Orange Jordan inaugurates three new centers under its digital umbrella

The Royal Court Chief, His Excellency Yousef Hassan Al Issawi and in the attendance of the Minister of Youth and Culture Dr. Muhammad Abu Romman, patronized the ceremony that was held to announce the digital centers initiative, launched by the Ministry of Youth in partnership with Orange Jordan. Al Issawi inaugurated Young Arda Women Center in Al-Balqa’a governorate, which took place at the same time as the inauguration of two new digital centers in the areas of Kufranja and Aqaba.

These centers are located in the northern, central and southern regions and were created within the framework of the agreement that was signed between the Ministry of Youth and the company. Orange Jordan rehabilitated the Youth Digital Centers in Ajloun and Aqaba, in addition to Young Arda Women Centers in Al-Balqa’a governorate, which was created under a Royal Decree in 2008, with the aim of serving young women living in that area, while meeting their ambitions, and enhancing their role in serving the local community.

Orange Jordan has provided these centers with state-of-the-art digital equipment and internet services, as well as training of the trainers who are responsible for providing young people with a set of new skills on key topics that include; communication and digital skills, team building, leadership, and entrepreneurship, in order to provide young participants at these centers with integrated services, which will reflect positively on their local communities.

CEO of Orange Jordan, Thierry Marigny, said that these three new centers have joined the others, which were launched across governorates in the Kingdom, under the umbrella of the Orange Digital Centers, reaching 13 centers. He also stressed the company’s role in preparing young people for a better future, in a step that aims to bridge the digital divide across the Kingdom, in order to help community members become active and productive through providing them with knowledge tools and developing their skills in order to enable them to deal with the continuous development in the IT sector and harness them to develop ideas and projects that serve their local environment.

Marigny said that the Orange Digital Centers are a successful model that was implemented by the company, and comes as an addition to its various achievements in supporting this important community segment, which is considered as a cornerstone in the digital economy. It also reflects the role of Orange Jordan as a digital partner for many initiatives, considering that it is the strongest internet provider in the Kingdom.

Marigny affirmed the importance of the partnership with the Ministry of Youth, and said that it was the helping element that gives support to the youth centers across different areas of the Kingdom, where the company gives great attention to the youth, through providing them with support in their communities.

He added that the renovated centers are considered part of the other initiatives launched by the company, becoming a main pillar in the digital transformation process of the Kingdom, and an active contributor in enabling the youth to benefit from technology so that they can use it for developing their local communities, pointing out that the company works continuously to support such centers with all that is necessary for their success.

Orange Jordan aims through its partnerships with various national companies to provide the best technological tools that meet the citizen’s expectations in all areas, in addition to the most modern educational tools based on digital learning methods, in order to contribute to bridging the digital divide in the Jordanian society.

Orange Jordan inaugurates its Coding Academy


Under the patronage of Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, H.E. Eng. Mothanna Gharaibeh, Orange Jordan inaugurated on Thursday, June 27 its Coding Academy, in the attendance of the Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, H.E. Dr. Walid Maani, Chief Commissioner at Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC), Dr. Ghazi Jbour, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Orange Jordan/Jordan Telecom Group, Dr. Shabib Ammari, Deputy CEO of Orange Middle East and Africa, Jérôme Hénique, CEO of Orange Jordan, Thierry Marigny, in addition to representatives of a number of local companies in various economic sectors and the media.

During the opening ceremony, Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, H.E. Eng. Mothanna Gharaibeh stressed on the importance of having coding academies aimed at developing the digital skills of youth in Jordan.

Al-Gharaibeh pointed out that the government is working on a number of programs to qualify trainees to deal efficiently with the requirements of the digital economy and leadership, in addition to providing them with the skills of the 21st century and coding.

Al-Gharaibeh also thanked Orange Jordan for establishing the Academy, which enables us to keep up with the rapid technological developments and the fourth industrial revolution.

From his side, Marigny showcased the stages of establishing the Coding Academy, saying that: “It was the first Academy of its kind inaugurated by Orange Group in the Middle East, and was launched in partnership with Simplon.Co. He expected that the Academy will achieve the same success as the other coding academies that were launched by the Group in Senegal and France”.

