دائرة الإفتاء تطبق نظام الديوان الالكتروني من ايكو تكنولوجي لأتمتة إجراءات المراسلات


ايمانا بدور التكنولوجيا في تبسيط الإجراءات وتسهيل المعاملات ومواكبة مسيرة التحول الالكتروني للإجراءات الحكومية اعتمدت دائرة الافتاء العام نظام الديوان الالكتروني  (E-Diwan) لأتمتة اعمال الديوان من إجراءات البريد الصادر والوارد والمذكرات الداخلية بالإضافة الى سير العمل الخاص به.

من خلال النظام تهدف الدائرة الى الوصول الى بيئة خالية من الورقيات كما يسعى الى تقليل الوقت والجهد المبذول في متابعة وتتبع الكتب الرسمية والمحافظة عليها من التلف والفقدان.

Chairman and CEO of Orange Middle East and Africa Bruno Mettling visits Orange Jordan’s new headquarters at the Boulevard



Celebrating Orange Jordan’s milestone of moving its new headquarters to the Boulevard, Chairman and CEO of Orange Middle East and Africa Bruno Mettling visited the new building, where he was received by the Chairman of Orange Jordan Dr. Shabib Ammari, the CEO, Jérôme Hénique, executive directors, and employees. During the visit, Mr. Mettling congratulated Orange Jordan’s employees and celebrated the move during a formal inauguration ceremony, in addition to having a number of high-profile meetings with Their Excellencies Prime Minister Hani Al Mulki, Minister of Information and Communications Technology and Public Sector Development Majd Shweikeh, and Chairman of the Board and CEO of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission Dr. Ghazi Al Jbour.

Commenting on the occasion, Chairman and CEO of Orange Middle East and Africa Bruno Mettling said, “On behalf of Orange Group, I would like to express our pride in Orange Jordan’s successful move of its headquarters, in conjunction with its ten-year anniversary of Orange Brand in Jordan, which reflects the company’s continuous effort to grow, progress, and position itself as a leader in the Kingdom’s telecommunications sector. This occasion also provided me with a great opportunity to meet with His Excellency the Prime Minister to reiterate our commitment to the Kingdom as the main European investor. We discussed the difficulties faced by companies operating under high taxation and the need for a better regulatory and tax framework in order to support the industry. In the same mindset, Orange is committing to create a training center in the area of Tafileh to support the development of the local skills in the ICT.”

Mr. Mettling went on to say that Orange Group’s Essentials 2020 strategy focuses on accelerating the digital transformation of the company’s services and customer relationships, while upholding the excellence of its traditional services. Through this strategy, the company is also deeply committed to supporting the wide array of new activities and new jobs made possible by the digital transformation.

Orange Jordan CEO Jérôme Hénique said, “We at Orange Jordan are very proud to celebrate the move to our new headquarters in the presence of Mr. Mettling and under the patronage of Her Excellency the Minister of Information and Communications Technology. The growth and progress that Orange Jordan has witnessed over the last ten years is a reflection of both the hard work of the local team and the global strength of the Orange brand, which stands today as one of the world’s leading telecommunications service providers, with a rich history of providing the best possible solutions to our customers in the Kingdom. Orange Jordan will remain committed to fulfilling its promise of playing a strong role in the digital transformation and in the elevation of society across all sectors.”

Mr. Henique added, “The Boulevard is more lively, interactive, architecturally appealing, and match company on-going aspirations to remain a digital, caring and a class-A employer as per the ‘Top Employer Global 2017’ certification awarded to the company by the Top Employers Institute.”


Orange Jordan signs an agreement with Applied Science University to provide telecom services








Orange Jordan recently signed an agreement with Applied Science University (ASU) to become their exclusive integrated telecom services provider. The agreement was signed at a ceremony held at the Headquarters of the company, with the attendance of the Council Vice President/ General Manager, Dr. Haitham Abu Khadija and the Chief Enterprise Officer of the Business Unit at Orange Jordan, Mr. Sami Smeirat.

Under the agreement, Orange Jordan will provide the Applied Science University with an integrated bundle of services that includes mobile lines and very high-speed internet, in order to provide a high-quality telecom system that enables students and employees to always stay connected and keep up with the digital age.

Commenting on the occasion, Chief Enterprise Officer of Orange Jordan, Mr. Sami Smeirat said: “We are very happy to sign this strategic partnership with the reputable Applied Science University, as we at Orange Jordan are always committed in being part of enhancing the quality of education given to the youth in the Kingdom, especially in this digital era that demands high-speed in performance. As the strongest provider of fast internet, we are confident that the services that we provide will make positive differences in the lives of students and will keep them always connected to all that is essential to them and to the latest technologies and developments, which is in line with our five-year corporate strategy “Essentials 2020”.

