Altibbi collaborates with Ability Contact Center to provide 24/7 online support 


Altibbi is collaborating with Egypt’s Ability Contact Center to provide 24/7 online support to its website visitors. Ability will help visitors make the best of Altibbi services and educate them about the popular Call-a-Doctor service.

Ability Contact Center is a leading provider of outsourced customer experience management services and the first contact center in the Middle East to provide job opportunities for people with disability (PWD).

للعام الثالث على التوالي اس تي اس الأردنية تحصد جائزة افضل شريك أعمال لشركة مايكروسوفت العالمية لعام 2018

حصدت شركة “اس تي اس” STS، الشركة الرائدة في تقديم حلول نظم و تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات المتكاملة في الأردن والمنطقة، على جائزة شركة “مايكروسوفت” Microsoft العالمية لأفضل شريك اعمال في الأردن لعام 2018 للسنة الثالثة على التوالي عقب فوزها بجائزة أفضل شريك أعمال لسنتي 2016 و 2017، وذلك ضمن مجموعة شركاء مايكروسوفت على مستوى العالم الذين اثبتوا أعلى درجات التميز والابتكار في تطبيق حلول مايكروسوفت لدى عملائهم في مختلف دول العالم، فضلاً عن تقديم الدعم الفني اللازم للعملاء من مختلف القطاعات.

ومن جانبها علقت نائب الرئيس للشركات في شركة “مايكروسوفت” Microsoft قابرييلا شستر على فوز شركة “اس تي اس” STS بالجائزة للسنة الثالثة على التوالي خلال مؤتمر شركاء “مايكروسوفت” Microsoft العالمي، قائلة: ” نحن فخورون جداً بنجاح شركة “اس تي اس” STS بالفوز بهذه الجائزة الرفيعة كونها تعد مثالاً للتميز والخبرة في قطاع تكنولوجيا المعلومات المتقدمة، لا سيما كون فريق الشركة تمكن من تطبيق أحدث الابتكارات والحلول التقنية المقدمة من شركة “مايكروسوفت” Microsoft وطرحها في السوق الأردني باحترافية شديدة، اضافةً لما تقوم به من تمثيل مميز لشركتنا في الأردن والمنطقة”.

هذا وقد وتم الاعلان عن جوائز مسابقة شركة “مايكروسوفت” Microsoft العالمية لشركاء الأعمال للعديد من الفئات خلال المؤتمر ، حيث أن اختيار الفائزين بني على تقييم مجموعة من أكثر من 2600 شريك أعمال من 115 بلدا حول العالم، كما أكدت شستر خلال المؤتمر أن منح الجائزة للسنة الثالثة على التوالي لشركة “اس تي اس”STS هو انجاز غير مسبوق جاء بعد تقييم شامل لنتائج الشركة الممتازة التي حققتها في الأردن عبر نجاحها بتصميم و طرح حزم خدمات مدارة باسم “Rapidus” المبنية على الحلول المبتكرة من  “مايكروسوفت” Microsoft  و خبرات فريق “اس تي اس” STS” بما يتماشى و متطلبات الشركات و المؤسسات من مختلف القطاعات حيث تمكنت خلالها من تحقيق أعلى درجات الرضى لعملائها الحاليين وفوزها بثقتهم”. هذا و قد استلمت مديرة حلول مايكروسوفت و أكاديمة التدريب في شركة “اس تي اس” STS ديما حزين الجائزة بالنيابة عن الشركة خلال الحفل المقام على هامش المؤتمر في لاس فيغاس.

و بهذه المناسبة علق مديرقسم منتجات وحلول مايكروسوفت في شركة “اس تي اس” STS هيثم عليان قائلا: “تفتخر شركتنا بأن شركة “مايكروسوفت” Microsoft ترى فينا الشريك المثالي لهم في الأردن، حيث أننا نجحنا على مدى ثلاثة عقود في أن نكون خياراً موثوقاً للشركاء والعملاء على حد سواء . و اضاف ان فوزنا بهذه الجائزة للسنة الثالثة على التوالي يعد مؤشرًا حقيقيًا على قوة فريق عمل شركتنا وحرصه الدائم على تقديم أعلى درجات القيمة المضافة، و الابتكار متمثلا بحزم “Rapidus” المدارةالتي صممت لاثراء اعمال عملائنا من مختلف القطاعات.”