In terms of the objectives of the new Academy, Marigny affirmed that the free and intensive training courses offered in coding languages to its participants, will contribute in making the concept of  “training for employment” a reality, as it serves two main dimensions; the first being related to the business sector, where employment standards have changed significantly in terms of job acceptance, and  now, it depends on the scientific and professional qualifications that are directly related to diversified technology. As for the second dimension, it is related to training and qualifying the Jordanian youth in order to enable them to find job opportunities that are currently in demand in the labor market, pointing out that the Academy’s training and preparations aim to achieve and serve job seekers and companies.

Marigny also pointed out that information technology, including coding languages plays an important role in the national economy. This is evident in the estimates, which confirms that job growth in the technology sector is increasing annually, supporting the shift towards digital economy at a steady pace, supported by the qualifications required to achieve this.


He also pointed out that the focus of the Academy on coding languages came due to being  an important skill required in the local and external labor market in light of the growing global demand for qualified software developers, pointing out that this motivated the company to establish the Academy, especially that job opportunities may arise in Jordan as a result of this development and will reach 10,000 jobs during the next five years.

From his side, Hénique stressed on the importance of this Academy and the role it plays in rehabilitating and training youth and enhancing their skills, expecting that the inauguration of this Academy will facilitate the way for youth to be employed in the ICT sector, and contribute in their involvement in the overall development process in the Kingdom.

He also discussed the important and vital role played by Orange Jordan as a local telecommunications company in the development of the spirit of a global digital system in the Kingdom, and its efforts to reduce the digital divide between local communities.

He also stressed on the importance of Orange Jordan’s ongoing efforts in implementing its corporate social responsibility plan, inspired by Orange Group’s strategy, where the company works continuously to launch initiatives that would move Jordanians towards the new digital era and integrate them into the digital revolution that the world is witnessing today.

.The Coding Academy plans to provide a wide range of opportunities for youth, with or without a degree, to receive coding skills, with a focus on Java and Python coding languages, as they are highly demanded by companies, with confidence that the Academy will offer students the opportunity to learn how to find solutions in the real world.

It is worth mentioning that 50 young people, between the ages of 18 and 30 were officially selected to be part of the first batch at the Academy, where they will be integrated in an intensive, free training program for a duration of six months, followed by a one-month training in a company operating in the Kingdom, in order to contribute to accelerating their involvement in the labor market in the technology sector.

Alissa Group Adopted TeleFinity Solutions


Abdullatif Alissa Group Holding Company is a diversified conglomerate that engages in real estate, automobiles, trading, finance, investments, building materials, private equity, consumer finance, manufacturing, construction, and other services. The company also operates as an authorized dealer for Isuzu Motors in Saudi Arabia, offering commercial transportation solutions, spare parts, and after-sales services in the central region and Saudi Isuzu market.

Alissa Group recently adopted TeleFinity Contact Center with ApeiroSys CRM, Ticketing, Workflow, and ERP platform to provide exceptional services to their customers. This will help them manage customer interactions, to close more deals, and turn opportunities into solid business contracts.

The first adaptation, ApeiroCRM, enables their marketing and sales team to focus on selling to more members of their target audience by equipping their employees with the right tools that provide comprehensive information about the process.

Their new TeleFinity Contact Center (which replaced their old Geneses call center) features an inbound, outbound and blended multi-channel Contact Center they can use to prioritize and manage their calls.

اتحاد الفروسية الملكي الأردني يطلق الموقع الالكتروني الخاص به بالتعاون مع شركة ايكو تكنولوجي

اطلق اتحاد الفروسية الملكي الأردني الموقع الالكتروني الخاص به بالتعاون مع شركة ايكو تكنولوجي – الأردن تحت النطاق وفق أحدث المعايير والتكنولوجيا بهدف إحياء وتنظيم وتطوير كافة مصالح الفروسية في الأردن.

يزود الموقع الالكتروني الزائر بكل ما يتعلق بالاتحاد، قواعد السلوك، الرياضات، المسؤولين، اندية ومراكز ركوب الخيل، معرض الصور والفيديوهات، ورشات العمل والعيادات بالإضافة الى معلومات الاتصال الخاصة بالاتحاد.