ASU’s Council Vice President, Abu Khadija in turn, said: “This strategic partnership with Orange Jordan is considered a true model of joint institutional work, which will enhance the cooperation in providing high-speed electronic services for university students and academics to enable them to research easily.

In line with its interest in delivering an unmatched customer experience, Orange Jordan is committed to take care of its growing customer base in the business and institutional sector, which includes government and private institutions and universities, as well as large, medium and small enterprises, by simplifying its wide array of telecom solutions and services tailored to meet their needs, which range from telecom services, to connectivity, to cloud computing and enterprise resource planning, as well as security and protection services

Orange Jordan honors top Tawjihi students



In recognition of the efforts of all Tawjihi students throughout the academic year and the achievements of top students in receiving the highest scores, Orange Jordan recently honored this year’s top Tawjihi students from all governorates and in all areas of study.

Orange Jordan presented the top Tawjihi student in each of the nine areas of study with a pre-charged Orange 15 line for five years, a prize worth JD 1,180, and a Samsung Galaxy J5 Pro from Samsung Electronics – Middle East. The awards were given to the students during the Yesed Sabahak morning show on Jordan TV.

Orange Jordan also honored the top 13 students from all governorates by giving each of them a prize valued at JD 4,180, including JD 3,000 cash and a pre-charged Orange 15 line for five years, during the Helwa Ya Donya morning show on Roya TV.

Orange Jordan Deputy CEO/CFO Raslan Deiranieh congratulated the top students on their tireless efforts that led to them achieving these outstanding results, saying: “We are happy to reward the Tawjihi students of the current academic year, encouraging them to continue being at the top of their undergraduate studies.”

Deiranieh stressed Orange Jordan’s desire to continue supporting future generations of gifted Jordanian youth, as they will lead the transition towards further growth and future development, as education is the foundation of development in any society.

Orange Jordan Marketing Director of the Consumer Unit Naela Al Daoud said that by honoring these students, a main objective of the company’s corporate social responsibility strategy, which is inspired by its five-year corporate strategy Essentials 2020, was met. Orange Jordan is committed to upholding various segments of the community, focusing primarily on education and youth, which will lead to creating more skilled and productive Jordanians, and effecting positive differences throughout society.

Orange Jordan continuously aims to develop and implement programs and initiatives that directly benefit various sectors of the community, where education stands at the forefront

Echo Technology names Eng. Yousef Alem as Managing Director


Echo Technology-Jordan has enhanced its ambitious plans, especially in the Middle East by appointing Eng. Yousef Zafer Alem as its Managing Director

The company expressed its trust in Eng. Alem and his professional qualification that is rich of related practical expertise in management and achieving success stories

Echo Technology is looking forward to Eng. Alem’s to lead the executive management to set strategic and practical plans for business development, enhance productivity, increase operational efficiency, positive power for the employees and enhance the market share of Echo Technology as a leading company in Jordan and the Middle East.

English Talents School revamps its brand using ESKADENIA® CMS



The English Talents School, which aims to develop students to have a mature understanding and respect for various world cultures while maintaining their heritage and identity, recently announced the launch of a new school website ets.edu.jo powered by ESKADENIA Content Management System (ESKADENIA® CMS).

The purpose behind launching the new website is to develop intellectual curiosity, independent thinking and communication, problem solving skills, and a desire for life-long learning enabling students to engage actively in global and local societies. In addition, the website introduces visitors to the school’s mission, offerings and overall spirit, and offers an opportunity to publish students’ work. The new website allows the school to share valuable information such as a calendar of upcoming events, latest news, and success stories of both the children and the school, etc.

The English Talents School has developed continuously and has in the past few years successfully implemented both the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IBMYP) and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP).

ESKADENIA® CMS provides such simplicity and flexibility that allows the School’s webmasters to have full control over the organization’s web presence. It also enables them to manage the content online from anywhere, and to benefit from a wide range of rich features without the need for technical assistance or knowledge of programming languages.