وأضاف: “يؤكد حصولنا على هذه الجائزة على مكانتنا كشركة إقليمية رائدة، الأمر الذي تمكنا من تحقيقه من خلال حرصنا على استمرارية الابتكار و تبني أعلى معايير الاحترافية والجودة في تصميم وتنفيذ الحلول المتقدمة والموثوقة، اضافةً الى التزامنا الدائم بتلبية احتياجات عملائنا المختلفة على أكمل وجه”.

Orange Jordan announces its strategic partnership with the MENA ICT Forum 2018


Orange Jordan recently announced its strategic partnership with The Middle East and North Africa Information and Communications Technology Forum (MENA ICT) 2018, that will be held under the patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah II. The two-day forum will take place on September 10 and 11, and organized by The Information and Communications Technology Association of Jordan (int@j) and the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (MoICT), with the aim of developing the telecommunications sector in the Kingdom.

This partnership was announced at a press conference organized by int@j, at the King Hussein Business Park, in the presence of ICT Minister, H.E. Muthana Gharaibeh, Minister of State for Investment Affairs and President of the Investment Commission, H.E. Muhannad Shehadeh, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Bashar Hawamdeh, CEO of int@j, Nidal Bitar, Deputy CEO of Orange Jordan/Chief Financial Officer, Raslan Deiranieh, strategic partners and media representatives.

Deiranieh expressed his pride in Orange Jordan’s participation and sponsorship of MENA ICT 2018, under the theme of “The New IT: Innovative Technology”, and added that this theme falls in line with Orange Jordan as a leading international company with a local spirit, that contributes to the group’s vision, through supporting digital transformation, and this support is considered one of the top priorities of Orange Jordan’s five years corporate strategy “Essentials2020”.


He clarified that the topics of the forum workshops for the current year focus on innovative technologies and applications which play a critical role in reshaping our world, as these advancements will continue to impact our daily lives, leading to a radical change on business models and the economy, and there will be major challenges to reinvent our business, to meet new requirements and realities, but at the same time, it will open up new horizons to work and facilitate our daily lives.

He stressed that the company is always committed to bringing a fundamental and integrated change in its operations, services and business models, to match the evolving interests and desires of people, clarifying that the company is constantly seeking to introduce and offer users advanced technologies and digitization, making it accessible to everyone.

Deiranieh added that the company has invested hundreds of millions of JD in its various networks over the years, focusing on New Generation Networks, solidifying its position as a leader in providing internet at the highest speeds, and meeting the needs of individuals and institutions through providing a variety of technological services to its subscribers, acknowledging that the world is heading towards the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and artificial intelligence (AI).

The topics of this year’s forum cover innovative technologies, which are taking center-stage in reshaping the work, such as self-driving vehicles, smart cities, facial recognition technology and smart applications. All of which will have a significant impact on daily life and lead to a radical change in the national economy in the long-term.

The Agricultural Bank of Sudan is now operating on ICS BANKS ISLAMIC from ICS Financial Systems

 The Agricultural Bank of Sudan, the first national Sudanese bank and is wholly owned by the Government, has gone live on  ICS BANKS ISLAMIC from ICS Financial Systems Limited (ICSFS), the global software and services provider for banks and financial institutions.

“With almost 60 years servicing Sudan’s agricultural and banking sector, through our presence and spread in all regions, we are committed to deliver exceptional and bespoke products and services to our customers. To increase our business agility and efficiency, we have replaced our banking legacy system with a modern and rich banking software solutions by ICS BANKS ISLAMIC from ICSFS.” Stated the General Manager of Agricultural Bank of Sudan; Mr. Salah Al Din Hasan Ahmad. “With the comprehensive and advanced banking and financial technologies provided by ICSFS, we are geared up for leveraging ICS BANKS ISLAMIC software solutions to power our continuous growth and achieve our future plans.”

Managing Director of ICSFS; Mr. Robert Hazboun said,

“The move to ICS BANKS ISLAMIC will provide The Agricultural Bank of Sudan a complete integrated end-to-end and comprehensive suite of Islamic Banking application, making it more agile in adapting to future banking digital technologies. ICS BANKS ISLAMIC has shown an incredible increase of demand, as our customers are enjoying scalable, sophisticated and extensive flexible products and services that are built on modern technologies while addressing and fulfilling customers’ requirements. We are confident that The Agricultural Bank of Sudan will benefit from ICS BANKS ISLAMIC’s rich features and functionalities and open architecture, where it will enable the bank to drive extensive operations and procedures with minimal cost and risk.”

