ASB bank first to adopt SEDCO Queue Management System in Azerbaijan

In line with its strategic vision towards digital branch transformation, ASB bank selected SEDCO’s Queue Management system to install in its branches in Baku, Azerbaijan. This initiative comes to improve ASB customer journey by eliminating queues to comply with social distancing rules for a better and safer experience during Covid-19 and beyond.

SEDCO’s advanced queue management solutions include queuing kiosks which are integrated with counter teller software, branch manager software, and audio announcement, all aligned to streamline the customer journey while enabling ASB Bank to have full central management.

Powered with BI tool, the queue system can centrally monitor and control all of ASB bank branches, while enabling each branch manager to track performance via live dashboards, view advanced reports such as performance analysis, waiting time compliance, and branch/ employee utilization, and predict trends in order to boost efficiency and make more insightful business decisions.

“Our initiative comes as a first step to evolve into a smart digital bank where the performance of all branches can be monitored from the head office. We trust that with SEDCO’s digital branch transformation solutions we can improve our business and customers’ experiences,” stated Fardi Farhadov, deputy director at NBA Technologies International.

“Through this collaboration with ASB Bank, we are entering a new market and further expanding our presence in Euroasia. We are pleased to cooperate with ABS Bank who always differentiates its banking services to be at a top level, and we are ready to have more future business towards digital branch transformation including 24/7 self-service banking zone,” stated Sergey Nadtoka, Sales Manager at SEDCO.

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ICSFS embraced business agility as a primary core driver



Ever since digital disruption started, ICSFS embraced business agility as a primary core driver in providing its customers with real value to this global competitive market. ICSFS provides its customers with:

– Digital Excellence; delivering more touchpoints to reach more banking customers

– Open Banking; open solutions through open APIs architecture

– Innovation as a Core Function – Complete cloud platforms

– Financial inclusion empowerment via extensive channels and touchpoints in a digital environment

– Enriched customer service, experience to move from traditional to social engagement

– Systems Unification to create customer relationships across channels

– Surge customer’s confidence and engagement, hence, increase customer satisfaction and loyalty

– Dynamic products for new business trends with high security, scalability, and flexibility, which will in return increase market share

– Process automation to save time, enhance quality, consistency, and clarity

– RegTech solutions

– Improved efficiency to drive business agility

– Increase profitability and reduce revenue leakage

– Continuous technological advancement with lower TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)

For more information, please visit

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4th edition of Huawei Middle East ICT Competition opens to aspiring students across the Jordan


With digital technologies becoming the building blocks of the Jordanian intelligent society—and increasingly important during the COVID-19 pandemic and post-pandemic recovery—Huawei is once again touching on an important driver of the digital transformation journey; nurturing ICT talent. The company runs the 4th edition of its flagship annual Middle East ICT Competition in Jordan to support preparing the next generation of leaders for an intelligent world, in line with the government national plans and strategies. The initiative underpins technology utilization and aims to support the socio-economic development by bolstering the overall ICT ecosystem through nurturing local talent; individuals who will be Jordan’s assets for achieving national development plans and ambitious visions for more sustainable knowledge-based economies. This year’s competition is being held in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship (MoDEE) and China’s Embassy in Jordan.


From October to December, Hundreds of undergraduate students from 15 leading universities in Jordan are expected to participate in the competition, which is being held virtually for the first time due to physical distancing measures.


Dr. Nael Adwan, Director of Investment and Promotions Department at the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, noted: “The ICT sector is a significant national industry promoting Jordan’s global competitiveness and economic strength. Private sector programs like the Huawei Middle East ICT Competition are highly valued in supporting these ambitions, developing indigenous innovation overall while nurturing a supportive environment for the ICT sector in particular.”