تتم إدارة محتوى الموقع من خلال نظام EchoBus لضمان إدارة سهلة ومتقدمة..

Orange Jordan sponsors a special workshop for people with visual disabilities

Orange Jordan recently sponsored a workshop organized by iSystem company for people with visual disabilities, with the participation of the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (HCD).

During the workshop, participants were trained on using the built-in iOS features in Apple products, in addition to presenting the latest applications that will help them perform many of their daily tasks.

The sponsorship of the workshop came as a result of the special attention Orange Jordan pays to people with disabilities, placing their needs as one of its top priorities, as the company believes in the role they play in the local community and their contribution in its growth and development.

The company affirmed integrating people with disabilities in the local communities they live in, which can only be achieved through keeping them constantly connected to the people around them to run their business and realize their interests.

Orange Jordan said that it will continue supporting all activities related to facilitating the lives of its customers, to keep them connected to all that is essential to them, and seeks to bridge the digital divide between members of society, and maximizing the benefits of modern technology to the largest possible segment.


ICS Financial Systems Best Technology Solution Provider to Islamic Finance in UK

 ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS), the global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions, is awarded “Best Technology Solution Provider to Islamic Finance in UK” during  CIS (The Commonwealth of Independent States) – Islamic Banking and Finance Forum, organized by AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics (CIBE).

The CIS – Islamic Banking and Finance Forum showcased the untapped market of CIS countries and the latest trends adoptions, challenges and opportunities in Islamic banking and finance industry in the region. The conference provided its delegates with practical insights of global efforts and achievements in Islamic Banking and Takaful and have demonstrated the flexibility of Islamic financial markets during the current financial crisis.

ICS Financial Systems (ICSFS) is recognised for its modular universal banking suite and digital platform; ICS BANKS ISLAMIC, which is a fully integrated solution designed and developed following the principles of Shari’ah, that uses the latest technologies to provide availability, scalability and best performance.

Managing Director of ICSFS; Robert Hazboun commented,“We are delighted to receive “Best Technology Solution Provider to Islamic Finance in UK” to be added among other recognitions. We are always ready to provide the Islamic banking industry with modern banking technology platforms, to empower banking services with a broad range of features and capabilities with more agility and flexibility. With ICS BANKS ISLAMIC strong infrastructure, our customers are able to leverage high flexibility in customising favourite themes, launching new products on delivery channels and touch points, bringing flexibility at its edge.” Hazboun added “I would like to thank AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking & Economics, and thank our customers for putting their trust in our solutions.”

ICSFS invests in its software suites, especially in its digital banking platform, by utilising modern technology in launching new products, constructing a secured and agile integration, and keeping pace with new standards and regulations worldwide. ICS BANKS ISLAMIC software suites future-proof banking activities by providing a broad range of features and capabilities with more agility and flexibility, to enrich customers journey experience. The highlight of ICSFS solutions is its digital platform that accommodates Islamic Banking with the latest technological advances possible, where its proven omni-channel capabilities provides a full cycle of banking functions that are executed digitally from customer onboarding, KYC, product execution, to CRM, flexible credit scoring with a strong rule based engine and back office processes that are powered by embedded BPM engine. Also, ICSFS digital platform is recognised for its advanced technological deployment such as Blockchain, smart contracts, open API platform, AI and others to provide its customers with the edge in boosting customer experience.

أبوغزاله يطلق مبادرة أهم العلامات العربية المشهورة

أطلق سعادة الدكتور طلال أبوغزاله رئيس المجمع العربي للملكية الفكرية مبادرة لإبراز العلامات العربية المشهورة على الصعيدين العربي والعالمي، انطلاقا من مهمته في تطوير وتعزيز حماية الملكية الفكرية في الوطن العربي.

جاء ذلك خلال ورشة عمل بعنوان “العلامات التجارية المشهورة” نظمها المجمع العربي للملكية الفكرية بالتعاون مع جمعية خبراء التراخيص – الدول العربية.