ICS BANKS ISLAMIC is compliant with international standards such as Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI). ICSFS has a vast pool of well qualified, certified Islamic bankers, certified Islamic specialists in accounting (CISA) and experienced resources with a wide technology and banking expertise, proven development and analysis methodology, high research and development expertise that meets the Islamic industry standards.

شركة مصفاة البترول الاردنية تطلق الموقع الالكتروني الجديد بالتعاون مع ايكو تكنولوجي

سعيا للاستمرار في المساهمة لتقديم خدمات افضل للعملاء والشركاء، قامت شركة مصفاة البترول الأردنية بترجمة رؤيتها من خلال موقع الكتروني جديد تحت النطاق

الموقع الجديد مصمم من قبل ايكو تكنولوجي ضمن احدث تقنيات Microsoft  والمعايير العالمية والتكنولوجيا المتطورة لتوفير بوابة الكترونية شاملة لكافة المعلومات الخاصة بالشركة، الخدمات، المنتجات، المساهمون، و الاخبار بالإضافة الى إمكانية متابعة الزائر لأسعار المشتقات الحالية والتاريخية من خلال جزء خاص على الصفحة الرئيسية لتوفير تجربة تصفح أيسر وأبسط.

تهدف تصاميم وتخطيطات ايكو تكنولوجي المتطورة لمراعاة مبادئ الأرشفة في محركات البحث والتكييف بفعالية مع جميع أنواع الأجهزة بمختلف درجات دقة الشاشة.

ايكو تكنولوجي تساهم في أتمتة اجراءات عمل هيئة الاوراق المالية 

سعيا لمواكبة التطور التكنولوجي والتحول الالكتروني، قامت هيئة الأوراق المالية بأتمتة إجراءات العمل في الهيئة من خلال الأنظمة التالية:

  • نظام المراسلات الالكتروني” Diwan “بحيث تمة أتمتة إجراءات البريد الوارد والصادر والمذكرات الداخلية الكترونيا من خلال المعالجة والارسال والتوزيع داخليا.
  • بالإضافة الى أتمتة اجتماعات مجلس المفوضين باستخدام نظام” eAgenda” لأتمتة وإدارة المجالس والاجتماعات حيث يقوم النظام على اتمتة اجراءات إنشاء وتوزيع الاجتماعات على الاعضاء وتتبّعها وحفظ مواضيعها وقرارتها والأجندة الخاصة به.
  • ولتطوير بوابة الموظفين قامت الهيئة باعتماد نظامAlphaPlus الذي يوفر كافة التعليمات والقوانين والأنظمة لموظفيها، كما يوفر نظام AlphaPlus نشر الاخبار وعرض الاستبيانات والتعاميم الداخلية، وخدمات الكترونية متعددة منها خدمة طلب الاجازات، والمغادرات، وخدمة كشف الراتب لتحسين وتسهيل بيئة العمل الداخلية لموظفي الهيئة.
  • اعتماد الهيئة لنظام Tera المصمم لإدارة وحماية الوثائق والسجلات الالكترونية، لتسهيل الحصول على كافة الوثائق وضمان اعلى مستويات الحماية.

ومن الجدير بالذكر بان الأنظمة المستخدمة أعلاه مطورة بأحدث تقنيات ميكروسوفت والمعايير العالمية لأتمته الإجراءات والتحول الى الحكومة الالكترونية.

Telecom Giant, Ooredoo Qatar, Deploys Globitel SpeechLog Solutions Bundle and a Customer Engagement solution at Their Call Centers


Globitel, a leading telecom and customer care solutions provider, announces that Ooredoo Qatar, has deployed Globitel’s SpeechLog bundle which consists of SpeechLog Call Recorder, SpeechLog Quality and SpeechLog Analytics. In addition, Globitel Dashboard, a functionality of Globitel Performance Management Platform developed as a separate module, was also deployed.