Paul Feng, CEO of Huawei Levant, said: “Empowering Jordanian youth with global knowledge and new skills plays a key role in the future of socio-economic growth. Huawei is committed to the growing ICT value chain in Jordan through local talent nurturing and open ecosystems building. We believe in openness, collaboration and shared success and put forward our best efforts to support the sustainable development of ambitious countries like Jordan. We are dedicated to fostering innovative interdisciplinary talent by knowledge and experience sharing.  Moreover, by offering participants access to online exchanges and learning, we can create more equal opportunities for quality education, enabling more people to benefit from the digital economy.”

The competition promotes creativity amongst students by acting as a bridge between the classroom and the workforce, enhancing students’ future employment opportunities. The training and competition tracks for this year—held under the theme “Connection, Glory, Future”—focus on advanced technologies such as 5G, AI, cloud computing, and data storage, facilitating connections between international talent. In addition to sharpening student’s own knowledge of these domains, the competition assists government authorities, colleges, and universities to identify and support the future leaders of ICT.


This year will also see the introduction of the Huawei Innovation Competition, held in parallel to the ICT Competition. It focuses on supporting undergraduate students and teachers in using innovative technologies such as AI, cloud computing, and big data to create valuable and meaningful applications for society. Huawei has invited universities and colleges across the Middle East to participate in the new Innovation Competition, with a total of ten teams to be selected for the regional final this year.

Winners of the regional competitions will receive a certification, future learning opportunities, a USD$20,000 cash prize, and more.

Last year, 760 students from across Jordan applied for the Middle East ICT Competition from leading colleges and universities. The competition was supported by ministries, various ambassadors, and academic chancellors from some of Jordan’s top-ranking universities. The team who participated from Jordan, won third place in the ICT Competition regional finals that was held at Huawei’s headquarters in Shenzhen, China with the participation of 13 teams from 10 Middle East countries.

Registration for the Huawei Middle East ICT Competition 2020 is now open through this microsite

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وحدة مكافحة غسيل الاموال وتمويل الإرهاب تطلق موقعها الالكتروني الجديد بالتعاون مع ايكو تكنولوجي


أطلقت وحدة مكافحة غسيل الاموال  وتمويل الإرهاب  الموقع الالكتروني الخاص بها بالتعاون مع شركة ايكو تكنولوجي تحت النطاق  وفق أحدث المعايير  العالمية وتكنولوجيا التصميم والتطوير بهدف مواكبة اخر التطورات العالمية وتوفير كافة المعلومات بصورة متقدمة وبسيطة للمواطنين.

يزود الموقع الالكتروني الزائر بمعلومات وتفاصيل عن اللجنة الوطنية، الوحدة، التشريعات، المعايير الدولية، المنشورات، التعاون المحلي والدولي والمركز الاعلامي والاسئلة الاكثر تكرار و المزيد من المعلومات المتعلقة بالوحدة وطبيعة عملها.

تتم إدارة الموقع باستخدام نظام EB V4.0 المطور من قبل ايكو تكنولوجي والذي اثبت كفاءته وفعاليته من حيث توفير خصائص ومميزات متقدمة وفعالة من ناحية تحرير المحتوى ونشره بسهولة عالية.

يقدم نظام EB V4.0 ادارة رقمية شاملة من خلال:

  • امكانية الجدولة الزمنية للمحتوى
  • ارشفة اصدارات المحتوى القديم.
  • توظيف سير عمل فيما يتعلق بتدقيق المحتوى قبل نشره.
  • توفير عدد غير محدود من صفحات المعلومات والقوائم
  • إمكانية بناء النماذج الالكترونية
  • قوالب تصميم جاهزة
  • التنبيهات وخصائص التفاعل والمشاركة
  • والعديد من جزئيات إدارة المحتوى المتقدمة
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مؤسسة التعليم لأجل التوظيف الأردنية تفتح باب التسجيل في الدورات التدريبية المجانية في هندسة البرمجيات بإستخدام لغة البرمجة و برنامج تحليل البيانات

اعلنت مؤسسة التعليم لأجل التوظيف الأردنية عن فتح باب التسجيل في الدورات التدريبية المجانية عن بعد للمهتمين بهندسة البرمجيات بإستخدام لغة البرمجة (JAVA) وبرنامج تحليل البيانات بواقع شهرين لكل دورة. تقوم هذه الدورات بتعريف المشاركين على المبادئ الأساسية لهندسة البرمجيات بإستخدام لغة البرمجة ( JAVA) وتحليل البيانات بالإضافة الى دورة في المهارات الحياتية حيث تؤهل هذه الدورات المشاركين لدخول سوق العمل.

