Sprintive’s Expertise Powers HRSD’s Award-Winning Digital Transformation

We at Sprintive are proud to share the incredible achievements of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (HRSD) in digital transformation, successes built on the solid foundation of the website we developed for the ministry.

HRSD recently secured first place among Arab ministries during an awards ceremony held at the headquarters of the League of Arab States in Egypt and first place  in the 2024 Website Efficiency and Digital Content Index during the Digital Transformation Measurement Awards held in Riyadh as part of the 2024 Digital Government Forum alongside the Internet Governance Forum (IGF).

Further validating this success, HRSD achieved a remarkable 95.50% overall score, with 93.50% in technical efficiency and 99.21% in content quality. This makes HRSD the only government entity to achieve an outstanding level in the index.

Our partnership with HRSD has been pivotal in their journey to digital excellence. The ministry’s website, developed and optimized by Sprintive, serves over 32 million beneficiaries with more than 1,000 digital services and procedures. This user-centric platform reflects Sprintive’s dedication to creating seamless digital experiences, empowering HRSD to provide top-tier government services.

These milestones reflect Sprintive’s expertise in delivering high-performance digital solutions that transform public service delivery. We are honored to play a key role in enabling HRSD’s visionary approach to serving citizens through technology.

IRIS Technology at MENA ICT Forum 2024

IRIS Technology proudly participated as an exhibitor at the MENA ICT Forum 2024, held on November 20–21, 2024, at the King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Centre Managed by Hilton Dead Sea.

During the event, we showcased our latest innovative solutions, emphasizing our dedication to advancing the ICT sector. Our team engaged with industry leaders, fostering invaluable connections and sparking collaborative opportunities with professionals shaping the future of technology.

We are also honored to have received the Impact Award for Women in Tech, securing first place among 90 leading companies across the region. This recognition underscores our commitment to empowering women in the tech field and driving meaningful change in the industry.

This forum provided us with a platform to demonstrate our expertise, network with innovators, and align with the latest trends transforming the digital landscape. As a key player in the ICT sector, IRIS Technology remains steadfast in contributing to the growth and innovation of the industry.

HTU Hosts “Youth and Technology Fair” in Collaboration with the Ministry of Digital Economy and UNHCR

The Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, in collaboration with the UNHCR and Al Hussein Technical University (HTU), organized the “Youth and Technology Fair” to empower youth and highlight their role in the technology sector. The event, held under the “Youth, Technology, and Jobs” initiative, brought together over 150 young Jordanian and refugee participants and featured 60 leading companies from the ICT sector.

The fair included a dedicated “Youth Corner” where participants showcased their innovative projects, allowing them to present their creative ideas to companies and connect with industry leaders. This aimed to enhance their professional prospects and align their talents with market demands.

In his opening remarks, HTU President Prof. Ismael Al-Hinti welcomed the attendees and emphasized the university’s commitment to equipping youth for the labor market. He highlighted the crucial role of collaboration between academia, government, and private sectors in fostering job opportunities and creating a supportive environment for youth, especially in the ICT sector.

Secretary-General of the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, Ms. Samira Al-Zoubi, underlined the importance of empowering Jordanian youth to contribute to a thriving digital economy. She stated:
“This fair reflects the Ministry’s commitment to enhancing the capabilities of our youth, who are the drivers of innovation and change. They form the foundation for a digital future that fulfills their aspirations and positions Jordan as a regional technology hub.”

Ms. Al-Zoubi encouraged participants to leverage this opportunity to showcase their talents, honed through the training programs offered under the “Youth, Technology, and Jobs” project. She also thanked the participating companies for their support of young talents and their role in opening doors for youth to become part of Jordan’s journey toward progress and success.

UNHCR representative Michael Delamico emphasized the transformative potential of economic opportunities for both Jordanian and refugee youth, stating:
“The digital sphere is both the present and the future. Through this fair, hosted under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, Jordan showcases its wealth of young talent in ICT. This collaborative approach is instrumental in advancing Jordan’s role as a global source of skilled professionals in the technology sector.”

The event reflected HTU’s mission to promote employability and entrepreneurship as key pillars of its educational approach. HTU remains committed to engaging public and private sectors in its programs to meet their needs and prepare youth for the labor market. This dedication extends beyond HTU students, as the university’s training and innovation centers support Jordanian and refugee youth across the kingdom, equipping them with skills to combat unemployment in diverse fields, particularly ICT.