Globitel cooperated with Ooredoo Qatar to deploy the solutions at their call centers which will yield positive results for Ooredoo in terms of improving customer service and agent performance. The solutions acquired by Ooredoo Qatar will function together to comply with their needs.

The SpeechLog bundle records interactions and screen captures agent computer actions, performs quality assurance on calls, and transcribes interaction audio into text. The purpose of the transcription is to accurately analyze both written and spoken formats to extract relevant and vital business intelligence regarding the customer experience using innovative speech analytics technology.

While Globitel Dashboard, which is integrated with SpeechLog and Ooredoo’s telephony system, displays the call centers’ KPI’s and various performance metrics through a single interface. The highlight of all is speech analytics technologies that will offer priceless results, aiding Ooredoo in making smart and timely decisions. Not to mention its adaptability in analyzing English and Arabic, as well as an requested language according to business needs; such as Urdu in the case of Ooredoo Qatar.

The decision to acquire solutions aimed at improving the customer experience and agent performance came from Ooredoo’s dedication to their customers and their unrelenting pursuit of full satisfaction from the service provided. The overall objective of this investment move is a strategic one; simple and smooth operations at call centers. The forecasted results of these deployments include cost savings from enhanced operations, quality improvements, performance level increases, and much more.

Mr. Sharif Nabulsi, CEO of Globitel

“A telecom giant such as Ooredoo, with a footprint spanning continents and offers services for millions of users, is already in a great position in the market. And maintaining that status requires consistent management and improvement to services provided. Investing in customer-oriented solutions helps them cement their standing in the market as an operator with the interests of their subscribers at the utmost priority.”

Representative of Ooredoo Qatar

“We are governed by three principles at Ooredoo Qatar; customer experience, profitable growth, and execution excellence. Each element complements the other in harmony; a harmony we dedicate all our resources and manpower to maintain. This harmony is contextualized by measuring the effectiveness of our performance through the most important testimony; our customers. Through the SpeechLog bundle, we find ourselves in possession of an inventory of consumer insights that will allow us at Ooredoo to become consumers’ top choice. A snowball effect resulting from those insights is the subsequent managing of agents to effectively act on the derived information.”


Orange Jordan launches Orange Digital Centers


Orange Jordan’s new CEO Thierry Marigny announced that the company launched its digital umbrella which holds under it a group of Orange Digital Centers in different areas of the Kingdom, within the company’s efforts to contribute to the development of local communities, stemming from being a leading local company in providing internet services across all cities and governorates.

Marigny added during a press conference held on Sunday 29th of July, that since the beginning, Orange Jordan has taken upon itself achieving His Majesty King Abdullah II’s vision of transformation towards becoming a knowledge society, the thing that falls in line with its five-year corporate strategy “Essentials 2020” which is set as its priorities of both, benefitting from the internet usage across the Kingdom and bridging the digital gap. The company has also signed a number of agreements with different parties, to announce that they will be equipping ten digital centers in different governorates, where they would be announced once ready, to welcome the beneficiaries.

CEO of Orange Jordan talked about the importance of these centers, especially that they will offer beneficiaries the opportunity to enter the internet world in a more professional manner, and set the topics that matter to them, affirming that they provide an opportunity for job creation, through promoting their products online, resulting in better accessibility, higher incomes, and an improved standard of living, in light of the current dependence on the internet and the valuable information it provides.

Marigny presented the partners of this important initiative, comprising of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MoICT), the National information Technology  Center ( NITC) and the Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD), where the company signed many important agreements to start preparations for these technical centers, affirming their role in facilitating the company to carry out digital transformation in the Kingdom.

From her side, PR, CSR, and Corporate Communication Director, Eng. Rana Dababneh said during the press conference that the full preparation of these centers will follow suit, and are expected to be completed by the end of this year, and the rest by early next year, pointing out that the company was able to obtain funding from the Orange Foundation, due to the significance and support carried by the project.

Dababneh talked about Orange Jordan’s role in this initiative, saying that it will provide computers, renovate existing centers to create more expansion and benefit from the existing space, and the company will also design and hold training workshops on different topics requested by citizens.

Dababneh affirmed that these centers will cover a number of areas to include different segments of society, where there will be special centers targeting youth, while others directed towards empowering women, and these centers will also prepare refugees, and other segments.

She explained that these centers will enable both genders to have a better career by training them on the latest technologies and teaching them how to create small projects and promote them on social media networks.