يمكن للمهتمين من حملة الجنسية الأردنية ممن اعمارهم بين 22-27 سنة وخريجي بكالوريوس من التخصصات التالية (علم الحاسوب، تكنولوجيا المعلومات، هندسة الحاسوب، هندسة برمجيات، نظم معلومات حاسوبية، نظم معلومات ادارية( بمعدل جيد فما فوق التسجيل من خلال الرابط ادناه او الاتصال على الرقم المبين اعلاه :

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جامعةُ الأميرة سميّة للتكنولوجيا تنتزعُ المركزَ الأول عالمياً في مسابقة البرمجة



وسطَ تنافسٍ منقطع النظير، انتزعت جامعةُ الأميرة سمية للتكنولوجيا المركز الأول على مستوى العالم، ومراكز متقدمة أخرى، في مسابقة البرمجة  السنوية  IEEEXtreme، بتنظيم من منظمة IEEE العالمية، وبمشاركة 4555 فريقاً متفوّقة على جامعات عالمية مرموقة كمعهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا MIT، وجامعة الينوي الأمريكية، وجامعة ماجيل الكندية، وجامعة كلفورنيا/ بيركلي، وغيرها،  وقد دأبت الجامعة على المشاركة في هذه المسابقة وأحرزت في العام الماضي المركزين الرابع والسادس عالمياً، والأول عربياً لست سنوات متتالية.
وجاء فوز الجامعة بالمركز الأول عالمياً من خلال الفريق Aurora المكون من: محمد أبو عبود، حمزة زاغة، ومعتصم الكايد، من طلبة كلية الملك الحسين لعلوم الحوسبة.
هذا وهنأت صاحبة السمو الملكي الأميرة سمية بنت الحسن، رئيس مجلس أمناء الجامعة، الفرق الفائزة، مباركة منجزها التاريخي الكبير، الذي يرسخ حضور الجامعة عالمياً، مشيدة سموها بجهود الطلبة والمشرفين عليهم، وسعيهم المتواصل لصقل مهاراتهم العلمية والعملية، مما أتاح لهم هذا التميز الكبير.
وبدوره قال رئيس الجامعة الأستاذ الدكتور مشهور الرفاعي “إن الفوز يحقّق رؤى وتطلعات صاحبة السمو الملكي الأميرة سمية بنت الحسن المعظمة، في وضع المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية على خريطة الدول المتقدمة تكنولوجياً”، مبيّناً أن سموها كانت على متابعة مباشرة أولاً بأولاً مع الفرق المشاركة طيلة المسابقة التي استمرت 24 ساعة، الأمر الذي رفع من عزيمتهم وإصرارهم في نيل هذه المرتبة الرفيعة المستحقة.
وذكر الرئيس أن أهمية المسابقة تكمنُ في إثراء الروح التنافسية العالية لدى طلبة الجامعة، وتدعم فرص حصولهم على خبرات كبيرة، مؤكداً أن الجامعة تحثُّ خطاها بوتيرة كبيرة نحو التنافسية العالمية.
وفي هذه المسابقة، التي شاركت فيها الجامعة ب11 فريقاً، حقّق فريق maxFlowWhiteBeard  المكون من الطلبة: عبدالله المنصور، محمد الكيلاني، أحمد جابر المركز (10)، فيما حقق المركز (78)فريق   FracturedButWhole
المكون من: عمر الأسير، أحمد حمّودة، وليث السقّا. والمركز (79)
فريق GoldenWindالمكون من: أمل طه، ديمة عرفات، عبدالعزيز حمدان. والمركز (101)
بفريق ShadowPSUT
المكون من: شهد المشني، زينة المشني، وحمزة زيادة، بأشرف وتدريب ومتابعة عميد الكلية الدكتور أشرف أحمد، والدكتور فراس غانم.
ويذكر أن IEEEXtreme  مسابقة برمجة عالمية، يشارك فيها الطلاب الأعضاء بمنظمة IEEE  من المبرمجين حول العالم، بحيث تُطرح مُشكلةٌ على المشاركين في كل ساعة من فترة المسابقة لحلّها والتغلب عليها. وأن منظمة IEEE  (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers )، منظمة خاصة غير حكومية، وليست ربحية تعنى بتطوير وابتكار أحدث التقنيات في عالم الكهرباء والإلكترونيات، تم أنشاؤها عام 1963 .
ويذكر أنّ الجامعة حصدت الميداليتين الذهبية والبرونزية في مسابقة البرمجة العربية للشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا بمشاركة 1500 متسابقاً يمثلون 200 مؤسسة تعلمية من 30 دولة في ربيع هذا العام، كما ونالت لقب بطل منطقة الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا في مسابقة البرمجة على مستوى العالم2018 ACM – ICPC، وحصلت قبل أيام على النجوم الخمس في التقييم العالمي QS SRATS RATING