وعقدت الورشة بالتزامن مع احتفالات العالم بيوم الملكية الفكرية العالمي، حيث يأتي تنظيمها للعمل من أجل مستقبل أفضل للأجيال القادمة، ولمراجعة آخر المستجدات في مجالات الملكية الفكرية، وحمايتها.

وقالت الأستاذة مجد خدّاش مدير المجمع العربي للملكية الفكرية أن المجمع بذل جهود كبيرة لدعم العلامات العربية وتسويقها وزيادة مستوى انتشارها، لافتة إلى أن المجمع يعمل على تأسيس جمعية لحماية أصحاب العلامات العربية المشهورة.

ووفقا للنظام الداخلي المقترح فإن أهداف وغايات الجمعية تتضمن نشر الوعي في مجال العلامات التجارية من خلال عقد المؤتمرات والندوات، وإبراز العلامات المشهورة في الوطن العربي ورفع كفاءة العاملين في مجال العلامات التجارية عن طريق التعليم والتدريب، وأن تكون الجمعية منصة لتبادل الأفكار بين أعضائها للوصول بعلاماتهم الى الشهرة العالمية، وتوعية أصحاب العلامات التجارية ومساعدتهم لتسجيل وادارة علاماتهم وحمايتها إقليميا ودوليا.

وخلال الورشة تناول عدد من المختصين أهمية إبراز العلامات التجارية، وحقوق أصحاب تلك العلامات، حيث تحدث الأستاذ شارل شعبان المدير التنفيذي لأبوغزاله للملكية الفكرية حول تعريف العلامات التجارية المشهورة وقيم هذه العلامات بالإضافة إلى أسماء النطاق، فيما تحدث الدكتور محمد الجغبير رئيس وحدة المنظمات والاتفاقيات الدولية في مديرية حماية الملكية الصناعية وزارة الصناعة والتجارة حول التشريعات الوطنية والعالمية لحماية العلامات التجارية المشهورة.

واستعرض الأستاذ مالك حمدان مدير شركة أبوغزاله للتقييم ومستشار إداري معتمد العوامل والمعايير التي تؤدي إلى شهرة العلامات التجارية بالإضافة إلى قيمة العلامة التجارية.

يشار إلى أن المجمع العربي للملكية الفكرية تأسس في ميونخ/ ألمانيا عام 1987 لعدة أهداف أبرزها تطوير وتعزيز نظام حماية الملكية الفكرية من خلال مفاهيم متعددة للوعي العام وتوضيح التعليم في الملكية الفكرية ودورها المؤثر في العولمة، وتطوير ووضع آليات فعالة لدعم حماية حقوق الملكية الفكرية بشكل عالمي باستخدام طرق مناسبة لخلق تناغم بين القوانين الاقليمية والعالمية.

ICS Financial Systems to Participate at AAOIFI’s Shari’ah Conference, 17th Edition


ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS), the global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions, has participated in the 17th Annual Shari’ah Conference of The Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI), the leading  international not-for-profit organisation primarily responsible for development and issuance of standards for the global Islamic finance industry.

The Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) held the AAOIFI 17th annual Shari’ah conference on Sunday and Monday 02-03 Sha’ban 1440H, 07-08 April 2019 at the Gulf Hotel in the Kingdom of Bahrain. This influential event discussed an array of key and latest developments and issues across the Islamic financial industry with the participation of heads and members of Shari’ah boards, leaders of Islamic financial institutions and stakeholders from around the world as well as academicians, scholars and decision makers. ICS Financial Systems (ICSFS) Islamic team, who are certified Islamic bankers (CIB) and certified Islamic specialists in accounting (CISA), attended the conference which was one of the largest attended events for AAOIFI in the recent times.

ICS Financial Systems (ICSFS) has been a supporting member of AAOIFI for almost 10 years, with its ICS BANKS ISLAMIC software suite, which is a modular fully integrated solution designed and developed following the principles of Shari’ah in compliance with the Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI). ICS BANKS ISLAMIC consists of an Islamic core system, which provides all common operations between various banking activities, and a series of Islamic modules which cover the various different operational and business requirements of our specialised segments. ICS BANKS ISLAMIC can be offered as a complete stand-alone suite of Islamic Banking applications or as an Islamic Banking window, within the core system depending on the customer’s needs.