For the sixth time in a row, Integrated Technology Group (ITG) is participating in the official ministerial summit for ICT innovation in education and digital inclusion “MENA Innovation 2018”, which is taking place this year in Egypt from July 29-31.

The MENA Innovation summit will bring together ministers, senior government officials, and higher education professionals from across the MENA region and African countries all in one place.

Mr. Osama Abaza, Integrated Technology Group (ITG) Director, Business Development and (ITG) Regional Sales Manager, Mr. Islam Al Qasrawi are representing the company to share benefits and experiences showcasing the company different Education, Government and Enterprise resource planning solutions which will assist school districts, K-12 schools, universities, governments and enterprises institutions to become more efficient, effective, and productive.

Integrated Technology Group (ITG) participation in this summit will also create the perfect opportunity for (ITG) to present the newest version of its global award-winning, comprehensive e-learning platform EduWave®; which is currently serving more than 15 Million users over 50 Thousand education institutes with three countrywide deployments that seamlessly integrates Learning Management System (LMS), Student Information System (SIS) and Communication and Collaboration (CC) in one cloud-based solution, as the best scalable high-quality e-solution and comprehensive platform to MENA region and Africa countries different ministries.

Furthermore, business development professionals of ITG are presenting the company products in the field of Government and Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions, WaveGRP®, WaveERP® and the comprehensive Document Management and Archiving Solution WaveDMS® as solutions to enhance different ministries efficient work.

During the Summit B2B meetings with different MENA region and African countries ministers, Mr. Abaza, Director, Business Development stated: “Integrated Technology Group (ITG) participation in this important summit is based on the company business development strategy to explore new markets and to exchange ITG 30 years of excellence in its education, government and enterprise solutions with different countries worldwide to provide different e-solutions, which will create an ecosystem to accelerate quality of education, efficiency, and will create a community with e-learning knowledge”.

It is worth mentioning that Integrated Technology Group (ITG) was founded in 1989, and it is one of the leading companies in the IT sector worldwide, marked by its high quality and scalable e-learning, government and enterprise resource planning solutions, and empowering individuals and society by helping institutions toward increasing their efficiency, productivity, and profitability.

Orange Jordan supports the “Haqiq” Initiative training program in Al al-Bayt University


Orange Jordan announced its support for a training program for youth in Al al-Bayt University as part of Haqiq Initiative, one of the Crown Prince Foundation (CPF) initiatives, which lasted for three days, where a number of workshops and field visits took place.

CEO of Orange Jordan Thierry Marigny said: “The partnership with Crown Prince Foundation is of utmost importance to us,” adding that this training is a major stepping stone to a long-term strategic partnership with the foundation, the thing which falls in line with the company’s vision and objectives, which focuses on supporting and developing the skills of Jordanian youth in the majority of governorates.

Marigny affirmed Orange Jordan’s commitment to continuing being a main supporter and sponsor of the activities that aim to enhance the communication among the youth in different regions, adding that this new training program clearly translates the company’s vision within this framework.

This training is part of Haqiq’s expansion program, which will be implemented by the Crown Prince Foundation in several universities in the coming period and will contribute to increasing the interaction and communication between young people and their local environments throughout Jordan. The initiative seeks to build young local leaders and promote the values of caring citizenship, as well as enhancing their role in local development through volunteering and community service, the thing which will help the youth in making a substantial difference in their skills and capabilities, in a way that would open a door for them and their communities to a better future.

From her side, Dr. Tamam Mango, CEO at Crown Prince Foundation said that this partnership is a living model for joint work between development institutions and private sector institutions. It is expected that the coming period will witness the strengthening of many partnerships in a way that will enhance the work of the foundation.

Mango added: “The idea of expanding Haqiq came to include university students, and falls in line with the foundation’s commitment to reach the largest number of young people from different governorates and age groups, ensuring equal chances of opportunities for development and skill advancement in their positions at work, in addition to offering them opportunities to enhance their leadership skills, which will enable them to support and play a role in serving their communities.

The signing of this agreement comes as part of Orange Jordan’s interest in strengthening the links between the youth and local communities, as well as keeping students aware of everything that is essential to them, the thing which falls  in line with its corporate social responsibility plan that stems from the company’s five-year corporate strategy “Essentials 2020”.