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ESKADENIA Commemorates its 20th Anniversary in Times of COVID-19


ESKADENIA Software, a leading provider of best-in-class business systems that accelerate digital transformation, celebrated its 20th Anniversary online due to the COVID-19 situation.

ESKADENIA held a virtual online anniversary in the midst of the COVID pandemic. An event usually celebrated through an annual in-person gathering was this time done remotely with highly interactive online events and entertainment. ESKADENIA employees were pleased to still be able to share the festivities together, expressing their excitement and happiness about the online alternative.

The 20th Annual was also kicked off with a video speech from the ESKADENIA Software Management Team, who were eager to welcome the innovative means of celebration. Top achievers were recognized and awarded, as it has been the company’s tradition in such event.

“We are so proud of the journey of our employees who managed to develop excellent products that ESKADENIA is extending to the global market, proud of the resilience and quality that ESKADENIA software maintained for the 20 past years that passed quickly with focus. The software industry is fascinating and promising in these turbulent times,“ said Doha Abdelkhaleq, Managing partner & Co-founder of ESKADENIA Software.

Coinciding with the annual internal event, ESKADENIA took its celebration online to share its festivities with its customers and the outside world through digital campaigns, commemorative videos, social media, and more.

ESKADENIA Software has been operating for 20 years, bringing quality products and services to customers, and providing a productive and pleasant work environment to its employees. The company also demonstrated a range of expertise and skills throughout the years, with various global clients, partners, accreditations, and awards to show for it.

Quality management of software products and work processes has been a major focus for the company since its inception in 2000. In 2011, ESKADENIA reached CMMI level 3; a major milestone for ESKADENIA this year is its achievement of CMMI Level 5.

ESKADENIA is also a three-time winner of MENA IR Awards of Best Technology Firm of the Year, holder of the EcoVadis Bronze Medal, and was previously voted one of the Top 20 Companies to Work for in Jordan. With customers in more than 25 countries, this hard-working team looks to expand even further with superior services and digital solutions.




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PROTECH launches the company new logo

We Set Up to Never Stop Innovating

Big news! Today after sixteen years, PROTECH is very proud to announce the launching of our new company logo and brand identity as part of the ongoing evolution of our brand.

Our business has grown and evolved over the years, and we are refreshing our #brand to better reflect who we are. After careful consideration, we chose a new logo that reflects a more modern look and captures our mission to deliver excellent quality, performance, and service support across the products and services we provide.

watch the video: 

It’s just the beginning, PROTECH will never stop innovating and looking ahead to taking our business to the next level!

