integrating this solution in other branches across Pakistan.”
Imran Sharif, Business Development Manager at SEDCO, commented “SEDCO is pleased to be working with Al-Khidmat Foundation Labs and helping them align their services with COVID-19 guidelines. We are committed to delivering digital transformation solutions to support the healthcare sector and take patient experience to the next level.”
SEDCO has assisted a number of hospitals, labs, and many other medical centers in complying with health and safety directives to remain functional amid the new challenges of the global health crisis. The company continues with its efforts to develop advanced queue management solutions that allow healthcare providers to streamline their operations at minimal cost and ensure the safety of their patients.
Beside the healthcare sector, SEDCO provides virtual queuing solutions to banks, telecom operators and governmental institutions where they empower their customers to book appointments in advance through their smartphones and control branch capacity to maintain social distancing.
If you want to learn about SEDCO digital branch transformation solutions, please contact marketing@sedco.co
أطلقت شركة كلمنتينا المتخصصة بالتوظيف والاستشارات خدمة التعاقد Outsourcing والتي تتيح للشركات الحصول على خدمات أفضل الخبراء في العديد من المجالات مثل تكنولوجيا المعلومات والتسويق والموارد البشرية وغيرها بحسب حاجة الشركات والمدة الزمنية المطلوبة.
وستمكن الخدمة الشركات والمنظمات من الخصول على المرونة المطلوبة لتخطي تبعات الأزمة الاقتصادية لجائحة كورونا. من جهة أخرى ستساعد هذه الخدمة الكفاءات الأردنية على تقديم خدماتهم للعديد من الشركات والمنظمات المحلية والعالمية.
يذكر أن عدد من الشركات المحلية والعالمية في الأردن والشرق الأوسط قد بدأت بالاستفادة من هذه الخدمة.
يمكن للشركات الراغبة بالاستفادة من الخدمة التواصل مع فريق التسويق:
الأستاذة صهباء مصلح
ايميل: employers@kalamntina.com
موبايل: 0792562000