HTU students actively contributed to organizing the fair, managing registrations, and facilitating awareness sessions and workshops. These focused on topics such as technological innovation, entrepreneurship, and skill development for thriving in the digital workforce, enriching participants’ knowledge and readiness for the job market.

الملك ينعم على شركة زين بميدالية اليوبيل الفضي

أنعم جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني، أمس الأربعاء، بميدالية اليوبيل الفضي على شركة زين الأردن، وذلك تقديراً لمساهمات الشركة في تطوير قطاع الاتصالات في المملكة.

وجاء هذا التكريم الملكي للشركة خلال لقاء جلالته بحضور سمو الأمير الحسين بن عبدالله الثاني، ولي العهد، وجهاء وممثلين عن أبناء محافظة العاصمة وعدد من ممثلي الشركات والمؤسسات الوطنية، في الديوان الملكي الهاشمي، ضمن سلسلة اللقاءات الملكية هذا العام في كافة محافظات المملكة بمناسبة اليوبيل الفضي لتولي جلالته سلطاته الدستورية.

وأعربت شركة زين الأردن عن فخرها بهذا التكريم الذي جاء ليتوّج مسيرة ثلاثة عقود من عمر الشركة التي انطلقت كأول مشغل اتصالات خلوية في المملكة، إذ واصلت زين منذ انطلاقتها في السوق الأردني عام 1995 خدمتها للأردن والأردنيين عبر تأسيس بنية تحتية متقدمة أسهمت في رفد قطاع الاتصالات الأردني وإحداث نقلة نوعية في خدمات الاتصالات بعد إدخال الخدمة الخلوية لأول مرة إلى المملكة، فيما استمرت الشركة بأداء دورها الريادي في تطوير القطاع وتعزيز عملياتها في السوق الأردني من خلال الاستثمار في البنية التحتية وصولاً إلى إطلاق شبكة الجيل الخامس (5G)، الأمر الذي ساهم في عملية التطوير والتحديث التي شهدتها المملكة، ومكَّن مختلف القطاعات عبر الخدمات المميزة وحلول الأعمال المتطورة التي تقدمها الشركة، والتي أسهمت في تعزيز تجربة الشركات والمؤسسات والأفراد على حد سواء، حيث جددت شركة زين التزامها بمواصلة العمل لتقديم أفضل الخدمات وتوفير أحدث التقنيات بما يسهم في تحقيق الرؤى الملكية في أردن متطور ومتقدم تكنولوجياً، ما ينعكس على البيئة الاستثمارية من خلال جذب كبريات الشركات الإقليمية والعالمية.

وعبّرت إدارة زين وموظفوها عن فخرهم واعتزازهم بهذه اللفتة الملكية من سيد البلاد، مجددين العهد بمواصلة العمل لخدمة الأردن والأردنيين والمساهمة في عملية التطوير والبناء لهذا الوطن العزيز تحت ظل قيادته الهاشمية الحكيمة، ليبقى أردن الهواشم عنواناً للتميز والتطوّر، وقبلةً للباحثين عن التميز، وعبّرت زين عن فخرها بالمساهمة في المنجزات الوطنية التي تحققت خلال 25 عاماً من الازدهار في عهد جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني، بتكاتف الجهود انطلاقاً من الانتماء لهذا الوطن والولاء لقيادته الهاشمية التي قادته دوماً إلى الطليعة، فكان الأردن، وبقي، وسيبقى في المقدمة، بحكمة قيادته وبهمّة أبنائه وبناته.

وتجاوزت إسهامات شركة زين تقديم خدمات الاتصالات وحلول الأعمال، فكان لها منذ تأسيسها بصمات واضحة في المجتمع الأردني من خلال برامجها ومبادراتها المستدامة للمسؤولية المجتمعية، والتي تغطي من خلالها قطاعات الصحة والتعليم والبيئة والرياضة والشباب والتكافل المجتمعي ودعم وتمكين الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة، حيث أنعم جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني ابن الحسين المعظم على الشركة في العام 2009 بوسام الحسين للعطاء المميز من الدرجة الأولى، تقديراً لجهود الشركة في خدمة المملكة ودورها في دعم المجتمع المحلي، فيما تواصل الشركة دعمها لمنظومة ريادة الأعمال في المملكة من خلال منصتها للإبداع ZINC التي استفاد من خدماتها حتى الآن حوالي 360 ألف شاب وشابة.