اس تي اس تحصد جائزة افضل شريك أعمال في الأردن لعام 2017 لشركة مايكروسوفت العالمية للعام الثاني على التوالي


حصدت شركة “اس تي اس” STS، الشركة الرائدة في تقديم حلول نظم المعلومات و تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات المتكاملة الأردن والمنطقة، على جائزة شركة “مايكروسوفت” Microsoft العالمية لأفضل شريك اعمال في الأردن لعام 2017 للسنة الثانية على التوالي عقب فوزها بجائزة أفضل شريك أعمال لسنة 2016، وذلك ضمن مجموعة شركاء مايكروسوفت على مستوى العالم الذين اثبتوا أعلى درجات التميز والابتكار في تطبيق حلول مايكروسوفت لدى عملائهم في مختلف دول العالم، فضلاً عن تقديم الدعم الفني اللازم للعملاء من مختلف القطاعات.

ومن جانبه علق نائب الرئيس للشركات في شركة “مايكروسوفت” Microsoft رود هدلستون على فوز شركة “اس تي اس” STS بالجائزة لعام 2017 للسنة الثانية على التوالي خلال مؤتمر شركاء “مايكروسوفت” Microsoft العالمي الذي عقد في التاسع من شهر تموز في مدينة واشنطن عاصمة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، قائلاً: ” نحن فخورون جداً بنجاح شركة “اس تي اس” STS بالفوز بهذه الجائزة الرفيعة لعامين متتاليين كونها تعد مثالاً للتميز والخبرة في قطاع تكنولوجيا المعلومات المتقدمة، لا سيما كون فريق الشركة تمكن من تطبيق أحدث الابتكارات والحلول التقنية المقدمة من  شركة “مايكروسوفت” Microsoft وطرحها في السوق الأردني باحترافية شديدة، اضافةً لما تقوم به من تمثيل مميز لشركتنا في الأردن والمنطقة.

هذا وقد وتم الاعلان عن جوائز مسابقة شركة “مايكروسوفت” Microsoft العالمية لشركاء الأعمال للعديد من الفئات خلال المؤتمر ، حيث أن اختيار الفائزين بني على تقييم مجموعة من أكثر من 2500 شريك أعمال من 115 بلدا حول العالم، كما أكد هدستون خلال المؤتمر أن منح الجائزة للسنة الثانية على التوالي لشركة “اس تي اس”STS هو انجاز غير مسبوق جاء بعد تقييم شامل لنتائج الشركة الممتازة التي حققتها في الأردن عبر نجاحها بتقديم مجموعة من الحلول المبتكرة من “مايكروسوفت” Microsoft لقاعدة زبائنها في المملكة وتمكنت خلالها من تحقيق أعلى درجات الرضى لزبائنها الحاليين وفوزها بثقتهم “.

وبهذه المناسبة، قال مديرقسم منتجات وحلول مايكروسوفت في شركة “اس تي اس” STS هيثم عليان: “تفتخر شركتنا بأن شركة “مايكروسوفت” Microsoft ترى فينا الشريك المثالي لهم في الأردن، حيث أننا نجحنا على مدى 28 عاماً في أن نكون خياراً موثوقاً للشركاء والعملاء على حد سواء حيث يشكل فوزنا بهذه الجائزة للسنة الثانية على التوالي مؤشرًا حقيقيًا على قوة فريق عمل شركتنا وحرصه الدائم على تقديم أعلى درجات القيمة المضافة لعملائنا لاثراء أعمالهم من مختلف المجالات”.

وأضاف: “يؤكد حصولنا على هذه الجائزة على مكانتنا كشركة إقليمية رائدة، الأمر الذي تمكنا من تحقيقه من خلال تبني أعلى معايير الاحترافية والجودة في تصميم وتنفيذ الحلول المتقدمة والموثوقة، اضافةً الى التزامنا الدائم بتلبية احتياجات عملائنا المختلفة على أكمل وجه”.

و من الجدير بالذكر أن شركة “اس تي اس” STS حصدت العديد من الجوائز المقدمة من شركة “مايكروسوفت” Microsoft رفيعة المستوى  خلال سنوات عملها العديدة يذكر منها: جائزة أفضل شريك أعمال لعام 2008 و جائزة افضل شريك أعمال للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة لعام 2011 اضافة كونها اختيرت كأفضل شريك أعمال لشركة “مايكروسوفت” Microsoft لعام 2016.

STS recognized as 2017 Microsoft Country Partner of the Year for 2017 for Jordan for the 2nd year in a row


STS today announced it has won the 2017 Microsoft Country Partner of the Year 2017 Award. The company was honored among a global field of top Microsoft partners for demonstrating excellence in innovation and implementation of customer solutions based on Microsoft technology.