ICSFS invests in its software suites by utilising modern technology in launching new products, constructing a secured and agile integration, and keeping pace with new standards and regulations worldwide. ICS BANKS ISLAMIC software suites future-proof banking activities by providing a broad range of features and capabilities with more agility and flexibility, to enrich customers journey experience, hence improving the trust and confidentiality between the customer and the bank. ICS BANKS ISLAMIC has always been a pioneer in utilising the latest technology to serve financial institutions. In addition to its embedded Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA), the system can be deployed on premises or in the cloud.


ورشة عمل مشروع معايير المواقع الالكترونية الحكومية ومنصة إدارة المحتوى الموحد

عقدت وزارة الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات بالتعاون مع شركة ايكو تكنولوجي-الأردن يوم الأربعاء الموافق 1/5/2019 ورشة عمل تعريفية بمشروع معايير المواقع الالكترونية الحكومية ومنصة إدارة المحتوى الموحدة بحضور ممثلين عن 30 وزارة ودائرة حكومية حيث قامت مديرة المشروع من قبل وزارة الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات كاثرين المجالي بالتعريف بفكرة المشروع، التحديات، والدور الذي ستقوم به وزارة الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات.

وكما قام المهندس يوسف العالم المدير التنفيذي لشركة ايكو تكنولوجي بإيضاح أهمية المشروع وتأثيره المباشر على زوار المواقع الالكترونية الحكومية من ناحية تبسيط وتسهيل الوصل الى المعلومات والخدمات المنشورة على المواقع الإلكترونية.

حيث سيوفر المشروع معايير ثابتة وواضحة لتصميم وتطوير المواقع الالكترونية الحكومية متوافقة مع المعاير الدولية لتصميم وتطوير المواقع الالكترونية ومتكيفة مع الاحتياجات الخاصة للمواقع الحكومية الأردنية.

بالإضافة الى اختيار 30 موقع الالكتروني تابع لوزارات ودوائر حكومية رئيسية ليتم إعادة تصميمها وتطويرا باستخدام نظام إدارة المحتوى EchoBus CMS   كنظام إدارة محتوى مركزي للمواقع الحكومية الأردنية.

ESKADENIA Software Participates at the 7th International Aqaba Insurance Conference as the Technology Sponsor



ESKADENIA Software, the leading Jordanian-based provider of software products & technologies, sponsors and participates in the 7th International Aqaba Insurance Conference (AqabaConf 2019) organized by the Jordan Insurance Federation (JIF) and General Arab Insurance Federation (GAIF). The conference is held from the 15th to the 17th of April 2019 at the InterContinental Hotel, Aqaba, Jordan.

ESKADENIA Software is providing AqabaConf with ESKA® Events, an event management system and mobile app. ESKA Events helps to keep attendees, sponsors, and partners up to date with the timeline and event details. This handy mobile app is available on iOS and Android phones, with full details of the conference’s agenda, speakers, location, venue map, and notifications.

Furthermore, ESKADENIA will be conducting a session  under the title “Promoting a Digital Insurance Industry,” to showcase its comprehensive insurance software products, consisting of ESKA Insures, a suite of General, Medical, Life, Credit, and Travel insurance management software. ESKA Insures also includes Bancassurance and Brokers Management Systems, along with its E-Insurance portals and mobile apps.

ESKADENIA also looks to showcase its advanced Financial, Human resources, Customer Relationship Management, Workflow, and Document Management Systems through demo sessions, presentations and business meetings with a focus on internet and mobile technologies.

AqabaConf 2019 will be expanding its scope this year, covering areas beyond Marine insurance and Transportation. This biannual conference will address topics related to various insurance issues, including digital integration, risk and insurance, traditional vs. takaful (a co-operative system of reimbursement) insurance, natural catastrophic exposure, and the risk vs. capital debate.

The ESKADENIA team welcomes the nature of the conference and sees great developments within the insurance sector.