JoPACC Upgrades the Automated Clearing House (ACH) in collaboration with CMA Small Systems

JoPACC, the Jordan Payments and Clearing Company, recently upgraded the Automated Clearing House (ACH), which has operated on the ISO20022 since its initial launch in 2016. This upgrade comes in line with JoPACC’s ongoing role in enhancing payments infrastructure through the deployment of an efficient, secure, and safe digital payments infrastructure in the kingdom. This upgrade was implemented in collaboration with CMA Small Systems, the ACH system’s supplier.

Since its launch, the ACH system has been designed to facilitate and accelerate low-value, high-volume credit and direct debit financial transfers between banks operating in Jordan. The system supports various use cases that banks can offer to their clients, such as salary transfers for employees and retirees, dividend disbursements, and vendor payments, among other use cases.

This upgrade enhanced several key areas, including the 24/7 basis operations, security (implementation of digital signature), efficiency, and performance, while keeping pace with the increasing volume of digital payments. By adopting the ISO 20022 messaging standard, the upgrade also streamlines banks’ processes and ensures compatibility with the latest ISO20022 messages’ versions, as JoPACC has deployed certain ISO messages and discontinued outdated ones, but key financial message content to preserve the integrity of the financial transactions such as the IBANs, the full names, and addresses of both the debtor and creditor, remains intact.

The Central Bank of Jordan and all banks operating in the kingdom were involved in this upgrade. Their role included developing and integrating their internal systems to support and accommodate the new messaging standards and versions and the 24/7 operations.

It is worth mentioning that the ACH system supports single and batch credit transfers, direct debit transfers, and a robust mandate management module that fully supports e-mandates in four different currencies: JOD, USD, EUR, and GBP. Additionally, the system includes a fee module that can digitize and automate the end-to-end processes and reconciliation.

Estarta, led by CEO Mr. Mutaz H. Nabulsi, proudly signed a collaboration agreement with Tafila Technical University


Represented by its President, Dr. Bassam Al-Mahasneh, to empower students with practical skills and employment opportunities. The agreement was officially signed by Mr. Moataz Al-Nabulsi and Dr. Bassam Al-Mahasneh during a productive meeting.

This milestone was achieved with the presence of Mr. Mohammad Shkakhwa (Senior Director of HR & Admin), Mr. Abed Al-Hameed Shabsogh (Talent Acquisition Manager), and Mr. Ibraheem Nasren (Training & Development Manager), alongside the deans of Tafila University. Together, we pave the way for aligning education with market demands.

Orange Jordan Concludes “Subscribe & Win with 5G” Campaign by Handing Over the Grand Prize to the Winner

Orange Jordan has successfully concluded its “Subscribe & Win with 5G” campaign aimed at encouraging customers to opt for the 5G novel services, by handing over the grand prize to the winner.

The CEO of Orange Jordan, Philippe Mansour, along with the Chief Consumer Market Officer, at Orange Jordan, Naila Al Dawoud, handed over the grand prize, which was a 2024 BYD Atto 3 electric car, to the winner Rbiaah Mohamuod Saeed Khamaish during a special ceremony celebrating the conclusion of the campaign and the announcement of the winner through a special draw.

With 5G services now available in various areas across all Jordanian governorates, Orange is continuously working to enhance coverage. Simultaneously, it continues to encourage its subscribers to adopt cutting-edge technologies. This campaign was part of this effort and included several draws in which customers had the chance to win valuable prizes, including 3 iPhone 14 Pro Max phones and 3 PlayStation 5 consoles.

The campaign aimed to encourage customers to opt for the innovative 5G services by allowing all individual subscribers to Orange’s 5G offers for home internet, postpaid, and prepaid mobile lines, since the launch of the company’s 5G services on July 11th, 2023. They were eligible to win the grand prize, a 2024 BYD ATTO 3 GL500 electric car, with the draw held on December 8th.

On the sidelines of the ceremony, Al Dawoud expressed her gratitude to the customers whose participation ensured the success of the campaign. Most importantly, their participation supported Orange’s endeavors to enable customers to adopt the latest technological trends represented by 5G, which opens the door to unprecedented progress in all fields.