Upon receiving the award, STS’ Product Director- Microsoft Licensing and Training Haytham Elayyan proudly claimed: “Being named Microsoft’s top partner in Jordan is a proud distinction that reaffirms our standing as the trusted choice for partners and customers alike for the past 28 years. Having won the award last year, it fills us with great satisfaction to win it again, as it indicates the strength of our STS team, and our determination to deliver the most value to our customers.”

Alian continued by saying: “At STS, we are committed to adopting the highest professional and quality standards, and continuously strive to effectively cater to our clients’ evolving needs. Receiving this prestigious accolade is further testament to our advanced market position as a pioneering regional company.”

Awards were presented in several categories, with winners chosen from a set of more than 2,800 entrants from 115 countries worldwide. STS was recognized for providing outstanding solutions and services in Jordan

The Microsoft Country Partner of the Year Awards honor partners at the country level that have demonstrated business excellence in delivering Microsoft solutions to multiple customers over the past year. This award recognizes STS as succeeding in effective engagement with its local Microsoft office while showcasing innovation and business impact, driving customer satisfaction, and winning new customers.

“We are honored to recognize STS of Jordan as a Microsoft Country Partner of the Year,” said Ron Huddleston corporate vice president, One Commercial Partner, Microsoft Corp. STS is a prime example of the expertise and innovation we see in our Microsoft partner community to deliver transformative solutions.”

The Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards recognize Microsoft partners that have developed and delivered exceptional Microsoft-based solutions during the past year.

It has to be noted that STS has already won numerous awards from Microsoft; most notably being named the Microsoft Windows Vista OEM Champion Award 2008, the Microsoft Small Business Specialist 2011, and the Microsoft Country Partner of the Year 2016 for Jordan.

Globitel, A Certified Vendor for Mobile Connect Online Service 




Globitel, a leading telecom and contact center solutions provider is taking another major step in its operations announcing that the company is now a GSMA certified vendor for Mobile Connect, a secure universal log-in solution.

As a new digital service and online identity, Mobile Connect simply matches the users to their mobile phone through its inherent security, allowing them to log-in to websites and applications quickly without the need to remember passwords and usernames.

Globitel CEO Sharif al-Nabulsi said the new achievement marks the success of hard work and efforts driven by the company’s efficiency, reliability and long experience in the telecom field, culminating in the launch of the new digital service.

Building on its successes, al-Nabulsi indicated that with the introduction of Mobile Connect to the markets as a solution ensuring users’ privacy and protection, Globitel is now the only company recognized as its vendor in the Middle East, standing among 15 others worldwide.

Developed by the GSMA and its operator partners, Mobile Connect can provide authentication through its logo at a number of security levels on any device (PC, mobile or tablet). The new digital service is safe, secure and no personal information is shared without permission.

Vendors are important partners in the Mobile Connect ecosystem and are highly supportive and active in the Identity program.  To reflect their value, the GSMA Mobile Connect Vendor Forum has recently been created to act as focal point and to foster faster and greater collaboration between mobile network operators.

إطلاق الموقع الالكتروني الجديد للبنك المركزي الأردني


أطلق البنك المركزي الأردني موقعه الإلكتروني على الرابط www.cbj.gov.jo ، بحلته الجديدة وقد تم تصميم الموقع وتطويره بالتعاون مع شركة ايكو تكنولوجي – الأردن وجاء التصميم وفقا للمعايير التكنولوجية الحديثة، حيث يضع كافة المعلومات والخدمات بكل سهولة بين يدي متصفحي الموقع بما فيها متابعة أخبار البنك المركزي والاطلاع على أحدث الأنشطة والمستجدات.

كما تم إثراؤه بالمعلومات الاقتصادية والبيانات الإحصائية المتخصصة للفترات الحالية والسابقة والتي تتيح لمتصفحي الموقع قاعدة معلومات شاملة باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية بأقل وقت وجهد والبحث عنها بشكل سهل وسريع.

ويعكس تصميم الموقع الإلكتروني الجديد الدور الرئيسي للبنك المركزي المتمثل في الحفاظ على الاستقرار النقدي والمالي وتسليط الضوء على آخر المستجدات التي طرأت على المهام والجهود التي يعمل بها البنك المركزي وبالأخص جهوده المتعلقة بالبنية التحتية للنظام المالي وتعزيز الاشتمال المالي وحماية المستهلك المالي، وكذلك الرقابة والاشراف على قطاع التمويل الاصغر. اضافة الى ذلك، تضمن الموقع الإلكتروني الجديد مجموعة التشريعات والقوانين التي تحكم عمل البنك المركزي والبنوك المرخصة وكذلك عمل المؤسسات المالية غير البنكية التي تخضع لرقابة المركزي