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ESKADENIA Software Achieves CMMI Highest Level


ESKADENIA Software, a leading provider of best-in-class business systems that accelerate digital transformation, is proud to have successfully reached the highest CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) level, Level 5.


CMMI is a capability improvement framework that provides organizations with the essential elements of effective processes that ultimately improve their performance. It encompasses a set of global standards that elevate software development and deployment business techniques through building and benchmarking key capabilities. The program consists of a five-level evolutionary path of increasingly organized and systematically mature processes. The aim of the program is to ensure excellence, innovation, quality, and process improvement in software development based on the industry’s latest trends and best practices.


Being a CMMI Level 5 organization requires operating and performing with the highest level of process maturity. This entails continually improving the company’s processes and procedures based on the understanding of its business objectives while using a quantitative approach to boost business performance.


ESKADENIA Software acknowledges the importance of meeting quality and industry best practices in the software development field. The accreditation of the ESKADENIA Telecom Business Unit reinforces the commitment of ESKADENIA Software in delivering world-class and innovative software systems on time and within budget. The ESKADENIA team is specialized in implementing the highest industry standards and work procedures at the company, department, and product level.

“I consider ESKADENIA`s achievement of CMMI Maturity Level 5 an outstanding success. As a project consultant, I am proud of their distinguished appraisal results. I am also pleased with their great belief in quality from the top management to everyone in the department, which produced a wonderful quality management system with a tangible return on investment,” stated Marian Tadros, Consultant and founder of TRIEXL.


ESKADENIA`s strong relations with its customers and partners, superb software products, and optimized business operations were the main pillars driving this accomplishment, making it one of the selected class of global organizations to accomplish this achievement.


“ESKADENIA has always focused on the continuous improvements of its software processes and is proud to achieve the highest level of maturity from the CMMI Institute. The CMMI highest honour is an indication of the determination and resilience of our highly competent staff to reach the highest of international standards in their work. The accreditation has been conducted online due to prevailing conditions which is a first in the history of the Institute. I would like to thank all those involved in this accreditation from within ESKADENIA, our consultant, and assessor for their professionalism and efforts to make this exercise a great success,” stated Mr. Nael Salah, Managing Director of ESKADENIA Software.

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Orange and the Luminus Shamal Start launch the Mobile FabLab


In the presence of the CEO of Orange Jordan, Thierry Marigny, and the CEO of Luminus Group, Ibrahim AL Safadi, the Mobile FabLab was inaugurated. This lab is the first of its kind in the Kingdom and was launched last year in partnership between Luminus Shamal Start and Orange Jordan, to move around across the governorates, to provide those interested with training and equipment necessities to grow in the field of digital manufacturing.

Orange Jordan supported the lab that was implemented by the Luminus Shamal Start, embodying the fact that Orange Jordan is a local company that works in an international spirit through its efforts in supporting digital transformation across the Kingdom, and in line with its corporate social responsibility, which pays great attention to digital inclusion through training the youth in digital skills required in the labor market or to support them establish their projects.

Luminus Education interest in launching the first mobile manufacturing laboratory comes after the launch of the first digital manufacturing laboratory in Jordan in 2016, and stemming from their belief in the importance of providing the market with digital skills that keep pace with the changes and to offer his opportunity to remote areas in the Kingdom.

Jordanian – German Center of Excellence for Solar Energy in Mafraq, will be the first station of the laboratory, Orange and Luminus will provide a training opportunity for a group of youth at the center on modern digital manufacturing methods that will enhance their training and professional careers and update them on the  field of digital transformation, the lab will continue after its journey in other governorates, which are Jerash, Amman, Irbid, Ajloun and Balqa.

Luminus Shamal Start was established in 2016, by the Luminus Education Group with a fund from the European Union and in partnership with the Royal Scientific Society, to accelerate business and investment in initial stages of projects in northern Jordan, and has completed more than 20,000 operational hours of digital manufacturing in the Fab Lab located in Irbid.


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