Al Dawoud also added that the campaign was a true translation of Orange’s continuous efforts to elevate its services and expand its reach to customers across the Kingdom, enabling them to “Lead the Future” equipped with modern technologies.

She also congratulated all the winners, especially the grand prize winner, stressing that Orange, based on its customer-centric approach, will continue to launch more campaigns and offers in the near future.

It is worth mentioning that Orange Jordan introduced 5G services to the Jordanian market last year. Since then, digital transformation has reshaped multiple sectors especially with the growing number of subscribers to the 5G services in Jordan.

s operators with revenues of 39.7 billion euros in 2023 and 128,000 employees worldwide until 30 September 2024, including 71,000 employees in France. The Group has a total customer base of 292 million worldwide until 30 September 2024, including 253 million mobile customers and 22 million fixed broadband customers. These figures have been restated to account for the deconsolidation of certain activities in Spain following the creation of MASORANGE. The Group is present in 26 countries (including non-consolidated countries).

تكريم “الإسكان” لدعمه الحصري لبرنامج “سوار الحسين للتطوع”

كرّمت مؤسسة الحسين للسرطان بنك الإسكان مؤخراً، تقديراً لدوره الريادي كشريك حصري لبرنامج “سِوار الحسين للتطوع” لعام 2024، ولالتزامه بتعزيز ثقافة التطوع والعمل الاجتماعي.

جاء التكريم خلال حفل خاص نظمته المؤسسة لتكريم شركاء ومتطوعي البرنامج، الذين ساهموا بفعالية في دعم جهود مكافحة مرض السرطان من خلال المشاركة في حملات توعوية، وبرامج جمع التبرعات، وتقديم الدعم المباشر للمرضى وعائلاتهم.

ويأتي هذا التكريم في ظل امتداد العلاقة المتميزة بين بنك الإسكان ومؤسسة الحسين للسرطان منذ سنوات، حيث إن الرعاية المستمرة لبرنامج “سِوار الحسين للتطوع” تجسد رؤية البنك بتعزيز الأثر الإيجابي المستدام من خلال التعاون الفاعل، الأمر الذي ينسجم مع أهداف برنامج البنك للمسؤولية الاجتماعية “إمكان الإسكان” ضمن قطاع الصحة الذي يعتبر محور تركيز من أجل المساهمة في بناء مجتمع صحي.

ويعد التكريم ثمرة لجهود المتطوعين، خاصة وأن العطاء الذي يقدمونه يعكس روح العمل الجماعي والتكاتف الذي يدعمه البنك ضمن رسالته الإنسانية.

وتجدر الإشارة إلى أن بنك الإسكان يدعم العديد من برامج مؤسسة الحسين للسرطان، بما في ذلك برنامج “سِوار الحسين للتطوع”، والحفل الخيري السنوي، والعيادة المتنقلة للكشف المبكر عن سرطان الثدي، بالإضافة إلى برنامج المنح الجامعية للطلبة المصابين بالسرطان، وغيرها من البرامج.

الحوسبة الصحية تجدد اعتماد شهادة آيزو 9001 للمرة السادسة

جددت شركة الحوسبة الصحية اعتماد شهادة ISO 9001 للمرة السادسة على التوالي، بنسختها المحدثة ISO 9001:2015، تقديراً لجودة أنظمة إدارة الجودة المعتمدة في دائرة الدعم الفني، والموارد البشرية، والمشتريات، مما يعكس التزام الشركة بتنفيذ خططها ومشاريعها وفق أعلى المعايير العالمية.
وقالت الشركة، في بيان اليوم الثلاثاء، إن تجديد الاعتماد جاء بعد إتمام عملية التدقيق الدوري من قبل شركة SGS، الجهة المانحة لشهادات المطابقة الدولية، التي أكدت التزام الشركة بكافة معايير الشهادة وفقاً للمواصفات الدولية المعتمدة.
وأعرب الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة الحوسبة الصحية، المهندس عمر إبراهيم عايش، عن فخره بتجديد اعتمادية هذه الشهادة على مدار السنوات، مشيراً إلى أن ذلك يعكس حرص الشركة على تعزيز بيئة العمل لديها من خلال تطبيق أفضل الممارسات العالمية.
وأضاف أن تطوير نظام فعال لإدارة الجودة يعد ضرورياً لمواصلة رحلة الشركة في تقديم أفضل الخدمات والارتقاء ببيئة العمل.
يشار إلى أن شركة الحوسبة الصحية قد حصلت على العديد من الشهادات العالمية على مدار السنوات الماضية، من أبرزها شهادة ISO 27001 الخاصة بأمن وإدارة المعلومات ومراكز البيانات، وشهادة ISO 22301 لإدارة استمرارية الأعمال، بالإضافة إلى شهادة ISO 9001 لنظام إدارة الجودة.

InvoiceQ Fuels Future Growth with $1.2M Pre-Series A Funding Round

Another renewed accomplishment added to InvoiceQ after successfully raising $1.2 million in a pre-series A-funding round, where a number of prominent Jordanian seed and pre-seed investors participated in the round; this included Oasis 500, Orange VC, Flat6Labs, as well as Natej Soft and several angel investors. With the support of Kassim Legal, InvoiceQ finalized the transaction with future plans to focus on their expansion across the region to serve more clients.

“We have issued over 50M invoices to date, saving our clients a lot in the process,” said Muhannad Tobal, CEO of InvoiceQ. 

Based in Jordan and KSA with active participation, InvoiceQ has set its E-invoicing solutions with a mindset that aims to address the needs of each country’s specific requirements so that E-invoicing solutions revolutionize the ways by which invoices are managed and exchanged across the region.

Investing in A Promising Future For E-invoicing  

With this funding, InvoiceQ is poised to accelerate its growth and expand in other markets in the MENA region including Oman, Egypt, UAE, GCC and more in an attempt to provide cutting-edge E-invoicing solutions to a wider client base.

“This investment will empower us to expand our client base and drive significant growth in Saudi Arabia and MENA region where the demand for digital invoicing solutions is rapidly increasing alongside other countries in the region.” Said Muhannad Tobal – CEO of InvoiceQ.

Expertise in Tailored E-Invoicing Solutions
Founded in 2020, InvoiceQ is a SaaS-based E-invoicing platform and a trusted integration solution provider in Jordan and KSA with current expansions in the MENA region. InvoiceQ is a qualified provider by ZATCA in Saudi Arabia and ISTD in Jordan making it an officially recognized provider of E-invoicing solutions.

The system has been developed to support different payment gateways such as SADAD and eFAWATEERcom in addition to supporting payment collections through versatile options such as Visa and Mastercard in an attempt to facilitate the payment collection process for businesses and ensure real-time reconciliation.

With InvoiceQ’s solutions, companies are able to comply with tax authorities, get dynamic system integrations, and advanced customization options. The system automates manual processes, thereby increasing efficiency, minimizing errors, and providing accurate data reports in real-time.

The Driving Force Behind InvoiceQ

With a shared vision to revolutionize the E-invoicing industry and help solve invoice issues, InvoiceQ was founded by a group of experienced entrepreneurs; each bringing their expertise to get the best outcome.

Thus, InvoiceQ was founded by CEO Muhannad Tobal, CTO Fadi Al-Jabali, COO Amer Ayyad, and GM Mohammad Baseet. With their expertise combined together, they managed to successfully drive the wheel of E-invoicing in the region and address the critical challenges of the E-invoicing industry.

InvoiceQ in Numbers

Ever since its founding in 2020, InvoiceQ has been rapidly achieving remarkable milestones in the E-invoicing industry as they issued over 50M invoices and achieved a total invoice value estimated at 6B USD. 

Moreover, the company has won the trust of serving more than 250 clients from various business industries and regions. Thereby, helping businesses save a significant amount of time and resources through its up-to-date solutions.

InvoiceQ vision is to deliver user-friendly E-invoicing solutions tailored for businesses and organizations of all industries and sizes across the region. This is what pushes us to develop customer-centric alternatives capable of meeting global systems’ demands according to each country’s local tax regulations and legislation.

Developing technology that empowers all business users to manage invoices electronically with the minimum effort needed and maximum output received, through solutions that prioritize each business specific needs.

A Move Towards A Tech-Driven Future

This achievement unlocks the door for new opportunities and helps businesses embark on this new revolution in the E-invoicing industry through solutions that consider simplicity, speed, and real-time updates for E-payment solutions. Through this strong foundation and dedicated team, the future of E-invoicing solutions in the Middle East is looking bright with solutions providers like InvoiceQ.